System: Inherited

Chapter 66 - Tobias, Going Wild!!

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The floor rumbled before it moved to the next floor. "We are now on the seventh floor. And if we face a bunch of those Grenzo from below, It is going to be hard to deal with them", he thought as he reached the floor. The timer was ticking, and his heartbeat was rising.

After the buzz, he then quickly used the [Inspect] to see what they were going to face. 

[Advanced Tier Beasts - Grey Orcs]

[They are a sub-species of the Orcs who have grey skin. They are slightly inferior to the Orcs, but they have magic which compensates for their lack of power]

[Advanced Tier Beasts - Goblin Shaman]

[They are a type of Goblins, who can use Magic very proficiently. They can also summon spells from Ancient times, and control all five elements perfectly. Weak against physical attacks]

Everyone got ready as they were one less person. Michelle was out cold, and it seemed like she wasn't recovering anytime soon. Thus, Lucas made a change of plan. "Change of plans. We save our stamina. Emilia, cover me. You two, use long-range spells and attacks and keep them at bay. We will keep Michelle safe until she wakes up", he commanded.

Everyone heeded his command. They didn't ask him any question, and Tobias knew he could never formulate a plan. Thus, he trusted Lucas wholeheartedly in planning. They formed a triangle, with Michelle in the middle. And right above her, was a tower which was erected to give Emilia range. 

"Emilia, when I tell you to duck, you shorten the tower. When I tell you to jump, Try to levitate and let the tower fall. You clear?", he asked. "It's time to do this", he thought as he began to channel his Aura. He pulled out his Dual Blades and activated [Chains Of Hades].

"Let's do the combination", he thought. The information which was transferred to his brain by Hades's soul fragment, it was time to use it. He began with the first form. "Chains Of Hades: First Form. Spiraling Thrust", he muttered as he did the move. Once again, the swords twirled around and formed a Frost Flame spear. It thrust through every enemy, and it was piercing through heavily. 

"Chains Of Hades: Second Form. Splitting Arc", he thought as he reached the limit of the thrust. He then split both of the blades both ways, and it formed a circle as a whole. Half of it was in Ice, while the other half was burning fire. "If anyone sees this, They would think that this was some kind of show rather than an attack", giggled Emilia as she saw the beautiful circle from above.

Lucas was mowing his enemies down. Although he was overwhelmed by the numbers and the sheer strength of them, but he knew that they were Advanced Tiers. And his weapon was the same. They were evenly matched. Thus he had confidence in his strength and his intellect to beat them. That was how he has always won. 

"Chains Of Hades: Third Form. Soaring Slash", he recalled the third move. Even though he was doing this for the first time, due to the influx into his brain, and his rigorous training for the past eighteen years, he had developed his body quite well. Thus, he could adapt to any style quite easily. 

He then threw his swords from his hands in an upward fashion, and the enemies that were on a straight line were thrown into the air. They weren't just thrown, there were multiple cuts on them as they were cut into pieces. He then moved to the next one. "Chains Of Hades: Fourth Form. Slithering Snake", he thought as he began to perform the next move.

Robert and Tobias were both taking a break, and the enemies began to swarm around Lucas. Every monster that was present had deemed Lucas as a threat that needed to be eliminated immediately. They wanted to fight, but they were out of stamina. "Lucas, we need a stamina potion", they said. But Lucas gave no heed.

Lucas was in the zone. He didn't care about his enemies, neither the tower. All he cared about was improving himself with the techniques. and that he was, and it was at a very fast pace. So fast that everyone thought that he was not a human, but some kind of a monster that lived in human skin. But Robert, he knew the effort Lucas had put behind his Copy Style. Thus, he understood that this technique was also most probably taken from someone. 

"Chains Of Hades: Fifth Form. Tornado Sweep", he thought. He was now seeing the moves in his mind, and he was performing it flawlessly. He threw the blades in both directions, opposite to each other. He then began to spin as the blades began to cut down the enemies, and anyone that was in the area of the attack was killed instantly. Fire and Ice were being produced by the attack, and almost half of them had lost to the attack as he didn't stop in one place, but kept moving forward instead.

After that, he was about to move to the next one, but he felt fatigued all over him. "Keeping it as a chain and expecting me to perform everything in a sequence, that's very tiring", he thought as he looked around. There were still half of the enemies standing. 

"Let's switch things up", he thought and he was about to do something when he felt a large hand on his shoulder. "I may not know how to counter or plan, but I do know how to fight. And let me show you something I picked up from School", he said as he pushed Lucas to the ground, forcing him to take a seat.

Lightning sparks began to spark around him, and his hair began to move even though there was no air. His eyes, which should be normal were now emitting slight sparks of lightning. "Lightning Combat Style: Fourth Form. Supercell Thunderstorm", he said and raised his hands into the air. 

The air began to change, and huge clouds of grey began to accumulate above the group. Tobias was slightly off the ground, and he was gathering more lightning around him. "Hit me with a supercharge", he said to Emilia. Emilia was skeptical, and she didn't do it. "Or else this attack is going to fail. I don't have much in my reserve and don't worry. I won't die", he said.

Emilia then sent a beam of pure lightning towards him. But it wasn't enough. "I might need three more of those", he said as he was still directing the clouds above. There was loud thunder and the whole group of enemies looked up and saw a thunderstorm brewing before them. Emilia knew she had very little time, and thus she did an Intensive Lightning Blast.

"That hit the sweet spot. Thanks", he said as his hands were covered with lightning. "But why is it white? Like, wasn't what he was using all this while a slight hue of yellow?', thought Lucas. "You are observant, kid. I'll give you that. The reason it's white is that he is using the purest form of lightning, and thus there is very less likely to be a blunder", said Valentine. 

Tobias began to direct the thunderstorm, and it stayed right above the group. He then channeled all his lightning into the clouds, and the thunderstorm began. There was heavy rain at first, and then lightning struck down. And with it, a group of them died. The lightning within Tobias was still there, but this one move took out around thirty percent. 

He did it one more time, and it once again took out a large group. Now that they began to scatter around, Tobias stood underneath the storm, and he redirected every lightning strike to hit each monster and killed it instantly. All the monsters were dead, and it signaled the end of the round.

"What should I say as a catchphrase? Oh, this would sound cool", he thought. "I am Tobias Brown, God of Thunder. NO one shall escape my wrath", he said in a cool and menacing voice. Everyone began to laugh out loud, and he was slightly embarrassed. "Come on guys. It was a cool catchphrase", he said. He was almost about to plead.

"Well, if there was a God for Thunder, you did look like one. So yeah, I approve", said Lucas as he was holding one side of his stomach. "I'm super serious about this", he stopped laughing and said it. 

"Now, what will the boss be? And who will fight it? Only Emilia and Robert are capable of fighting", he thought when he heard a female voice. "I'll go. plus you guys should watch her just in case. So far everything has been good. But who knows what might happen? We are still in the unknown", she reminded everyone.

"Yes, we are. We must be vigilant", he thought.. Then, he waited in anticipation, looking forward to the next challenge the tower was going to throw at them. 

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