Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 350: I decided to give up

As a result, Mu Yichen lifted his thin lips and said lightly:

"Who told you that something must happen if you have an ex? You have also been in love, but before you met me, wasn't it a virgin?"

Mr. Mu made a lot of sense, but Miss Zhao was speechless.

Glancing at him secretly, Zhao Donghan muttered in a low voice: "No wonder, the technology is so bad."

Mr. Mu, who has very good ears, his face suddenly sank. Obviously, she heard her words without missing a word. The man looked at her dangerously and repeated every word:

"Skills, skills, bad? Are you talking about me?"

He twisted his eyebrows, gritted his teeth, and said with a displeased expression: "Don't worry, I will practice harder in the future. As my woman, you have the responsibility to accompany me to explore, research, and unlock some new poses. So Within a week, you don’t have to expect to sleep at night."

One...a week? Do that kind of thing with him? What a joke!

"No need!" She shrank her neck in fright, shaking her head like a rattle, and quickly changed her words: "You got it wrong just now, how dare I say that to you! I mean, you are extremely powerful. Excellent technology."

"Oh? Really?" The woman changed her words very quickly. However, it is useless to change your mouth. Mu Yichen raised her lips wickedly, obviously not planning to let her go easily, "If this is the case, then you have to fully experience it. Otherwise, isn't it a waste? Let me let you experience it for a month first. Until the next time your relatives come! If you are satisfied, you can extend the deadline. Similarly, you are not allowed to sleep at night because you have to be slept by me."

One, one month? With his physical strength and gameplay, can her life be kept a month later?

After hearing President Mu's words, Zhao Donghan couldn't help crying. This... is dead anyway! She is too, what does he comment on for nothing? This time is over, not even a rest day. Alas, why does her uncontrolled mouth always cause trouble to the body?

This perverted man can do what he can say, there is nothing he dared not do. The good girl didn't suffer from the immediate loss, she struggled for two seconds, and decided to admit counsel immediately, hoping that he would be kind. She looked at her pitifully and pleaded softly.

"Mr. Mu, I don't dare to talk nonsense anymore, please let me go..."

The man snorted coldly, apparently not willing to buy her account, and said mercilessly: "Now I know it's too late to beg for mercy? It's too late! There is no discussion about this matter, so it's decided. Do you have any other questions? , Just keep asking! Today, I will explain everything to you. There are not many opportunities like this, you better cherish it. Next time, I won’t necessarily answer you."

Zhao Donghan drooped his head, sighed and said listlessly:

"Since it’s the first time for everyone, then I don’t care. The first time I can get President Mu, I’m not at a disadvantage. However, I have one more thing to ask you. That time in the suburbs, you will If I leave it alone, don’t I worry about my danger?"

He raised his thick eyebrows, and said in time:

"You are safe because you will meet Aunt Feng."

"How did you know?"

She suddenly raised her eyes, and asked in astonishment.

Mu Yichen pursed his lips and smiled, seeming to mock her innocence:

"Because she is the housekeeper of my other villa. She appeared in time because she received my order. Otherwise, on such a stormy night, you think someone will pass by by chance, and you are willing to help you. ?"

It turned out that this man was not worried about her and sent someone over here. That being the case, he can just say it directly, why should he say so decisively? What a twisted man!

Zhao Donghan's breath loosened, and a knot in his heart was untied.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Donghan asked again:

"This question is considered you passed. The next question, what is your attitude towards my sister? You said for a while that you want to deal with her, and then you said that you want to be engaged to her. I was completely confused by you."

"Originally, I didn't want to talk about other women. Anyway, she can be regarded as my marriage partner. I will treat you as jealous of her and make an exception to answer you once." He glanced at her lightly and said in a cold tone:

"Let’s put it this way, everything I said to get close to her is false; when I send someone to teach her, it’s true. I say that I want to get close to her because I know your sister’s affection. As long as I In this way, you will take the initiative and willing to bear everything for her; and you have to deal with her because you are too good to her, or because you pay too much attention to her and ignore me, which makes me unhappy. In short, I am right. She is not interested."

"Asshole! She's my sister, how can you do this?" She frowned and yelled in dissatisfaction, "Besides, how could I be jealous of her!"

At this moment, Mu Yichen didn't want to argue with her. Therefore, he did not answer her words, but asked in a flat tone: "Have you finished asking? Are there any other questions?"

"temporarily unavailable."

Zhao Donghan tilted his head and thought for a long time, but did not find any flaws in his words. He never found a trace of lying on his expression. It seems that he really likes her. She squinted her eyes to look at him. This outstanding man would actually like her!

The two of them are in love. Is there anything in this world that makes her happier than this?

"Now, are you willing to believe me?"

The man looked at her and asked with burning eyes.

"I believe it." She stretched out her hand and put it on the back of his hand, squeezing his slender and beautiful fingers, and said in a firm tone, "In the future, we will be together and never fight again, okay?"

Mu Yichen suddenly withdrew his hand, stood up without reluctance, stretched out his hand to take the coat over, and sneered:

"Together? What are you kidding? Now that you have explained it clearly, then you will be well in the future and you don't have to meet again."


The smile froze on her delicate little face, she looked at him blankly, not understanding what he meant. He is willing to explain so much to her patiently, isn't it to eliminate misunderstandings and to have a sweet relationship with her?

The man put on his coat elegantly, and said ruthlessly with a smile:

"Zhao Donghan, please clarify one thing. The reason why I have to work hard to explain to you is because I don’t like being misunderstood, not because I want to get your favor. I have always been striving for and working hard, you They are all indifferent. The long-term desirability and your distrust of me made me feel exhausted. I am tired, and since I can’t catch you, I don’t want to continue to toss. So, I decided to give up.”

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