System: Inherited

Chapter 7 - System: Awakening

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[Checking DNA]

[DNA has been verified]

[Host has been identified as a direct descendant]

[Initiating Awakening]

[Awakening process... 0%....25%....50%....75%....]

[Awakening complete]

Just when this notification came, a dark blue light surrounded Lucas. The sky began to darken and the aura shot towards the sky, making everyone marvel at the sight. Lucas began to float in the air, and the aura began to grow stronger.

Ben and Martha looked at him and their eyes widened. Ben began to smile. "Now, no one will ever dare to call my son a useless fellow", he smiled. Martha looked at him. Kate and Sam came rushing towards them and fired the question in their mind. "Dad, did you pass 'that' down to him?", they asked while panting. Ben smiled, without answering their question.

"Hahaha", they laughed out loud heartily. "Seems like we don't need to protect him anymore. He will kick anyone's arse when he is mocked now", said Sam. Kate smiled and nodded her head. "Well, but we still need to guide him on the right path. All that power makes people take wrong choices. But I believe he will do the right thing", she said solemnly.

[Host's body is in critical condition. Initiate Regeneration]


[Regeneration Complete]

[Scanning surroundings for threats]


[One threat found. Legendary Tier Beast]

[Host's level is too low. Boosting Host to required level]


After the glowing had stopped, Lucas began to descend to the arena. The muscles on his body began to bulge after healing itself. His nerves began to show, and blood began to flow down his arms and body. His previous white tee turned dark red. The place he was standing was covered in blood. The bulging continued for a few moments and it stopped.

[Boost is complete. The Host's body is incompatible with the boost. Activating Continuous Healing]

The mantis saw the whole ordeal and it was stunned. It couldn't understand how the human he was sure dead, was alive right now. And there were no wounds on his body! There was blood flowing but it kept healing rapidly. "I have to finish this human", it thought and camouflaged.

The dark blue aura that was covering Lucas disappeared. He stomped his right foot and ice came from underneath his feet, rushing towards the mantis. The mantis jumped back, avoiding it narrowly. Lucas then stretched his right arm in front of him, and from within the ice, came lashes made of water. It constricted the movement of the mantis.

He then closed his fist, freezing the mantis from below the neck. The mantis tried to escape frantically. Lucas slowly walked up to the mantis and placed his left hand on the top of its head. The mantis began to burn in flames. Dark red flames erupted from his head and there was a faint deep purple in them. The mantis was burned to ashes.

Ben and Martha's eyes went wide when they saw the magic he used. "That's the Ancestor's Azure Flame and Flowing-Ice", they both exclaimed. "Now I understand why he was never able to use mana. The amount of mana needed to use even one of those is insane", said Martha. Ben looked concerned and he moved to the control room. He placed his hand on the keyboard and typed in some commands.

"Are you sure?", asked the system. He pressed 'yes' and he moved to the room from where they were watching. Other than Lucas's parents and siblings, only his grandfather and Master were in the room. Suddenly, the whole stadium got engulfed in bright white light. He looked at Martha and whispered, "It's the best thing for him. This has to remain within here. Not one word to the outside", he said to his family members. Everyone nodded their heads.

After the light faded, Lucas had fainted on the arena. The voice sounded from above, indicating that the final round was over. "The final round has been cleared. Time taken: 00:25:54. Stage two of the test will commence tomorrow", said the robotic voice. Ben quickly called the medical personnel to attend to Lucas, worried what might have happened to him.

[Threat has been cleared. Initiating Regeneration]

[Regenerating Damaged Tissues....]

[Regeneration Complete]

[Regenerating Torn Muscle Fibers....]

[Regeneration Complete]

[Regenerating Internal Organs....]

[Regeneration Complete]

While they were moving Lucas away from the arena, his wounds had begun to heal themselves. The rate at which they were regenerating was astonishing. All of his family stayed behind to make sure that he will be fine when he woke up.

The whole night passed and Lucas woke up the next morning. His head felt groggy and he sat up on his bed. He quickly placed his hand on his stomach, checking for the wound which he received yesterday during the fight. All he saw was his clear smooth skin. There was no indication of the wound. He was confused.

Just then, he heard a small snore come from his right side. He turned and saw his father sleeping with his head on his hands. He then saw his mother on the right side. "What's with this unruly pain in my head? It feels like my head will explode any time", he thought. Just as he was complaining, a holographic screen appeared before his eyes.


[Name: Lucas Heart]

[HP: 100/100]

[MP: 100/100]

[Level: 1]

[Job: None]

[Title: None]

[EXP: 0/100]

[System Level: 1/10]

[Strength: 20]

[Stamina: 15]

[Agility: 25]

[Perception: 18]

[Magic: 10]

[Stat points to be used: 5]

"What the hell?", he exclaimed a little loudly. He was waving his hand through the screen when he saw both of his parents wake up. "Good morning, Luca. Who are you waving at?", asked his mother in a sweet voice. Lucas turned his head to his mother and looked at her. "You can't see what I'm seeing?", he thought.

Just then, he heard a grunt and saw his father wake up. "Seems like you're quite confused", he said as he eyed Lucas. Lucas looked at him and he knew in an instant that he knew what he was feeling. "I know what you're experiencing. It was the same for me too, when I was an Awakener. This is something that is passed down through the family, and now you have it. My son, when you venture out into the vast lands, make sure no one knows that you're an Awakener. Trust no one", he said in a grim tone.

Lucas didn't understand anything that he was saying. He just sat there wide-eyed, trying to take in all the information that was given to him in the few mere moments. He had a lot of questions. "What is this screen? Is this some kind of power? What is an awakener? Why should I hide the fact that I am an awakener? Is this power evil?", ran his train of thoughts.

"Don't be overwhelmed. One step at a time. Okay, Luca?", came his mother's soothing voice. He felt her hands on his and felt a small squeeze. He smiled and pushed all the thoughts to the back of his head. "What happened to the legendary tier beast?", he asked. Ben tapped on a glass pad and then replayed the feat he displayed yesterday.

Lucas's eyes went wide. "I can use magic?! And I also used Aura? When and how did I develop them?", he asked in a rapid-fire way. Just as they were about to answer, they hear a soft knock on the door of his room. The door opened and in came Leon. "I can answer that, Third Young Prince", he said.

"You already had a very minuscule amount of aura within you. Using this test as a base, I wanted to increase the amount of aura that you used to show when we sparred. Now, you have developed your aura, and you have also awakened your mana. The reason you had awakened it was due to pushing you to the limits time and time again. When we sparred, there was never the sense of death. But during your fight with the beasts, what did you feel?", asked Leon.

"I felt that if I didn't do anything, I am going to die. I might even end up into minced human meat', he said, gulping down his saliva. Leon nodded his head. "These feelings ended up awakening the aura that was dominant within you. As for you using magic, it is related to you but also related to the Awakening process. You might have to look at the conditions to use magic.. Because the magic you use is not normal", he finished.

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