Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 319: I can wait slowly

Mu Yichen's face suddenly became unsightly, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped wildly. I don't know what to say or do to make her believe in herself. After a long while, he slowly loosened her weak shoulders, and said every word:

"Since you don't believe it, then I will explain it to you slowly. Maybe some of my past practices have caused your misunderstanding. This time, I really didn't mean to be joking. Please believe me. You and me Two people, unmarried male and unmarried female, what kind of mistress are you? Seriously, no one before you dare to calculate me like that. At first, I did think about revenge for you, but then I fell in love with you, I don’t have the heart to start. Think about it, apart from being in bed and getting lost and out of control a few times, how many times have I hurt you? If I don’t like you, I won’t touch you at all."

Hearing his last few words, Zhao Donghan's face blushed and he stopped talking. The water eyes flickered, and my heart was a little moved.

He was merciful and didn't take revenge on her, Mu Yichen said it was true. She deliberately angered him that day, he punched her on the full-length mirror, and in the end he didn't hurt her half a point. She was surprised by his self-abuse, but she was puzzled. Unexpectedly, he did it because he couldn't bear it.

Seeing her expression eased, Mu Yichen seemed to be encouraged, pursing her thin lips, and then continued:

"From the first time I saw you, I got stuck in and can't get out again. I really like you. I want to be with you every minute and every second, and never want to be separated for the rest of my life. I just hate that we know each other. It was too late for you to suffer so much. Now that you have me, you are no longer a helpless adopted daughter. If you don’t dislike me, just treat me as a relative, okay? From then on, I Your home is your home, and my family is also your family. As long as you are happy, everything I have can be given to you, including my property and my life. I promise that I will do my best to protect You, take care of you and don't let anyone bully you."

He paused, worried that she would refuse immediately, and went on hurriedly. In the tone, a little pleading.

"Perhaps, I am not the type of boyfriend you like, nor your ideal marriage partner, but I will try my best to satisfy you and become a qualified good boyfriend. As for the mistress, it is to keep you by your side. You don’t need to worry about the excuses you make. I agreed to the marriage at the beginning to see you. I hope you will give me a chance to stay by my side and be my girlfriend, okay? If you agree, I I am willing to cancel my engagement with Zhao Xia Nuan tomorrow."

After saying everything in his heart in one breath, Mu Yichen held his breath, his lips pressed into a straight line, and looked at her nervously and hopefully. The **** Adam's apple rolled up and down twice. It's like a prisoner under trial, waiting for the judge to pronounce the verdict.

For Mu Yichen, who wanted wind and rain since childhood, Zhao Donghan was the only thing he wanted.

This is the first time he has confessed to a woman. Because of his inexperience, he is not sure about the result. Before, she had always resisted him, directly and indirectly rejected him countless times, and she had said bluntly that she did not love him. He was really worried, and what he had to face next was her doubts and sarcasm, and even her stern rejection. I just hope that after this time of getting along, her mood can change somewhat. This time, he can give him a chance to like her with integrity.

Anyway, he had already thought about it, even if she didn't agree, he would not let her go. Big deal, he will work harder at night and let her be pregnant with his baby earlier. At that time, she will have to marry him.

Zhao Donghan sat there motionless, saying nothing. Every pore on the whole body is unfolded, full of joy and touch. The layers of dark clouds in my heart were completely dispelled by his words in an instant.

It turned out that he liked her. Nothing will make her happier than this. To get his favor, all previous grievances and sufferings are nothing at all.

The thick eyelashes quivered twice. A drop of crystal clear tears rolled down. Immediately afterwards, her tears flowed down like a broken pearl.

Weep with joy.

Seeing the girl's tears, Mu Yichen couldn't help panicking. Before she could take out her handkerchief, she directly raised her hand with distinct joints and carefully wiped away her tears. She still kept crying, he simply took the person in his arms and coaxed softly:

"Don't cry. It doesn't matter if you don't agree, I can wait slowly..."

"it is good."

The girl in her arms closed her tears and uttered a word softly, her voice sweet and clear.

"what did you say?"

In the next second, Mu Yichen pulled her out of his arms and stared at her in disbelief. The undisturbed eyes can no longer conceal his emotions, and are clearly filled with surprises, expectations and surprises. The girl's delicate face was reflected in the dark and deep pupils. He opened his thin lips lightly and confirmed with a trembling voice.

Zhao Donghan gently lifted his pointed chin and met the man's hot sight. Looking at his flying sword eyebrows, shining handsome eyes, and the expression of surprise, her pink lips moved slightly, raising the volume, and resolutely said again:

"it is good."

"You promised? It's really great."

Put her thin and soft body into her arms again, and her arms tightly embrace her slender waist. The clean and familiar smell of the man surrounded her. Full of happiness, filled her soft heart.

On Zhao Donghan's thick eyelashes, there was still half a teardrop hanging. But the corners of her lips were raised high, with a happy and content smile. A pair of lotus arms slowly lifted up, encircling his thin but strong waist.

This man finally became her boyfriend. Until now, she still feels that this incident is untrue. If it is a dream, I wish I would never wake up.

She was satisfied, but didn't know that the man holding her was already in ecstasy.

His chest rises and falls, and he is speechless with excitement. I was filled with a thought in my mind-she agreed, and promised to be his girlfriend. Her word "good" seemed to be the most moving music in the world, which made him feel excited after listening to it; it also seemed to be a drop of nectar that moistened his longing heart for her.

At this moment, Mu Yichen felt that the woman in his arms was his world.

Others continued to sing and joked. And the two people sitting on the sofa hugging each other, only seeing each other in their eyes, and neither of them cared about the surrounding situation.

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