Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 218: Measure yourself

Under Mu Yichen's threatening sight, she had to lie down reluctantly.

The man covered her with the quilt, turned around and walked to the high-quality solid wooden table, took out something from the drawer, and then went to the bathroom.

When returning, put that thing into her arms:

"Hold well."

Zhao Donghan looked down and saw that it was a small hot water bottle, and he couldn't help whispering in surprise:

"Unexpectedly, you still understand this."

Mu Yichen pursed his thin lips, did not speak, and boiled a pot of boiling water.

Take out a packet of brown sugar from the refrigerator and make her a cup of brown sugar water.

Bring it to her and hand it to her:


Zhao Donghan was even more surprised, the alarm bell rang in his heart, and a sentence came out of his mind:

Nothing is courteous, whoever commits crime is stealing

He used both kindness and power in this way, and he did this only to capture her heart and then throw her away severely.

She knew in her heart that she would not be fooled.

However, Zhao Donghan understood that brown sugar water was good for her and relieved her abdominal pain, so she didn't need to feel sorry for herself.

She accepted his kindness.

But she couldn't be tempted.

So she took the cup, put it to her lips, and drank slowly.

After drinking, she smiled at him and said politely:

"Thank you."

"You are Welcome.

It is natural for a husband to take care of his wife. "

The man reached out his thumb, wiped away the juice left on the corner of her lips, and took the cup from her hand.

She was startled and did not speak.

In this world, everything that has an effect must have a cause. Where should I say it?

She held a hot water bottle and drank the brown sugar water again, feeling that the whole person was warmed from the inside out. Not only did the complexion on his face improve, but the stomach was no longer as uncomfortable as before.

"I'm fine, give me the computer!"

She struggled to sit up and said to Mu Yichen.

The man did not answer, and put the cup on the table. Then, he walked to the table and sank and sat down.

Turning on the computer lazily, slender and clean fingers rest on the mouse at will.

"You shouldn't work hard now. I'll do your resume for you."

Did he do it for her?

Zhao Donghan raised his eyebrows slightly, this eldest master, I'm afraid it's not too busy, right?

"Why, don't you believe me?"

He squinted at her, thinking in his heart that if she dared to say yes, he would clean up her in a special way.

"No, I'm just not used to making trouble for others, really."

There was a bit of earnestness in her tone.

As the president, this is certainly not difficult for him. However, it's too big to use, right?

He is noble and she can't afford him.

Zhao Donghan has always been a strong and self-reliant person. He is used to relying on himself for everything and hates owing others the most. Since Ouyang Tian left, this has become more and more like this.

She deeply realized that it is not good to rely too much on one person.

Because once that person leaves, the remaining people will feel lost and at a loss.

Sometimes, she would instinctively refuse the help and kindness from others.

Especially, active help from men.

However, the man in front of her obviously couldn't accept the rejection of others.

"That's it!" Mu Yichen showed a clear expression, and gracefully folded his legs together and put them together at random.

Lazily resting his elbow on the edge of the table, he said casually, "Actually, so do I."

After all, I opened the drawer and took out a pair of scissors. Raising his arm, he intends to cut the bandage.

She thought she could stop him with a deadlock?


Hasn't she figured out one thing yet?

As long as it is what he wants to do, no one can stop it.

"Stop it!"

Zhao Donghan is crazy, this man is still going to end?

"You tell me, why should I stop? Xiaohan."

The movement of Mu Yichen's hand paused, and he raised his eyes to look at her.

His voice is **** and deep, and he shouts the last two words very nicely.

"Because... you can't ruin the fruits of my labor." She stared at him with her arms akimbo and said, "Besides, don't call me Xiaohan."

This nickname is called by someone close to him, he is not worthy.

"What's that called? Wife?" He played with the scissors in his hand, the corners of his lips curled slightly, his tone of voice was extremely evil, "Well, to meet your requirements.

Your hard work, do not want to be ruined by others; how can you refuse other people's kindness?

Besides, I am not yours.

Wife, you have to learn to rely on me, you know? "

"Shut up!" She raised her hand to cover her ears, her face heated up, "Who asked you to scream?

Don’t you want to write a resume for me? Don't hurry up! "

Last time on the main road, in order to catch her, he seemed to have called her once.

Even if she was playing games, she didn't want to hear him call that way, she always felt irony in these two words.

Learn to rely on him? Is he kidding?

After an hour, the game is over. If she gets used to it, can she still have it?

Want her to be crazy about him and pester him hard? He is dreaming!

He wants to get her off, he is a hundred years old!

She can accompany him if he wants to play. But it is impossible to make her take it seriously.

"Yes, wife."

Mu Yichen put down the scissors and found a resume template.

The smile on the corners of the lips spread, and he made a secret decision.

From now on, this kind of game should be played frequently, preferably every day. Then, slowly extend the time.

In the subtle, fall in love with her. After she gets used to it, they can go straight to get the certificate and become a real couple.

Zhao Donghan was too lazy to argue with him, so he didn't hear it at all.

Lying on the bed, resting with closed eyes.

The room is very quiet, only the sound of fingers tapping the keyboard can be heard.

Suddenly, with a long finger, he slowly spoke:

"Like name, age, etc., I just filled in for you."


Zhao Donghan responded softly.

After a while, Mu Yichen asked:

"How long have you been in the Zhao family?

The field of professional experience needs to be filled in, I am not sure about this. "

"A little more than half a year."

She tilted her head for a moment and answered with closed eyes.

"What about the constellations?"


"Wife, what are your measurements?"

The more Mu Yichen called this title, the easier it became.

"Measures, let me think about it, it should be..."

Halfway through, I suddenly realized that there was something wrong with this question.

She opened her eyes suddenly, glanced at him, and asked questioningly:

"On your resume, do you need to fill in this?"

"No, I want to know."

He pulled his lips and said without guilty.


She gritted her teeth and squeezed out four words from between her teeth:

"No comment."

He raised his eyebrows, nodded indifferently, and played hooligan seriously:

"Well, then I will measure it by myself at night."

She snorted coldly, despising his shameless words.

He had ignored her resistance many times and took advantage of her.

Although she didn't want to admit it, he really knew her body very well.

The so-called personal measurement is definitely an excuse to take advantage.

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