Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 328: Looks pretty

Zhao Donghan sighed silently in his heart, very helpless.

Originally, she had just finished arguing with Mu Yichen, and she couldn't pull her face down to find him. However, the current situation did not allow her to consider so much. Whether or not her words will work, she has to take a trip. The decision just made to ignore Mu Yichen no longer had to be invalidated.

"Great! The butler doesn't have to leave next week."

Seeing Zhao Donghan nodded, Azhu smiled and cheered loudly.

"I will thank Miss Zhao for our master first. I believe that as long as you are willing to come forward and say something, the young master will definitely listen. He will not hurt his body by drinking anymore, and the master should rest assured. I will follow along. Most of the light can stay."

Butler Zhou was very grateful for his kindness, with water in his eyes shining, and his tone was very excited.

When Zhao Donghan saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched. They really had faith in her, as if she had succeeded. She was just going to try, as to whether she could persuade the young master, she was totally unsure.

Normally, that guy's temper was volatile, and it was extremely difficult to get involved. Today, I heard that he drank a lot of alcohol just now, and it must have been even more difficult to deal with. The relationship between her and Mu Yichen is now indifferent, almost like an enemy. After she went, could she really go as smoothly as they expected?

After the three people discussed it, they walked to Mu Yichen's room. As she walked, she pondered in her heart:

I hope that Mu Yichen can mistake her for his past girlfriend as he did last time. In this way, perhaps we can listen to her advice.

In a blink of an eye, three people came to the door of Mu Yichen's room. As Azhu said, many servants stood there. When they saw Zhao Donghan coming, they automatically moved to the left and right and gave her a way out.

Zhao Donghan glanced at it, and saw the door open. She asked the butler and Azhu to wait beside him, and walked over by himself. As soon as she arrived at the door, a strong scent of alcohol rushed toward her face, and she couldn't help but raise two beautiful eyebrows. Although the door was not closed, out of politeness, she raised her hand and knocked.

"Go out, no one is allowed to come in and disturb Laozi drinking!"

A glass suddenly flew over and hit the wall beside the door. In the next second, it fell on the carpet and broke to pieces.

Zhao Donghan faintly lowered his eyes and glanced at the broken glass on the ground. He was not frightened by him, but stepped in.

Mu Yichen leaned casually on the sofa, half-dangling his eyelids, and lazily propped up a long leg. The broken hair on his forehead covered the man's exquisite and broad forehead, his expression indistinguishable. In his large hand with distinct joints, he held a red wine glass, which was filled with dark red liquid.

On the glass coffee table in front of him, dozens of beer cans were placed side by side. There were more than a dozen of them. The tabs were pulled apart and they were already empty.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Donghan narrowed a pair of beautiful eyes dangerously, and a few clusters of flames jumped under his eyes. A few steps came to him and snatched the wine glass from his hand, his tone was full of blame:

"The doctor told you that you can't drink recently, why are you not obedient?"

Mu Yichen didn't take precautions, only felt a petite figure, and rushed over. Soon, the wine glass in his hand disappeared.

He was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect the people who came to be so bold. Some looked at the empty palm in disbelief, and then slowly raised his drunk eyes. The deep gaze fell on Zhao Donghan's delicate and white face, as if looking at a stranger. After looking at her for a while, he raised his eyebrows and asked every word:

"Who are you? Who allowed you to come in?"

Hearing his words, Zhao Donghan couldn't help gritting his teeth in secret.

This guy doesn't even recognize her? Is he really drinking too much, or is he acting stupid with her here? It seems that even if the wound heals in the future, it would be better for him to drink less wine. Every time you get drunk, you have to introduce yourself again. Who can stand that!

Thinking of this, she leaned over gracefully and placed the wine glass on the table next to her. Then he raised his pointed chin with his hands on his hips, and announced his name aloud:

"Zhao Donghan."

She automatically ignored his last question. She wants to come to him, does she need permission from others?

Mu Yichen changed his posture, pressing his strong and broad back against the back of the sofa. At the same time the legs overlapped, the movements were elegant and expensive, and he said coldly:

"I don't know. Who are you? Are you a new maid? Or is it a ‘gift’ that Wen Xuan sent me? You dare to take care of this young master’s business?"

Zhao Donghan's face was red and white. This man is quite daring to guess. It doesn't matter if she is a maid, what the **** is the "gift" someone gave him?

Could it be said that Xu Wenxuan often sends women to Mu Yichen? Is he trying to spoil her man? Xu Wenxuan's unscrupulous behavior, she is too much to look at her!

She squeezed her fist and gave Xu Wenxuan a hard note in her heart.

Who is she now? The word mistress is too hurtful. In any case, she didn't want to admit that she was his mistress anymore. So she avoided the importance and said lightly:

"It doesn't matter who I am. The point is that drinking is not good for your wounds."

"What does this have to do with you?"

Mu Yichen snorted relentlessly, with a very strong tone. He suddenly retracted his gaze, and said in a calm voice:

"Don't think you are a woman, I will be merciful. I warn you, it's best to put the wine glass back right away, then get out, don't be nosy. Otherwise, I will treat you no matter who you are.

It seemed that he had been kind to her in the past.

Zhao Donghan curled his lips and shrugged unconsciously. The cold gaze swept across the pile of beer cans on the table one by one, and continued without fear of death:

"If I have to manage? To tell you the truth, I'll take care of this. As long as I'm here today, you won't want to touch these wines again!"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her silently. Immediately, he lowered his overlapping legs, held the coffee table with both hands, and suddenly stood up straight. He grabbed Zhao Donghan's arm without pity, and rudely dragged her to the door.

Zhao Donghan didn't expect that he would do this suddenly, staggering two steps under his feet. In the next second, he was pushed out of the room by Mu Yichen.

Azhu hurried over and reached out to support Zhao Donghan. Manager Zhou also hurried over and asked in a concerned tone:

"Are you okay?"

Zhao Donghan shook his head and stood firm.

Mu Yichen embraced his arms and leaned against the door frame lazily. An indifferent gaze passed over Zhao Donghan, and he said teasingly:

"Where is the mad woman, dare to be wild in front of this young master! If the elders in the family and the future daughter-in-law speak, I might give a bit of face. The rest are not qualified to yell in front of me."

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