System: Inherited

Chapter 84 - The Beastization (Part Two)

The legs had some Diamond protruding from the sides, and he was walking towards him in slow strides. "This shall be your final test. This, in the form you will be able to take after you become a full Beastman", said the Diamond Tiger Beetle Humanoid.

He threw diamonds towards Ben's face, and he moved quickly. "That was close", he thought but then saw a shiny fist in the front of his face. Ben got punched square in the face, and he was sprawling across the meadow. "Well, this feeling. I thought I had lost this a long time ago", he smiled as he clenched his chest.

"Da-dump. Da-dump", he heard in his ears. The feeling of adrenaline, and the feeling of facing someone powerful. This was something that he had long lost, as most of the foes, he faced were either low tiered or just pawns like the one he killed. He then smiled and crouched on the ground.

"Let's fight to our heart's content", he said as he moved. He whizzed past the Beast, and he quickly turned around and kicked its legs, and he felt extreme pain in his body. "Diamonds are hard", he thought as he smiled. The both of them began to fight, and blasts were heard throughout the place that was surrounding.

The fight was leaving craters in the beautiful place, and it was now slowly turning into barren land. Ben and the Beast didn't seem to care. Ben's eyes were glowing orange, and the eyes of the Beast were sparkling. It was emitting all kinds of lights, and Ben was once again sent sprawling to the ground.

He coughed up blood, but he wasn't injured that much. He wiped it off the sleeve of his shirt, and he summoned his sword. The Beast then moved again, and it extended both of its hands into blades. And it slashed straight at his neck. Ben parried the strike. "I will not use any moves, let me just enjoy this feeling a little longer", he said.

The beast smiled. "You're crazy, you know that old man?", he said. Ben smiled. "Well, you're not so young yourself, might I remind you", he joked back. Then, the two began to exchange moves once again. In a few minutes, there was fore all around, and there was nothing in sight. 

Both of them were panting hard, and there were multiple sword hilts stuck into the ground. "In the end, I win", said the Beast. "No you don't", said Ben as he grinned wide. He disappeared from the place and appeared right behind the beast, and had a new sword right at his neck.

"You know I can still block it, right?", he replied with a tinge of sarcasm. "But that isn't the point, I have made you surrender", said Ben as he pointed around. The beast looked around, and he saw multiple clones of Ben, all pointing a sword at each vital point of his. "Well, you do have a point now", said the Beast as it surrendered.

(In the Lab, The Watch Guardian's Tower)

Leon was watching as the hue around both of them was changing. Ben's went from Red to dark green, and now it was Green. His body slowly began to morph into the beast which he had seen in the Eye of The Mind, and he was strapped down for emergency. 

"A steady rise in the heartbeat. No fluctuations. The integration of the DNA has begun. Begin injecting Regeneration Serum", said Leon. He was now wearing a pair of glasses, and he was giving commands to Bradley. He seemed to be listening to them without any complaints. The blue fluids were now changed to dark green.

Ben's body began to crumble. His bones were now breaking down, and his muscles were realigning themselves. The pain shot through the roof, and Ben grit his teeth. He couldn't bear it after five minutes, and he began to scream at the top of his voice. "AAAAHHHH!", he screamed. 

"Inject Anesthesia, Top Grade", instructed Leon. He was the only one that knew the process of this quite well, and the step he did was needed for the body to adapt to the change. Another tube was now carrying a Dark orange liquid, and it soothed the pain that Ben was feeling. 

After a few minutes, Ben's body had changed into the beast that was inside. His hair was sparkly, and his hands and legs had diamonds protruding out the sides. But the legs were normal humans instead of the stick-like legs of the Beast.

After another hour, Ben's consciousness began to return to his body, and he was about to deactivate the power. "Don't do it. You must keep it up for twenty-four hours as we need to observe if there are any side effects", said Leon and Bradley at the same time.

He smiled and stood there looking at Merlin, as the hue around him was a dark green. "Just what is happening, Merlin?", he muttered as he closed his eyes.

(Merlin's Eye of The Mind)

Merlin's place was different from Ben's. The place was filled with buildings, and there were people's voices that were heard all around him. "This is the place I grew up", he thought as he looked around. He then moved around, and he saw a beast seated above one of the highest towers. "The Peregrine Tungsten Falcon", he muttered.

"Welcome, Human. I shall give you two choices today. One, you can let me take over and these people shall live. Two, You shall win me over in combat, and I shall become merged with you", said the Beast. 

Merlin was furious when he heard the outrageous request from the beast. He then looked around and he saw that these people, that he was seeing were all mere illusions, "Let's fight", he said. The beast jumped down from the tower, and the scenery around them changed.

They were now inside an arena, and there were people in the stands cheering for the falcon. "Let's begin from the Basic Tier", it smiled and it transformed into a small falcon. Merlin chuckled. As soon as the gong went, he moved just like Ben, and he finished it in an instant. "Very impressive, but now, let me switch it up", said the beast and it moved up tiers, just like what happened for Ben.

Merlin defeated all of them, and even the Demi-God tiered one. Next was the final stage, the Demon Tier. The beast grew in size, and it was standing at a size of fifteen meters. Merlin smiled, ad he then imagined the sword, Excalibur. 

it appeared in his hands, and he moved just like Ben. "I know all of your moves, what do you think you can do to me? I have been with you for more than fifteen years, and you think I do not know how you attack?", it said as it smiled. Merlin smiled instead, and he disappeared.

He then reappeared behind the nape of the falcon, and he sat on top of it. "And you seem to forget that I have also been with you for the same amount of time", he said as he slashed his sword across his neck. 

He then jumped down from the falcon, and he stood rooted to the spot. "Now, you shall see my true form. Me, and the Diamond Tiger Beetle, were both Beastmen. We are not normal Demon Tier's", he said as he chuckled. 

Merlin's body trembles from the sheer amount of Mana that the beast was emitting during the transformation. It turned into a lady, and it was a gorgeous one at that. "Don't tell me that I will become a lady when I transform", said Merlin in disappointment.

"You pervy old man!", she said as she moved from her place. Her spine had wings that were attached to the backside of the forearms, and her hair was a luscious color of tungsten. she snapped, and her body was covered with a simple tee and a skirt.

She then kicked to his head, and Merlin dodged it. "You will not be able to change the gender when you transform, old man!", she said in anger. Her face was flushed red, and she was venting out her anger by doing the only thing she knew best, fighting.

She jumped back and she plucked out a pair of feathers, and it instantly changed into a pair of tungsten daggers. "What?!", exclaimed Merlin as he saw her fly towards his neck at high speed. He rolled on the ground and narrowly avoided it. The woman stood on the ground, and she held her head high. 

"Now, who is the weak one?", she smirked. "It's you", said Merlin. He then placed his hand on the ground, and he cast a binding spell. "Darkness Root", he said as some roots began to wrap around her legs. She cut them down with the dagger, but the more she struck it, the less effective it turned out to be.

"This is my place. You can't out rule me", said Merlin. She chuckled. "I have as much authority as you do. I don't go soft on my opponents", she said and disappeared.. In a few moments, the sky was filled with multiple Tungsten Falcons, all hovering over his head.

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