Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 342: Will you come today?

"It's an honor to meet everyone here. Regardless of the result of today's interview, whether you are destined to work together in the future, I hope you will have a bright future..."

Vice President Xu's back was straight, and he told them some praise and encouragement. Then, he expressed his expectations for their next performance. From the beginning to the end, the tone is very kind, and the speed of speech is not hurried or slow.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Donghan's heart became more clear. The Mu's president is already so cold. As a vice president, it is inevitable to find an approachable person. It is obviously more conducive to management to sing a red face and a white face like this.

I just don't know, will the person who sang the white face come today?

Zhao Donghan pursed her lips, a bit of anticipation mixed with nervousness. Thinking about it, she couldn't help feeling a little funny. Participating in such an important interview, she did not feel the slightest nervousness; but because she might see Mu Yichen in a while, she felt a little restless.

A few minutes later, several respectful and careful greetings came from the door:

"Mr. Mu, early."

"Mr Mu, good morning."

Then, a deep voice sounded, only one syllable responded:


This voice made Zhao Donghan familiar with him. There is no need to look up and know who is here. Her breathing was stagnant, and the rate of her heartbeat increased.

The next second, the door of the reception room was opened by the secretary from the outside. A long and tall figure walked in with a steady and steady step, striding in with meteors. This man, like a magnet, instantly attracted everyone's attention. Without exception, everyone's eyes moved with him, and they subconsciously held their breath.

Mu Yichen's suit is neat and radiant. From the moment you enter the reception room, the whole room is splendid. From the cold and noble temperament to the exquisite and perfect facial features, it can be called a natural artwork. However, this inherent indifference, and the unfathomable coolness in the eyes, gave people a strong pressure that no one should enter.

Zhao Donghan looked up and saw that the person who came was indeed the one she had in mind, his eyes softened a little, and a faint joy came in his heart. She couldn't help but stand up slowly, and the two Wang Qiubo were like water. After her gaze fell on Mu Yichen's face, she could no longer move away. But only for a few hours, she missed him a little.

Seeing his cold eyebrows and thin lips, she couldn't help but think of the pampering tone of the man when he called her "Mrs. Mu" last night. At that time, he was very different from now. At that time, he was the most gentle side, and she was the only one who saw him.

Zhao Donghan slowly narrowed his beautiful eyes, his eye sockets slightly hot.

No matter whether it is a mistress or a girlfriend, the shining handsome man in front of him belongs to her.

He is her man. This sentence was confessed by Mu Yichen himself in front of his friend. And beside him, there is no other woman for the time being, only her. No matter who he has loved in the past, who will marry and have children in the future, at least at this moment, she is his only woman, which is enough.

There was a time when she cared so much about status and principles. But now for him, she had already abandoned everything, lowering the bottom line and principles again and again. I just want to be by his side for a long time and see him every day. As for the others, she didn't care anymore.

At this time, the brave and stalwart man had one hand lazily inserted in his trouser pocket, and the other hand casually hung on his side. He was moving two long, straight legs, hurried past Zhao Donghan without squinting. From beginning to end, I never looked at her. Zhao Donghan slowly lowered his eyelids and stirred his fingers together.

In front of everyone, he always treated her this way, with a very alienated attitude, as if he didn't know her. Although she was accustomed to his attitude, she felt a little disappointed.

After all, the two people slept in the same bed last night, doing intimate behaviors that would only be done between husband and wife. At this moment, he became so cold again. I'm afraid not... You really forgot everything about last night, right?

Speaking of it, at ten in the morning, she was still cautiously avoiding him for fear of embarrassment after meeting; but when she met here at this time, she found that he had really forgotten those things, and she felt her mind tangled again.

"Mr Mu, you are here."

"Sit down, please."

Vice President Xu and Manager Wei hurriedly got up to give up their seats and greeted him in unison respectfully and politely.

Except for Zhao Donghan, the other three interviewees on the chair have just been suppressed by President Mu's powerful aura. At this moment, I heard the two executives speak up, and they stood up one after another awake like a dream, and greeted them with different expressions.

Liu Mei's complexion gradually transitioned from surprise to surprise. After Nana saw Mu Yichen up close, her small heart was pounding and she was obviously electrocuted by this handsome man. On the surface, Zhao Donghan was calm and asked hello in a low voice. The man with glasses has always been a little dull. Seeing the company's biggest leader came in, he stood up with everyone, and did not say anything.

"I just stopped by and took a look. You don't need to greet me, let's go on!" Mu Yichen stopped, opened her lips lightly, and said coldly.

After all, walked to the sofa. He leaned down and sat down extremely gracefully, posing as a spectator.

The two executives said a few more polite words to him before sitting down again and continuing the interview. Manager Wei's sharp gaze scanned the faces of the four people one by one before he said:

"Today, I am fortunate that President Mu was able to come in person to participate in this interview. It can be said that this is a rare opportunity. I hope you all perform well and show your best.

She paused and continued, "After the initial test last time, I already have a preliminary understanding of everyone. Since you can appear here, it means that Mu's professional knowledge is affirmed. Next, I will raise some specific management questions, and I hope you can answer them cautiously."

Immediately afterwards, Manager Wei asked a few questions. The first question is, "If you become an operations director, how will you start your work? What are your work plans?"

Everyone answered, except for Nana's unsatisfactory answer, the other two expressed very complete and smoothly.

In order, Zhao Donghan was the last to speak. Since these are all stylized things, they are basically all studied in college. Therefore, she didn't need to play much, she calmly stated her plan:

"If I am lucky enough to get this position, then first of all I will make the following eight plans..."

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