Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 337: We are determined

The man of the night, transformed into a wolf, has an amazing appetite.

He is tireless and unsatisfied. In the whole process, there are no taboos, and various tricks, tossing her in different ways.

For the excessive demands he made, every time Zhao Donghan hesitated or rejected it, he clamored to find scissors. Both domineering and unreasonable, there is no room for negotiation. She had no choice but to follow.

Zhao Donghan was exhausted, his hands were sore, he wanted to cry without tears, and he kept crying secretly.

In the end, Zhao Donghan resisted the shame and solved him five times before the man finally let her go.

Mu Yichen stroked her pretty little face, her voice hoarse and sexy:

"Don't forget, we will have five sons and three daughters in the future. When you are pregnant, you will help me with this as well, okay?"

Zhao Donghan raised his eyes slightly and looked at his Qingjun face.

On the man's delicate forehead, fine beads of sweat leaked out, and his breathing became unstable. A pair of unfathomable pupils, black to the extreme, exudes a charming water. Compared with the cold and abstinent him, he is completely different. He stared at the girl in front of him, his eyes focused and hot, endlessly **** and charming.

As if bewitched, Zhao Donghan nodded unexpectedly.

He half-squinted his narrow eyes, his pupils shining with joy. Hugging the girl's thin body tightly in her arms, murmured in her ear:

"We are determined."

After putting it on his hot chest, she realized what she had promised. She took a breath, her pink lips moved twice, instinctively wanting to regret it. But then he thought about it again, waiting until tomorrow, whether he himself will remember these words is not certain, why should she take it too seriously? At this moment, she didn't want to sweep him off, so she didn't say anything.

When Young Master Mu fell into a deep sleep with a full face, she let out a long sigh of relief. As if collapsed, he fell on the bed exhausted. She stared blankly at the ceiling, her heart beating like thunder.

Until now, she still couldn't believe that her scale, principles, and psychological endurance had actually been reduced to this point. She is afraid to recall what happened just now.

If Mu Yichen was sober, she wouldn't be able to do such a thing anyway.

Zhao Donghan turned his head slightly, his soft gaze fell on the sleeping face of the man beside him. Mu Yichen, who was sleeping, was so handsome and horribly handsome. Thick eyelashes, quietly covering the eyelids. Two thin lips pressed into a beautiful curve. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, as if he was dreaming.

His appearance is simply inviting people to commit crimes.

She couldn't help licking her lips, turning over shyly, suppressing the "guilt" thought of kissing him stealthily.

After resting for a while, she got up from the bed. He cleaned up briefly, then went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and fell back on the bed.

He finally fell asleep, but Zhao Donghan had insomnia. The head of the heart was entangled in a mess, tangled into a ball.

How many things Mu Yichen said just now are true?

His performance just now, is he speaking truth after drinking or talking nonsense after drinking too much?

This man has a deep mind and a strong defensive heart. Even if you drink too much, you may not easily expose your nature. Therefore, it is really impossible to use common sense to judge him.

She obviously heard it personally, and he said he had bet with others. However, sometimes she felt that the hot sight he projected contained a touch of affection. Should she trust her ears or her instincts?

Zhao Donghan raised his hand with some annoyance and rubbed his hair with his slender fingers, feeling conflicted. For a while I hope he can forget everything tonight, and for a while I hope he can remember those sweet promises.

She not only lied to him that she and him are husband and wife, but she also took care of herself and relieved his physical needs. Tonight, her behavior has already crossed too many lines. If he doesn't forget tomorrow, she doesn't know how to face him.

Every time I drink too much, Mu Yichen will become much gentler. I remember the last time she was regarded as an ex-girlfriend by him. At that time, he still remembered her as a person; this time, the man simply forgot her, but he was still very considerate to her.

The promises he made to her, the bright future he portrayed for her, his pampering behavior and caring eyes all made her very heartwarming. What a pity if you forget all of them! Doesn't it become a memory that belongs to her alone?

Just as Zhao Donghan was full of entanglements, he suddenly heard the man who was sleeping and whispered:

"Zhao Donghan..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

She leaned down and asked softly. She didn't even notice how soft her voice was and how gentle her attitude was.

Did not want to, but did not get a response. Zhao Donghan lay next to the man and stared at him blankly. It was found that Mu Yichen still had his eyes closed, and there was no sign of waking up.

It turned out that he was talking in a dream! She straightened up somewhat discouragedly and stretched. There was another whisper in the ear:

"Zhao Donghan..."

She reacted swiftly, and before "Speak truth after drinking", there was another sentence called "Dream is a thought in my heart". What he said just now after drinking is really hard to tell the truth from the false. But if it is a dream, it should be able to show some real thoughts.

Since he called his name, he probably dreamed of her, right? After a man fell asleep, he called out a woman's name. This at least proved that the position of that woman in his heart is very important.

So, is it possible... He originally made a bet with his buddies, but then he did a fake show and really liked her? This kind of thing often appears in movies, and it is not completely impossible.

So, she stretched her hand over, held his hand lightly, and tentatively responded:

"Hey, I'm here!"

The man in his sleep seemed to feel it. Although she was not awake, she turned her hand over, wrapped her soft and boneless catkins forcefully, and even held her back.

"What do you want to tell me?"

The heat in his palm warmed her cool fingertips. She licked her dry lips, with imperceptible tension and expectation in her voice.

He wouldn't be... want to confess to her in his sleep, right?

For a while, the man did not respond to her. Just when she thought that he would no longer react, and when she was about to continue sleeping, Mu Yichen suddenly spoke.

"Well, come here." His tone was low, slow, and sexy. Every word was clearly conveyed to Zhao Donghan's ears:

"Sit on top and move by yourself."

I thought it was a sincere confession, but it turned out to be such a dirty word. Zhao Donghan's eyes suddenly widened, staring at him incredulously.

This big pervert, there is still no end to it?

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