Xu Wenjie wanted to rush over, but was immediately stopped by two people. He moved swiftly and knocked down the person who blocked him with a few punches.

Soon, he came to Bai Yaqing and pulled the scumbag away.

Fortunately, he came in time, Bai Yaqing was not hurt, but was frightened.

He grabbed the scumbag by the collar, and was about to teach him a lesson, when everyone else rushed over and surrounded the couple.

Xu Wenjie guarded his girlfriend behind him and started fighting with these people.

Fortunately, three punches are hard to beat four hands, and heroes can't stand the crowd. In an instant, he was beaten all over.

He motioned with his eyes to let Bai Yaqing escape first, and then asked someone to help.

At the beginning, Bai Yaqing refused to say anything. But later I saw that if they didn't do this, both of them would be more ill-fortuned.

She gritted her teeth and fled the alley under Xu Wenjie's desperate cover.

When Bai Yaqing called the bodyguard and returned to the alley, the bad guys had disappeared. Only Xu Wenjie fell to the ground motionless, covered in blood. I don't know whether it is alive or dead, but he looks very miserable.

Xu Wenjie lay in the hospital for three days and three nights before waking up. In addition to trauma, multiple fractures throughout the body and moderate concussion.

The most serious injury was the leg.

In order to insult Xu Wenjie, the scumbag must force him to kneel. Speaking of which, Xu Wenjie is really a tough guy, and he refuses to die. As a result, they were beaten with wooden clubs and kicked by those people, causing Xu Wenjie to fracture his leg seriously.

Although I found the best doctor in the city, the bone was connected, but the nervous system was already damaged. It is impossible for Xu Wenjie to walk normally.

Later, the scumbag and his buddies were caught and brought to justice. But Xu Wenjie's leg has no hope of healing.

From a chic, suave, and enviable young talent, to a disabled person who can only live in a wheelchair. This was a huge blow to Xu Wenjie.

He became depressed and his character became taciturn.

At this time, Bai Yaqing announced a decision that she would marry Xu Wenjie.

In this regard, Xu Wenjie's attitude is to resolutely refuse. Unlike the past gentle and elegant, he began to lose his temper with Bai Yaqing and refused to let her come to the hospital to see him. Made up his mind to drive away Bai Yaqing.

He has become a useless person and can no longer bring her happiness. He didn't want her to make an impulsive decision because she was moved and compassionate. Even less hope, she will regret it in the future. However, he underestimated the stubbornness and persistence of women.

Bai Yaqing can understand his mood, knowing that he doesn't want to drag herself down. She was not scared away by his bad attitude, instead she showed a hundred times more patience and tried her best to stay by Xu Wenjie's side and accompany him day and night.

After being discharged from the hospital, she even moved into Xu's house to take care of him. She used practical actions to express her determination.

After all, it was his love. Three months later, Xu Wenjie's attitude softened and hugged her with tears.

Bai Yaqing was very excited, sobbed, threw herself into the man's arms and cried.

She knew that he loved her in his heart. With her hard work, he opened his mind and was willing to accept her again.

Although miserable, Xu Wenjie's mental state gradually recovered due to the nourishment of love and the persistence of women.

The wedding date was set in May of that year, and Xu Wenjie sat happily in the church, waiting for his little bride.

However, Bai Yaqing did not appear.

She disappeared like the world, her home and company could not be found everywhere, and her mobile phone was down.

The boss of the company said that she went through the resignation formalities; the neighbors said that their family had moved out last night.

From this, she was not in danger or kidnapped, but—

She escaped from marriage.

Not even a word of explanation was given, no words were left.

This incident was a bolt from the blue for Xu Wenjie.

Thus, he became what he is now. Locked himself in the room, saw no one, and often threw things and angered the people around him. Eventually, he suffered from depression and paranoia.

The Xu family blocked the news, saying only that the young master went abroad to do business. Xu Wenjie originally took care of business matters. After his accident, the heavy responsibility fell on Xu Wenxuan.

Gradually, people almost forgot the existence of this son of Xu's father, and only knew of Xu Wenxuan.

After telling the story, Steward Chen made a summary:

"Actually, if Bai Yaqing broke up immediately after the young master was injured, we might think she was ruthless, but we could understand her somewhat.

Although the young master lost his legs to save her. However, everything is my willingness. No one has the right. Because of this, they kidnapped her morally and made her marry the young master.

But she didn't leave at the time, she still showed a kind and righteous appearance, and proposed to marry the eldest master.

When people are at a low point, they often long for the warmth and care of those around them. Therefore, the young master desperately grasped this precious feeling and completely believed her.

After that incident, no one in the Xu family didn't hate Bai Yaqing. She left, we don't blame her, we just hate her for not leaving earlier.

Bai Yaqing's behavior, which gave people hope, escaped from marriage on the day of her wedding, and pushed the eldest master to the bottom of the valley, is simply outrageous!

I still cannot understand her approach. The young master is so kind to her, how can she bear? Or does she think it's funny to play tricks like this?

You must not have imagined that when the eldest master heard the news of the bride's departure, he was sitting in a wheelchair alone with an expression of despair and despair.

I have been a maid in Xu's house for 14 years and a housekeeper for 8 years, seeing the two young masters grow up.

I have never seen the young master, who has always been strong and forbearing, showed such a sad expression. "

Steward Chen had sharp eyes and said indignantly.

"So, after seeing me who looks similar to Bai Yaqing, you didn't see me pleasing to your eyes?"

After quietly listening to the housekeeper's words, Jiang Qian asked lightly.

Steward Chen glanced at her, his tone was cold and his voice was not warm:

"Miss Jiang, I hope you can understand.

After all, the Xu family sympathized with the young master's experience. Every time I mention that woman, I hate it. People who look similar to her naturally won't get a good impression. "

Jiang Qian dropped her eyelids and was silent.

She really disagrees with Chen's view.

Xu Wenjie's experience is pitiful, but the whole thing has nothing to do with her outsider.

Although according to them, she and Bai Yaqing look similar, but they have always said that she has never seen Bai Yaqing, and it is impossible to tell whether she looks like it.

No matter how similar she and Bai Yaqing are, they are basically two people. People with normal sense should be able to distinguish them clearly, right?

For no reason, I was tortured by the boss in the company, tossed by the housekeeper Chen Jie in Xu's house, and occasionally scared by Xu Wenjie.

Isn't she worthy of this?

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