Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 353: Don't call auntie

Zhao Donghan really didn't know how Mu Yichen came up with these weird prank methods. It seems that the man in her family is really surprised by his bones, and his thinking is different from ordinary people!

At this moment, she was eaten to death by the man in front of her, just trying to please him. He didn't dare to refute his orders. So, she scratched her head and nodded in agreement:

"Okay, I will pay attention."

"In addition, you have to promise me one thing." The man's somber gaze fell on her small white face, with a rare seriousness in his tone: "Say, you will never leave me again. Up!"

"Well, I will never leave you again."

She raised her eyes and looked at him seriously, repeating his words every word.

Mu Yichen stretched out his arms, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her tightly:

"A word is for sure, no regrets."

"No regrets, absolutely no regrets."

Zhao Donghan raised his slender arm and hugged him back vigorously. The whole person fell into happiness. A pair of shining beautiful eyes, like crescent moons, were slightly bent. A sweet smile hung on the corners of his lips.

This cruel woman can really torture people. When annoyed, he can be mad to death; to coax a person, he can instantly lose his temper. Mu Yichen gritted his teeth, wishing to rub his thin body into his body. Let her merge with him forever and never escape from him again. He sighed slightly and murmured:

"Last night, you left a sentence and never came back, so you turned off your phone. After that, the phone couldn't get through, and I didn't reply to text messages. I drove the car like crazy, looking for you one by one Can’t find it. Do you know how sad and desperate I am? I was thinking at the time, if you never come back, what is the meaning of my future days?"

Hearing Mu Yichen's trembling voice, Zhao Donghan couldn't help but rejoice in secret. Fortunately, she returned to him later. It seems that this choice is correct.

She really couldn't bear to see this man who loved her so deeply, so sad. She patted his back lightly with a soothing voice, and she said in a clear voice:

"Don't worry, no matter where I go, I will eventually come back. Because, my heart...has stayed with you."

He pulled the corners of his lips and smiled softly. However, the smile was filled with bitterness. The man slowly released her, and said in a low and distant tone: "At the beginning, my mother said something similar. Unfortunately, she finally left without looking back. Until now, she has not returned. I really have had enough of the feeling that the people who care about leaving it, and I never want to make the same mistake again."

Zhao Donghan stared at him, and read the deep depression and loss from the man's eyes. She yanked her heart hard, almost empathizing. She was also abandoned by her relatives, how could she not know the struggle and pain in it?

"I understand. I have had a similar experience." She stretched out her slender white jade hand and placed it in his broad and powerful palm. In the next second, he was held tightly by the man. She raised her eyebrows with satisfaction, opened her lips softly, and asked in a low voice, "Auntie, why did she leave you? Of course, if it's not convenient, you don't need to say it."

In the past, Zhao Donghan never asked about other people's family affairs. Because she felt that it was a person's privacy. However, she wanted to know everything about Mu Yichen. As long as he is willing to tell her. Out of caution, she added the last sentence.

"Don't call it auntie, mother-in-law."

He raised the corner of his eyes and reminded him coldly. And the second half of her sentence was completely ignored by him. In front of her, he had nothing to hide. Her last question is very redundant and does not need to be asked at all.

"Um..." Suddenly, Zhao Donghan was relieved from the sad atmosphere, pursing his lips a little crampedly and said: "We are not married yet, so it's too early to call this... right?"

Today, she and Mu Yichen are happy. However, it has not yet been recognized by the families of both parties. Her side is very simple, just get the blessing of her sister. The adoptive parents would probably not care about her. But on Mu Yichen's side, it was relatively complicated. His family don’t know about them yet! Zhao Donghan knows that there are many rules among the wealthy. She hadn't met his mother yet, so she changed her words privately. Isn't it right?

"Stop talking nonsense, just do what you ask!" He frowned and urged impatiently, "Anyway, you will marry my house soon. Changing your name to this kind of thing will be the same sooner or later. Still Say, you don't want to marry me?"

His ending sounded upward, with a dangerous aura. Zhao Donghan had a hunch that if she didn't follow him, she would definitely not have good results.

"Okay!" Her lips squirmed twice, hesitating again and again, and then she stammered and asked again, "Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, why did she leave?"

OMG! The marriage contract between Mu Yichen and her sister is still there, and there are still many things left unresolved. It can be said that his marriage to her hasn't even written the eight characters yet! She was actually here, calling his mother-in-law to come. Despite being forced by him, she still felt very embarrassed. If this is heard by others, she must think she is familiar with it.

"Actually, you don't need to be so entangled." He looked at her with a smile, and teased, "Don't worry! Change your money, you will be indispensable then."

"Who, who is worried about this?"

She stared at him, her cheeks flushed instantly. The tongue was knotted again, but this time he was angry.

"Now, I will tell you a story about your future father-in-law and mother-in-law. In the future, you will also be a member of the Mu family and have the right to know this."

He put away his joking expression and said slowly.

What future parents-in-law? She squeezed the corner of her clothes in embarrassment, and secretly retorted in her heart: This man, the more he speaks, the more outrageous.

Immediately, he heard that she would become a part of the Mu family. There was a hint of sweetness in my heart, but I didn't deny it. I sat up straight and said:

"You speak!"

Although, she had never thought about marrying a rich family before. However, now that she has chosen this man, she will accept everything from him. Next, no matter what kind of family she is facing, she will face it with him and work hard to be a good wife. Since he does not dislike her and is willing to give her a home, she will do her best to bring him happiness and joy.

"My parents' marriage can be said to be a tragedy. Back then, my mother had a favorite dating partner, but for the family's business, she married my father..."

Mu Yichen moved his gaze out of the window and spoke slowly. It was a past that he had never mentioned to anyone.

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