Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 326: You really don't like me?

Mu Yichen slowly narrowed his eyes, his tone was deep:

"Hang up in the middle of the call, then the phone was turned off, and the text message did not reply. Zhao Donghan, I admire your total reckless courage. Don't you want to explain about this?"

"Oh, the phone suddenly runs out of power. What text message? I don't know!"

She blinked her eyes pretendingly and decided to play stupid to the end.

Hearing this, Mu Yichen couldn't help flashing a trace of loss in his eyes. When he couldn't find her, he was anxious. I had no choice but to discard pride and self-esteem, and lowered my posture to send that text message. I confessed my concern for her and hoped that she could return soon. No, she didn't see it.

The man half lowered his eyelids, converging his true emotions. Leaning the tall body on the door at will, asked in a cool tone:

"Well, even if your phone is dead. So, why do you leave suddenly?"

Zhao Donghan raised his eyebrows and said unhurriedly:

"I remember, I have already answered this question. Why, do I need to repeat it again?"

"No need."

He waved his hand, not wanting to listen to her perfunctory words. Although he really wanted to know, where did he upset this young lady. However, looking at her attitude at the moment, she must be determined today and don't plan to tell him the truth. Mu Yichen paused and decided to change the topic:

"You haven't answered the question before. Why did you agree to be my girlfriend?"

As long as she is willing to say, "because I like him", it will surely calm his heart immediately. Then, he can no longer care about all her willful actions today.

Zhao Donghan was silent for a moment, turned a pair of winking eyes, and cast his gaze to the night sky outside the window. After a long while, he replied softly:

"If you didn't mention it, I almost forgot. Do you still have to ask this question? Of course it's for my sister!"

"For your sister?"

He narrowed his cold eyes dangerously, and repeated each word. There was a little bit of chill on every syllable I spit out.

"Yes, if it weren't for my sister, I wouldn't beg to agree. Because you said that as long as I agree, you are willing to cancel your engagement with her. I don't like you, but I have no choice."

Zhao Donghan's face was calm, and he was saying something against his heart, but his heart was as uncomfortable as a knife.

Where is she for her sister? If it weren't for loving him, she would stay with him at best for her sister, nothing more. It is absolutely impossible to achieve this level.

However, he used her feelings as a joke, which was really heartbreaking. Love him is true, hate him is also true. There is so much resentment. She hates herself even more, and still has hope for him.

Zhao Donghan gritted his teeth secretly and further explained:

"After getting along these days, I found that you are not a good person. You have a bad temper, you are self-righteous, and you don't know how to respect others. It's not worthy of anyone's life, let alone my sister."

She is willing to stay, all for others? Is he not worthy of anyone entrusting him for life? With him, she feels wronged?

Mu Yichen was stunned, obviously shocked by her words. Two thin lips, shaking uncontrollably twice. After a long while, he barely made a sound:

"You...really don't like me?"

"of course."

She raised her pointed chin proudly and told him clearly, "Otherwise, what do you think? Ouch, don't you think arrogantly that I like you? If so, I can only say, Your imagination is so rich, and too self-righteous."

"What's wrong with liking me? Is it so hard for you to accept being my girlfriend?"

He stared at her for a moment, his eyes like a torch. Hoping to find a trace of lying in her clear water. He really couldn't believe that after he confessed, the moving eyes she showed would be pretended.

Zhao Donghan curled his mouth in disdain, and his words were like a knife, piercing the opposite man. In order to prevent Mu Yichen from hurting himself, he deliberately said something hurting him.

"Yes. If you can choose, I won't be your girlfriend, even if the mistress is better than your girlfriend. At least, there is still a deadline, one day I can leave you. If you become your girlfriend, wouldn't it be like I can’t get rid of you for the rest of my life like being in jail? It feels terrible to think about it. By the way, in KTV just now, what you said was just a joke, right? What do you say, a rich man like you? Like me, I don’t care at all."

He straightened his back, and the veins on his forehead violently. The fist hanging down to his side was clenched and loosened, and finally grinned:

"You are right, those words, I was really talking about it for fun, completely out of mind. With so many beautiful women, wishing to climb on my bed, how could I fall in love with you? Since you are so ignorant, Then be your mistress. Want me to cancel the engagement? You dream. I will not take advantage of your wish and the engagement ceremony next week will continue. Don’t worry, I will continue to take care of you after I marry Zhao Xia Nuan in the future. A canary, let you live a life without a name."

He turned and left, his whole heart empty. Only in KTV, he gave up his dignity, gambled on everything, and confessed his thoughts to her. I thought that I could become a formal lover with her, and I loved it for a lifetime. No, the relationship between the two people has dropped to freezing point again.

She plans to leave him in the future? impossible. He will look for countless excuses and will do whatever it takes to keep her. Since chasing her seriously and treating her well, she is not willing to compromise and always wants to escape from him, so he should use threats, which is obviously simpler and more effective. As long as he can see her, it doesn't matter. Even if two people suffer in the second half of their lives, they can only torture each other.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, her heart seemed to be hit hard. Can't keep calm anymore, slid off the chair. The thin body fell on the carpet, shrank into a small ball, covered his face and started crying.

Didn’t you know the truth long ago? Why, her heart hurts so much when she speaks bluntly and clearly from his mouth?

He took the phone out of his pocket and clicked on the previous text message. The six words above stung her eyes. Watching, clicking, a crystal clear teardrop hit the phone screen, just covering the words "missing you".

After being sad for a long time, Zhao Donghan slowly stood up. The TV series was definitely not in the mood to continue watching, and I simply turned off the computer. Walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

Life has to go on, and after falling asleep, all worries will disappear. Thinking about this, she turned off the light in the room and lay on the bed to rest. As a result, as soon as he closed his eyes, Mu Yichen's face immediately appeared in his mind.

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