Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 295: Strictly guard against

As if at this moment, she seemed to be infected by him, her mood became inexplicably cheerful, and the corners of her mouth turned upward involuntarily.

Is he so happy because of her husband?

If only like this, he can exchange his smile, then she can also...

Wait, what is she thinking?

Zhao Donghan bit his thigh bitterly, reminding himself with pain:

Zhao Donghan, what about your principles? The bottom line? Have you never seen a man? It's just being slapped by a good-looking man, and my IQ goes to zero, right? Is this still like you?

Isn't the woman who loses herself for men the one you look down the most in the past?

After reminding himself in this way, Zhao Donghan barely recovered.

Yes, she must stay awake and not be confused by him.

Today, it was under his threat that she temporarily compromised and had to call him twice. When her sister leaves safely, she won't let him do whatever she wants.

She must adhere to the consistent principle, do not try to force herself, and will not deliberately cater to others.

I blame Mu Yichen, a man, why is he so good-looking? Beauty is really harmful.

Everyone said that Yang Guo was wrong for life when he saw it. Zhao Donghan had never seen Yang Guo, but he met Mu Yichen, which was considered a disaster in her life. At this moment, she could somewhat understand why some women chose not to marry for life because they missed a man.

She condensed her mind and saw the bodyguard still standing by, seeming to be waiting for Mu Yichen's instructions.

Zhao Donghan's heart immediately filled with self-blame, and he wanted to slap himself.

She is damned! The sister's matter had not been resolved, she was fainted by the beauty of the man, and became a nymphomaniac here. After she has a man she cares about, she can't even tell the priorities of things?

Thinking of this, she quickly softened her tone and asked softly:

"Don't call my sister, okay?"

Anyway, let my sister get rid of the danger first.

"it is good."

Mu Yichen nodded, slowly retracted the slender index finger that was hooked on her chin, turned around and said to the bodyguard, "It's okay, go ahead!"

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

The two bodyguards bowed slightly, turned and stepped back.

Zhao Donghan finally felt relieved, and pointed to the thing in his hand:

"Can you return the phone to me?"


Mu Yichen responded, but did not rush to return it. The long finger swipes on the screen twice to find the contact page. With a smug smile on the corner of her lips, she generously changed "male god" to "husband" before handing her the phone.

In Zhao Donghan's mind, he was still thinking about the good-looking appearance of the man just now when he smiled, and he didn't notice the other party's movements at all. I only felt itchy on his chin, as if the temperature of his fingertips still remained.

Suddenly seeing the phone handed to my eyes, I quickly reached out and took it.

She lowered her eyes slightly, glanced absently at the phone screen, her eyes frozen. A photo of her kissing Mu Yichen suddenly appeared in front of her.

The angle of this photo is very clever, only the back of Mu Yichen was taken. Anyone who saw it would never recognize who was the man photographed. However, her eyes were tightly closed, her cheeks were reddish, and the drunken expression of being kissed to her was clearly captured.

Zhao Donghan looked at it, his eyes gradually widened, and then he felt dizzy. After a long while, he finally got over.

Just now, her mobile phone has been in Mu Yichen's hands. No need to ask who made this photo.

She clicked on the screen a few times and wanted to delete it quickly. However, there was no response after a long time of operation. Take a closer look, it turns out that this photo has been set as a mobile wallpaper and screensaver.

In Zhao Donghan's heart, 10,000 alpacas whizzed past. A pair of beautiful eyebrows frowned tightly and couldn't help but raised their phone to question:

"When was this taken? Why did you change my screensaver without my permission?"

She was shy when she patronized, and she didn't notice anyone taking pictures.

"Oh, this!"

Mu Yichen lazily leaned his body against a pillar, fiddling with his mobile phone between his fingers. When she asked about this, she swept her around her eyes and said casually, "Just now, I asked the lady next to me to help take it. Is it because you were so intoxicated with my kisses that you were distracted, didn't you hear it?"

"That's not the case, I'm not intoxicated at all!" Zhao Donghan stamped his feet with anger.

Mu Yichen sneered and said of course: "In two days, you will go to Mu's to be a sweeper. In order to prevent you from attracting bees and butterflies, I specially replaced this for you.

In this way, when they see that your man is so handsome, no one dares to make your idea.

In addition, pay attention to your attitude. Always remember one thing, no matter what I want to do, I don’t need your consent. "

Zhao Donghan held his forehead, his eyelids throbbed, making him a headache.

This man is definitely sick!

I really don't know what he has experienced in the past, and possessiveness has become so perverted.

No one knew about the relationship between her and Mu Yichen except for the two girlfriends.

If this photo is seen by outsiders, how can she explain it? Even if you are seen by your girlfriends, you will definitely be teased.

He is shameless, she wants it!

No, he didn't even show his face at all. Even if he was embarrassed, it had nothing to do with him. Of course he wouldn't mind. No, this kind of thing must be replaced quickly, and the album must also be emptied.

As soon as she was about to do it, she heard Mu Yichen speak unhurriedly:

"By the way, I have kept a backup of the photo. If you dare to change it without authorization, I promise that the same photo will appear on the headlines of major media tomorrow."

After listening to him, the movement of her hand stopped instantly, and her heart was very mad. Licking his dry lips, trying to reason with him:

"Although the hope is not great, it is still possible for me to be the operations director. Even if I fail the application and eventually become a sweeper, I will go to work. I can assure you that things like what you said will never happen.

So, this screensaver... forget it! "

"What's the use of guarantees? You have a curvy face. Even if you don't have that kind of mind, there is no guarantee that there will be men thinking about you. This is the safest way."

His tone was firm and indifferent, with no room for negotiation. While talking to her, he shook his long fingers, and found "Mrs. Mu" in the phone contacts and changed it to "wife".

Zhao Donghan raised a pair of moisturizing eyes and blinked twice.

Is she attractive? Not really! Although her adoptive mother, Mrs. Zhao, had said similar things, she herself did not agree.

Every time she looked in the mirror, she felt that she was very delicate and responsible. No matter how you look at it, she is a standard good girl.

Besides, she knew how many catties she had. Although it's not ugly, it's definitely not about being overwhelmed. Is it necessary for him to guard against death like this?

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