Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 249: Pester him every day

"So, I decided to pester him every day from today.

Maybe, you can still marry a rich family!

Kids, thank you for your encouragement.

I have something to go now. "

After Zhao Donghan finished speaking casually, he bypassed He Xinyan and went straight to the garage.

Mu Yichen had said that she could take the car in the villa when she went out, but she always felt bad.

Today, Zhao Donghan felt that he was too cautious in the past when he was run like this by He Xinyan.

He Xinyan said that she couldn't even touch Mrs. Mu's position.

The words of this little girl successfully aroused her fighting spirit.

Until the end, who will know if it can get on the edge?

Although there is not much hope, but to give up lightly at this moment is not her Zhao Donghan's style of doing things.

What I said just now, although most of them were outrageous, they were not entirely false.

For Mu Yichen, she hadn't planned to give up, but now she has strengthened her confidence.

It's not that she didn't want to give up, but struggled for a long time and couldn't let it go.

Zhao Donghan's attitude towards outsiders is completely different from that of his own.

Before, she refused to pick up and drop off Leng Kun.

One is because she does not want to owe Mu Yichen favors; the other is because she is nominally Mu Yichen's mistress, accepting those things will make her feel that she has no self-esteem.

Now, her mentality has changed and she no longer cares so much.

She thinks the reason for this strange change of herself is this:

She has broken the jar.

He had already forced her the identity of the mistress.

No matter how she struggled, she couldn't change this fact.

Anyway, his caring for her was not purely motivated, not out of good intentions.

In that case, she doesn't have to be polite.

To deal with such a bad-intentioned man, she should "return his body by his own way."

Even if she doesn't want it, he has nothing to lose.

It's better to cheat him hard and make him bankrupt.

Zhao Donghan figured it out, and she would not refuse everything he offered to her in the future, and accepted it all.

The convenience he provides can improve efficiency and reduce trouble.

Why would she not do it?

She could take the property he gave to the children in the orphanage to do something good.

Zhao Donghan's consideration of these is only a superficial reason.

She ignored the deeper reasons.

If a person does not want to have a deep friendship with others, he will refuse all gifts from the other party; only when facing close people, such as family, love, or close friends, will he be polite and dismissive.

Refusing to accept it is to draw a clear line; accepting it happily because it does not distinguish between each other.

This is like a scene that often appears in costume TV series.

In ancient times, the ladies of the world held the personal things gifted by the sweetheart in their hands.

Or family saber, or antique jade pendant, in short, it is very precious and rare.

These valuable things, the son is willing to give it away, and the girl accepts them frankly, which shows their weight in each other's hearts.

Therefore, the main reason for Zhao Donghan's changes was not because she was willing to give up, but because her feelings for Mu Yichen had gradually deepened unconsciously.

He Xinyan stomped her feet with anger after hearing what Zhao Donghan said.

This woman feels too good about herself, right?

What does she hope for? This means that Teacher Yang is not as good as her?

Who encouraged her? It was meant to hit her, but I didn't think she was still excited!

Jiang Qian is going to work today. In order to save her time, Zhao Donghan chose the place where Zhao Donghan will meet in a western restaurant opposite Xu's.

Due to He Xinyan's entanglement, time was delayed for a while.

Although he was not late, Jiang Qian was already sitting there when Zhao Donghan arrived at the western restaurant.

When I saw Zhao Donghan, I waved to her quickly:

"Cold winter, come on."

Zhao Donghan sat opposite Jiang Qian and looked at her:

"I look good, I haven't worked much overtime recently?"

"Yeah! Because the boss asks me, he hasn't troubled me much lately."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Qian roughly recounted what Xu Wenxuan asked her to help.

Zhao Donghan pondered for a moment, his eyebrows frowned:

"I always feel that this is not appropriate.

Your boss’s brother, the experience is too complicated.

It seems that you have done a lot of benefit. But on the other hand, there are no free benefits in this world, so you have to take some risks.

Do you want to think about it again? "

Jiang Qian moved her finger and twisted the ballpoint pen between her fingers twice.

He drew circles on the steak and apple pie, then pushed the menu to Zhao Donghan and said confidently:

"Don't worry, I have considered it very comprehensively.

Wealth and wealth are in demand, and risk is certainly a little bit.

However, I have put forward the "three chapters of the covenant" in advance to eliminate all risk factors.

Stop talking about me, talk about you!

What are you going to tell me

What the **** did you find?

You only said half of it last night, which made me keep thinking about it and fell asleep an hour later. "

"Actually, it's nothing." Zhao Donghan bit his pen cap, thought for a moment, and ordered a piece of pasta, "It's just..."

On the phone, Zhao Donghan can speak bluntly; in front of her girlfriends, it is really difficult for her to speak.

Pink lips moved a few times, and he stopped talking.

Immediately, two rows of curled and thick eyelashes were dropped.

A light red was dyed quietly on her beautiful cheeks.

At the time, Ouyang Tian chased her, and the whole school knew it.

Like now, it is the first time to unilaterally confess that I am in love with a man.

Seeing Zhao Donghan, who has always spoken happily, suddenly became hesitant, Jiang Qian's curiosity grew even more.

"Oh, it looks like this is quite serious.

Let me guess...

Could it be that you suddenly discovered that you have yin and yang eyes? "

"How is it possible? It would be great if it was so.

Maybe, you can even tell people. "

Zhao Donghan sighed lightly and twisted his eyebrows.

"It seems that it is not a pleasant thing." Jiang Qian was entrusted with her chin, thinking hard, and suddenly she had an idea, snapped her fingers, "I know. You wouldn't have suddenly discovered your true sexual orientation, love Have you **** a woman?"

Zhao Donghan just took a sip of coffee, and heard Jiang Qian's bold guess, he almost didn't spray it out.

He swallowed quickly, then retorted:

"Have you read too many Lily novels? No!

However, it is worse than that.

Actually, you are half right.

I am in love with someone, and still unrequited love. "

"Huh? Who are you in love with?"

Jiang Qian narrowed her eyes and secretly analyzed:

It is not a good thing to fall in love with someone. This question makes her good girlfriend so annoying, shouldn't it...

"Is it a married man?"

Jiang Qian lowered her voice and asked carefully.

"of course not!

We know it, but it's not a day or two.

Do you think I am such a deviant person? "

Zhao Donghan's beautiful eyes widened, and he quickly denied it.

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