Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 308: Even if it’s a lifetime

Mu Yichen sat in the car blankly, staring lightly at the front, pursing his lips without saying a word. After Zhao Donghan sat down, he turned his head and didn't look at him, still feeling awkward about what happened just now.

The man waited for her to fasten her seat belt and started the car.

Since the two people quarreled, their emotions were not very good, so no one spoke. For a while, the atmosphere in the car was also a bit cold.

Several men drove their cars in person, carrying their own women to a nearby luxurious KTV.

Soon, the four cars stopped in front of the KTV main entrance. Until this time, Mu Yichen, who hadn't spoken all the way, opened his lips slightly and uttered two words indifferently:

"get off."


Zhao Donghan gave him a word back, pushed the door and got out of the car.

Isn't it that there are fewer words than someone else? How could she lose to him?

The waiters respectfully welcomed these people in, and then led them to the top private rooms.

Shen Shan called out the waiters and handed the microphone to Zhao Donghan:

"Sister-in-law, you can sing a song first!"

"I can't sing well, you come first!"

Zhao Donghan shook his hand and said in a polite tone.

As a result, she is usually a low-key and restrained person. Today was the first time she met Mu Yichen's friend, and it was inevitable that she was a little embarrassed; secondly, she was not the protagonist today. I'm afraid I'm too public and lose courtesy, and I will embarrass Mu Yichen.

"Sister-in-law is too humble."

Shen Shan did not reluctantly, and handed the microphone to Linda: "Then Sister Linda, let's sing first! You girls, you all sing one song each, you are welcome!"


Linda unceremoniously took the microphone and sang "Angel among the Devil".

The whole private room is lively. Some people booed around, some helped beat the beat, and some were chatting in a low voice.

Zhao Donghan tilted his head slightly, listened to Linda's singing for a while, then looked around, finally couldn't help but fell on a certain man.

Mu Yichen sat down quietly with his eyelids down. He has deep black eyebrows, extremely deep eyes, handsome looks, and personable demeanor. I saw him lit a cigarette silently, but still didn't like to chat. Only occasionally when someone talks to him, did he answer a few words briefly.

Zhao Donghan watched him and couldn't help sighing in his heart. This man is so good-looking, the more he looks, the more pleasing he will be. It is no exaggeration to say that even if it is for a lifetime, you will never get tired of it.

However, judging from the current relationship between the two of them, let alone a lifetime, it is still unknown whether she will stay with him tomorrow.

She sighed secretly, and slowly looked back. His eyes curled slightly, and a trace of sadness flashed under his eyes.

After Linda finished singing, the atmosphere became relaxed and warm. Since she started, Lingling and Xiaoyi sang a love song and an old English song respectively.

All three people sang well, which drew rounds of applause.

As a result, a few people once again made Zhao Donghan sing. She saw other girls sing it, so she didn't refuse, and sang a song "Cannot be said".

Since Zhao Donghan picked up the Mike, Mu Yichen hastily took out his mobile phone. The future daughter-in-law will sing in front of him for the first time, and it will definitely not be enough to listen to it. He has to record it quickly so that he can listen to it repeatedly in the future.

After holding the phone in his hand and scanning the pitch-black screen, he couldn't help but pause. It suddenly occurred to him that He Xinyan sent a few text messages to persuade him to go to the hospital to visit the woman surnamed Yang. When he wanted to black her out, but worried that she was really in a hurry, he couldn't find him. So, they ignored it. Later, He Xinyan called without giving up. He felt annoying, so he simply shut down.

He hooked his fingers and quickly pressed the power button. However, the process of turning on the phone takes at least ten seconds, and Zhao Donghan has already started singing.

Last time, Zhao Donghan sang a piece of opera in front of him. He knew that she had a good voice. Sure enough, her singing was the same, very beautiful. It's a pity that this song is probably not recorded this time.

If it weren't for her, how could he shut down the phone repeatedly without knowing how to call? If you don't turn it off, it won't delay him from recording Zhao Donghan's singing. Speaking of it, the ignorant little girl must be blamed for all this.

Mu Yichen frowned somewhat depressed, and secretly recorded the account on He Xinyan's head.

His eyes flicked on the screen, and the screen turned brighter. A faint light reflected on his handsome face. In the man's pair of secluded eyes, there was a calm wave. But I was calculating in my heart. After I went back, I must find a way. Zhao Donghan sang the routine again so that he could record a full version again. It's best to sing a few more songs to make him enjoy it.

This song "can be read but cannot be said", originally the tune is sad and euphemistic, and it is interpreted by Zhao Donghan's clean and clear voice, which can not help but add a few empty inspirations, which is very touching.

She just sang a few words, and the surrounding area became quiet. The people who chatted before stopped talking, and were listening to her singing seriously.

Zhao Donghan feels that he played well today, so he feels relaxed. During the singing, she used her Yu Guang to take a glance in the direction of Mu Yichen. Secretly looking forward to receiving the approving eyes of the other party.

I saw the man leaning lazily on the sofa, absent-mindedly lowering his head to play with the phone, as if playing some small game. In short, he didn't even notice what she was doing here. Seeing that he didn't care so much, she was unavoidably discouraged. In order to prevent him from discovering her peeking behavior, she immediately moved her eyes to the flashing screen again and concentrated on singing.

As soon as Miss Zhao looked away, Mr. Mu raised his eyes as if feeling it. Therefore, the opportunity for the two people to look at each other was perfectly missed.

Seeing that she was concentrating on singing and did not look at him, Mu Yichen tugged at the corner of her mouth with a mockery, and immediately lowered her head.

Just now, he suddenly had a strong feeling that she was looking at him, it turned out to be an illusion.

The mobile phone finally showed the desktop, he found the recording software at the fastest operating speed, and clicked "start recording".

Mu Yichen raised his eyes again, and the girl's delicate face was reflected in the dark pupils of the deep pool. This time, he never looked away again, and was deeply attracted by her charming appearance. The girl's eyes are soft, her pink lips are closed, **** and attractive. In the eyes of the man, I just feel that she is inviting him, so go pick it.

His throat rolled, his throat became dry, and the blood on his body gradually boiled, obviously he was moved by her.

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