Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 286: It's not difficult

Mu Yichen's cold eyes fell faintly on the screen of the phone, his complexion stiffened.

The smile slowly faded from his face, and my heart was depressed.

This woman, would really pour cold water on him, wouldn't it make him happy for a while?

He propped up a long leg, the corners of his lips curled up evilly, and typed a few lines calmly:

My niece, you missed the most important one. One thing, I can be sure, you have never done it with any men, only with me. That is-love.

When Zhao Donghan finished reading the last word, he couldn't help but blush with shame and anger.

He cursed in his heart shamelessly, and replied to him unwillingly:

Bastard, that was not my voluntary.

Don't you feel embarrassed that the president of the Dignified Mu Group can only bully a woman by means of violence and coercion?

Zhao Donghan paused, feeling puzzled, and continued typing:

In addition, let me add a few more to you. Did you forget? I've only done it to you. Also, I once found a man for you and told him to take care of you. This is unprecedented and unique.

These are all "exclusive memories" of you and me. How, you must feel extremely honored?

Mu Yichen's eyes flickered slightly, recalling her calculation of his past.

Relying on him to pet her, this girl has become more and more courageous, so she dare to mention it to him?

Unable to raise her eyebrows, Xu Wenxuan handed the dice cup to her just as she was about to refute her:

"Achen, stop playing with your phone, it's you."

"So fast?"

Mu Yichen was talking about Xing, when he was suddenly disturbed, and Ying's eyebrows were frowned, and an unpleasant color appeared in his eyes.

Only then did he know that time flies so fast when arguing with Zhao Donghan.

Xu Wenxuan nodded, then introduced to him:

"Yes, everyone else has thrown it. So far, Meizi Zhao has the lowest score."

Reluctantly, Mu Yichen put down the phone, holding a half-burned cigarette in one hand, and holding the dice cup in the other, shook it lazily twice, and buckled it on the table.

Xu Wenxuan opened it for him, and Feng's eyes couldn't help but widen:

"Achen, you have played abnormally, and you have only three points. This one, your points are the lowest."

After hearing this, other people gathered around in disbelief and watched, as expected—

The man who threw the leopard for several rounds unexpectedly threw three ones this time.

Zhao Donghan, who only threw four points, was not the last one.

Zhao Donghan, who was ranked second to last, couldn't help raising a pair of water eyes, and looked at Mu Yichen in confusion.

There are accidents everywhere in the world! Who would have thought that there are indeed miracles in this world.

This god-like, impeccable man, unexpectedly... missed?

But even if you missed it, it wouldn't be lower than her points. The loss was so thorough and outrageous, right?

Did he want to be punished so much that he deliberately threw three points? But it makes no sense!

Mu Yichen raised his eyelids, with a cold gaze, lazily brushing across the three dice. His expression did not fluctuate, and his tone was flat:

"I choose the big adventure."

Although Mu Yichen disdains playing this kind of game and feels very boring and a waste of time, his IQ is more than enough to deal with these people present.

No matter which one he chooses, he will have a way to make a move, not to embarrass himself, but also to pass the level easily.

However, out of selfishness, he is still more inclined to take big risks. Because the question of truth is all about giving people a trick. No matter how careful, it will inevitably reveal some clues.

His love for Zhao Donghan is absolutely impossible for her to detect, not even a single bit.

Therefore, he chose a relatively safer one.

Without waiting for others to urge, he pushed the stack of cards on the right side sideways. Like a straight road, the cards immediately spread out evenly.

The man raised his distinct hand, took out one at random and placed it on the table. He didn't rush to open it, but narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his hand to take a cigarette.

Shen Shan still moved quickly, grabbing the cards in his hand, and quickly browsed through it.

Afterwards, there was a strange expression of silence for a moment, then he changed hands and handed the cards to Zhao Donghan:

"Sister-in-law, you should read it!"

Zhao Donghan took it curiously, only to understand why Shen Shan dared not read it out.

I saw it read like this on the card:

Affectionately kiss any opposite **** at the next table.

In the back, two pale pink hearts are painted.

Pinching the slender fingertips of the cards, he instantly stopped, and the whole person was stunned.

She fixedly stared at the cards, and read the words silently repeatedly for more than ten seconds.

Just imagine the scene of Mu Yichen embracing and kissing other people. It feels like a boulder is pressed on his chest and breathing becomes difficult.

Suddenly, her fingers were empty and the cards were taken away.

Zhao Donghan raised his tender white face halfway, only to realize that Mu Yichen had already stood behind her at some unknown time.

His figure is long and tall, with a straight nose and thin lips, long eyebrows and cold eyes.

Luxurious and extraordinarily beautiful, with endless charm all over the body.

No matter from which angle you look closely, you can't see any flaws, it's impeccably perfect.

The card that was still placed between her fingers last moment, at this moment, is lying firmly in the man's slightly callused palm.

Mu Yichen pressed her thin lips tightly, and slightly raised her cold and charming eyes. The slightly cool gaze swept across the cards indifferently.

In the next second, the corners of the man's lips slowly curled up, and an unexplained smile appeared. He threw the cards on the table and murmured in his mouth:

"It's not difficult."

After that, he bent down and extinguished the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray. Immediately, he stepped away from his long legs and walked towards the next card table in a stride.

Zhao Donghan leaned on the sofa motionlessly, still maintaining the posture of his talent, as if he had not yet reacted.

With stunned eyes, he stared at the man's upright back for a moment, drifting away. As she watched, Mu Yichen walked to a long-haired girl and stopped. The gentleman nodded slightly, and a very elegant and gentle smile appeared on his handsome face.

His smile at the moment is very charming. In the impression, it has never been shown in front of her.

He was always so cold and merciless every time he met her. Even if you smile occasionally, it is full of irony or mockery.

It turned out that he could laugh so easily and naturally, and the whole person seemed a little warm.

Immediately, his lips moved, as if discussing something with the girl.

Zhao Donghan straightened up and looked at the next table. Based on Mu Yichen's behavior and expression, guessing what he was saying.

He must be explaining that he lost the game and chose the big adventure and the content of punishment!

She feels lost, and her heart is full of misery.

The man was full of sincere and sincere gazes, and coupled with his handsome face that could bewitch people's hearts, it took almost no effort, and the other party nodded shyly and agreed.

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