Unfortunately, there were too many people present and it was not convenient to shoot. Otherwise, she really wanted to take out her mobile phone, record the process of Xu Wenxuan's punishment, and show it to Jiang Qian tomorrow to let her girlfriends relieve her anger.

As she was thinking about it, she saw Xu Wenxuan stretch out her hand, randomly drew a card from the stack of cards on the right, and opened it directly on the table.

Shen Shanshou quickly picked it up and read aloud:

"A true confession to the next person who will pass in front of you."

When Shangguanyu heard this, he dropped his shoulders and said discouragedly:

"True confession? It turns out to be a topic of this level! This is too bad, right?"

"Yes, it's not exciting enough, not enough to look at!"

Shen Shan shook his head slightly, then echoed.

Almost everyone else thinks so.

This punishment is indeed a piece of cake for Xu Wenxuan, who is good at teasing girls.

Don't say confession, even if let him ask someone out, it is not a difficult task. Based on his looks and methods, as long as a few sweet words are uttered, the other party will immediately nod in bliss and agree.

Xu Wenxuan lifted Erlang's legs, turned his head and bit on Xiaoyi's soft lips, leaned to her ear, and warned with a smile.

"It's just a game, don't be jealous."

"How come? I understand."

Xiao Yi endured the pain on her lips and lifted her chin with a smile. Although I said it thoughtfully, I slandered in my heart:

Hehe, just a game? It sounds like you didn't treat me as a game object.

Associating with me, in your eyes, I am afraid it is no different from playing this, right?

Xu Wenxuan stood up from his seat, walked away from the deck in a smart manner, standing near the steps next to him, waiting for someone to pass by.

Just when everyone thought that this was an extremely simple subject, no one had expected that there would be high energy ahead.

A burly tall man with a height of about 1.8 meters and wearing a dark green trench coat walked over from the front. By coincidence, he became the next person to pass in front of Xu Wenxuan.

A confident smile condensed on Xu Wenxuan's enchanting face.

Everyone had different expressions, some wiping tears of sympathy for him, some gloating, and some looking blank and looking on.

Mu Yichen certainly belongs to the latter, and Zhao Donghan is also indispensable in the ranks of gloating.

She raised her eyebrows lightly, waiting to see how Xu Wenxuan responded.

Without exception, the rest of them held their breath with excitement and looked forward to the follow-up development.

In any case, Xu Wenxuan's goal of adjusting the atmosphere was finally achieved.

In a flash, the atmosphere reached a climax.

Xu Wenxuan was also really free, and he made up his mind after only a moment.

He grabbed a can of beer on the table and took a sip, then deliberately spilled a little bit on his body. Then, holding the beer directly, he strode to the burly man.

Although Xu Wenxuan is not short, but he is thin. Therefore, standing in front of that person, he was obviously weaker in momentum.

Zhao Donghan put his chin in his thoughts, if Xu Wenxuan really confessed, from the appearance, the two men would be distinct. At least, passers-by will not have differences in opinions.

Xu Wenxuan grabbed the man's big thick hand, and shouted in surprise:

"Aqiang, it's been a long time since I saw you, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

The burly man is a businessman, and today he asked a partner to come here to discuss business. After the business talks, I came here alone, ready to relax with a drink.

Suddenly seeing Xu Wenxuan rushing out from the side and squeezing his hand tightly, he couldn't help being startled, and asked with a dazed expression:

"Who are you?"

"I'm Xiaoxuan, your junior high school classmate!

What, you forgot? We used to go to school together and after school together every day, and we often fought and played football together. "Xu Wenxuan looked at him affectionately, and said in an infinite affectionate tone: "Since then, I have had feelings for you beyond those of friends."

Because I was worried about being rejected by you, even my buddies couldn't do it in the end, so I kept patience without saying anything. After you transferred to another school, I regretted not confessing to you.

After many inquiries, I haven't heard from you.

I told myself at that time, if fate gives me another chance to meet you, I will tell you my heart.

Today, we happened to meet here by chance. You said, is this a fate destined to heaven?

This time, I can't miss the opportunity anymore, and I must speak my heart to you.

Aqiang, I like you, be my boyfriend, let me take care of you forever! "

When Xu Wenxuan said these words, not only the man in front of him, but everyone on the platform was shocked.

Zhao Donghan was dumbfounded and couldn't help sighing:

"Xu Shao... awesome!"

She really did not expect that Xu Wenxuan, who usually has an elegant appearance and a gentleman, would actually play so openly. Anyway, he is also Xu's president. After playing the game, he doesn't even have a high position. The idol's burden says that you can put it down.

When everyone's eyes were focused on Xu Wenxuan, there was a person who walked alone and focused on Zhao Donghan. This person was Mu Yichen.

After staring at the little woman for a long time, Mu Yichen found that the other party had never seen him, and frowned.

Why is this woman sitting so far away from him?

He has been sitting at this end on a set of semi-circular couches. After she came back from dancing, she sat on the other end with several people in between.

Did she deliberately draw a galaxy between the two people?

Moreover, what does she mean by looking at other men with relish?

Men just confess to men, are they so pretty? Better-looking than him?

Just now in the revolving restaurant, when she stared at him, Mu Yichen felt that the flowers of the world were open; and every time she only paid attention to others but ignored him, he felt very wronged and unhappy in his heart.

Can't wait to find a shielding device to shield all other men. Let her eyes only see him all the time.

At this moment, he heard her talking to herself again, and he couldn't help but frowned even more.

She even dared to praise Xu Wenxuan for his greatness, where did she intend to put him? What a shame.


Zhao Donghan received a text message with the name of the sender, which showed "male god".

She turned a pair of bright eyes and glanced in Mu Yichen's direction.

It seems that he has also learned to send text messages face to face.

The man looked down at the ground, holding the phone in his hand, didn't even lift his head, didn't look at her at all.

She had to click on the message and saw it read:

I'm thirsty. Bring the Coke in front of you.

Zhao Donghan turned his head again, his gaze swept over the cans of drinks in front of him, and then replied:

Don’t you have it there?

Mu Yichen looked at the phone screen, raised her eyebrows diagonally, moved her long fingers, and typed a few words quickly:

My niece, see clearly, it's Sprite, and the uncle wants to drink Coke.

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