Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 314: Wife Guardian

Shen Shan leaned down, pretending to have a gavel in his hand. He slapped the palm of his hand on the table and said slowly:

"It was close to three o'clock in the morning, and the remaining twenty or so songs were all sung by Achen alone. Moreover, despite the different styles of music, he performed each song perfectly. Not only was the lyrics accurate. , And each has its own taste. It’s a pity that Ayu was so drunk that I didn’t hear it. Wen Xuan and I were two people, and it was like listening to a concert. Although our brothers grew up together, Ah Chen has always been taciturn and low-key. Therefore, neither before nor after that time, I never heard him again, and sang as heartily as that night."

"so smart!"

Linda, Xiao Yi, and Lingling were stunned at the same time, and exclaimed in unison.

Xu Wenxuan curled his eyebrows and asked Shen Shan:

"You said, what kind of wind did Achen smoke that day and sang so many songs in one breath?"

"I guess it's something troublesome. Haven't you heard the saying,'male sorrow sings, female sorrow' crying?" Shen Shan rolled his eyes and analyzed, "By the way, the person involved is right by. You can just ask him."

Xu Wenxuan nodded, really turned his eyes, raised his voice and asked:

"Achen, why did you switch your style of painting on the day when Shen Shan fell out of love, and suddenly sang for so long? You are not like you anymore!"

Mu Yichen held a cigarette between his fingers, staring at the faint light at the top. A wisp of white mist rose curledly. He remembered that the day when his mother went home to pick up things, she also brought a "surprise". Later, when his parents had a big fight, he also told his mother and never wanted to see her unfeeling sentences again. After that, it happened that Shen Shan called and told him to go out for a drink.

The massive amount of a thousand cups of not drunk was slowly tempered after he helped his father take care of the business. Nowadays, drinking two glasses a day seems to have become a habit.

At the beginning, he was a boy who didn't drink alcohol, and he hated the smell of alcohol very much. I can only sing one song after another, so as to forget the pain and troubles caused by his relatives.

It can be seen that nothing can be changed.

After a while, Mu Yichen lightly opened his lips and uttered a word:

"It's been too long to remember the reason."

"real or fake?"

Xu Wenxuan obviously didn't believe it, but since the other party didn't want to talk more, he just gave it up.

"its not right!"

Lingling suddenly noticed a problem and asked very questioningly, "Since there were only a few of you in the audience that day, and Mu Shao only sang once, how did the fans you mentioned just now come from?"

"It's like this. At that time, Wen Xuan and I discussed it quietly. Then we all agreed that being alone is not as good as others, and that good things must be shared with everyone."

Shen Shan paused at this point and looked at each other with Xu Wenxuan before continuing to explain to Lingling, "So, we both took a few photos of Achen, and shared them with the text in the button space."

In order to conceal his guilty conscience, Xu Wenxuan bent his fingers to cover the tip of his nose, coughed lightly, and then Shen Shan added:

"Later, a school girl who was younger than us saw my sharing. It happened that she and dozens of classmates in the class were also in that KTV and were having a final dinner. As soon as I got the news, she sent me a message Inquiry about the location of the private room. Of course I wouldn’t tell them, but I didn’t expect that she was really persistent and took the classmates to look for the private room one by one. They found it. Actually, Shen Shan and I didn’t mind the girls coming in. Playing together, but Achen's temper has always been something strangers shouldn't enter. Therefore, they only dared to hide in the private room to eavesdrop. They kept hearing Achen's singing in the middle of the night before leaving."

Having said that, Xu Wenxuan took a cigarette before continuing,

"During this period, someone secretly recorded the sound outside the door and posted it to the school's post bar. Originally, Achen was a man in the school. No one thought that a person who is usually so cool would sing like that. Therefore, , That post was immediately topped. Overnight, he had a large number of little fans, and some people formed a fan group."

Shangguanyu patted his forehead and added the topic:

"Although I was drinking too much at the time, I can't remember everything about that night, but later they formed a fan group, I am a bit impressed. I remember someone at school stopped Achen from asking for a photo and autograph. There was also a record company planning to sign him, but Ah Chen refused with a stinky face. Later, no matter who asked him to sing, he never spoke again. Alas, it’s a pity that I was drunk that night and didn’t listen. Here!"

"It doesn't matter, that regret, I can make up for it today."

Shen Shan comforted him, turned his head and asked Zhao Donghan, "Sister-in-law, have you chosen a good song?"

Zhao Donghan was fascinated by their conversation. Suddenly heard Shen Shan calling her, he recovered, and hurriedly straightened his body and replied:

"I'm picking, it's almost done!"

It turns out that Mu Yichen has had fans since he was a student. Hearing what these people said was amazing, she became more and more curious about how good Mu Yichen sang!

"Just wait, what are you in a hurry?"

Mu Yichen raised his eyelids, glanced at Shen Shan, and opened his mouth coldly. Had Zhao Donghan been here today, he wouldn't be singing here at all.

Shen Shan shrugged his shoulders and complained in his heart: He is really a madman protecting his wife, he can't even ask.

Zhao Donghan's gaze swept across the rows of song titles, looking at the dazzling playlist, she hesitantly raised her hand to rub her hair.

It’s too little to choose one song, and the opportunity is rare, I really want to hear him sing it all.

Simply close your eyes and order one at random!

As soon as she closed her eyes, she felt a strong pressure and was slowly approaching her. At the same time, a group of familiar and clear man's breath quickly surrounded her. Zhao Donghan quickly opened his eyes and looked back to see that it was Mu Yichen.

His handsome face with sharp edges and corners gradually enlarged before her eyes. The eyes are clear and juicy, like an oil painting. Although the two were so close, she couldn't find a flaw in him. The man stood behind her, teasing in a calm voice:

"What are you rubbing with? Not literate? Still can't operate?"

Even if he wants to urge, he has to speak, and no one else is qualified.

Zhao Donghan glanced at him and choked without showing any weakness:

"Neither. After turning a few pages, it's all difficult and high-pitched songs, I'm afraid you will lose face if you can't sing."

Mu Yichen twisted her eyebrows and stopped talking nonsense with her. Suddenly stretched out her hand, wrapped her white and slender hand, and tapped on the screen with her tender fingertips.

Zhao Donghan glanced intently, and the name of the song he clicked on was "Living To Love To Love".

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