Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 358: Cancel the marriage with Zhao Xia Nuan

Zhao Donghan bit his lower lip, he felt a little bit in his heart, and then an uncomfortable emotion emerged, and he couldn't help but start thinking about it randomly:

Who is the woman in this photo? It's just a photo, which he placed in his wallet so cherished. Not only is it worn close to the body all day, but it is also cherished like a treasure. This person must be very important to him, right? Is your first girlfriend? Or was it someone you had a crush on?

Upon closer inspection, she found that the edges of the photo were slightly yellowed. It is not difficult to estimate that the owner of the photo will take it out whenever the night is quiet. Rubbing with your fingertips, seeing things and thinking about people. Only if you do this often, will the photo become like this?

The more Zhao Donghan thought about it, the more he felt uneasy in his heart. Deliberately take it out and take a closer look, but feel that doing so is an infringement of the privacy of others. Although they are lovers now, mutual respect is also necessary. Whether it is the other party's mobile phone or wallet, you should not look through it without the permission of the owner of the item. Besides, Aunt Liu is still waiting for her to check out!

Zhao Donghan first thanked him, and then handed three hundred yuan to Aunt Liu. In order to be able to prevent her wrong idea from turning into action, she quickly closed the wallet and held it tightly in her hand. She glanced in Mu Yichen's direction and found that the man turned around again and continued to answer the phone.

Aunt Liu turned around and went out of the private room to greet other guests. Zhao Donghan moved gently, walked up to Mu Yichen, raised the wallet with both hands, hesitatingly thought: In a moment, should I ask him about the photo?

As soon as she was about to return the things to him, she heard the man say in a low voice:

"Okay, for follow-up matters, I will arrange for Manager Lin from the marketing department to follow up. Well, I know. By the way, there is one more private matter, I want to tell you."

Mu Yichen paused slightly, then turned around. The cold eyes fell on the shocked girl not far behind him. In the next second, the man couldn't help but raised the corner of his mouth and said in a determined tone:

"I plan to cancel the marriage with Zhao Xia Nuan. Then, I will be engaged to her sister Zhao Donghan."

Hearing this, Zhao Donghan's movements stagnated. She didn't expect that Mu Yichen would mention this to his father on the phone. She pursed her lips, held her breath, and stared at the man's expression nervously. The marriage between Mu Yichen and his sister was decided by the two families. Now, Mu Yichen not only suddenly proposed to cancel the marriage contract, but also proposed to be engaged to her. When things changed so much all of a sudden, could Uncle Mu easily nod his head?

The man stood upright in front of the window, exuding an aristocratic aura. He put one arm casually on the window sill, while the other lightly held the phone. Her heroic long eyebrows were raised high, her eyes still on the girl's face, she looked very attentively. Therefore, I can't listen to what the person on the other end of the phone is talking about.

Zhao Donghan craned his neck, his whole heart hanging in his throat. She couldn't hear what the other party was saying, and she couldn't get any information from Mu Yichen's calm expression. She squeezed the wallet's hand and couldn't help but slowly hang down.

After a full minute, Mu Yichen opened his lips lightly and said, "I understand."

Immediately, the man slowly put down the phone. The hand holding the phone hangs weakly on his side. Taking a pair of big long legs, he walked slowly past her with a solemn expression. He came to the table and leaned down and sat down without saying a word for a while.

Then followed, Zhao Donghan, who was sitting next to him, glanced at his gloomy face, and his whole heart couldn't help but sink. I guessed that things may not be optimistic. She didn't care about returning his wallet, and she temporarily left behind the photo. She licked her lips, and asked anxiously:

"What did uncle say?"

He turned his eyes to her, his dark and boundless eyes flickered, and he repeated in a cold voice:

"Uncle? Huh?"

Zhao Donghan raised his eyebrows, his eyes widened silently. When is this turtle-haired guy, is he still caring about this with her?

However, she is well versed in Mu Yichen's character. This man is usually domineering and he is always the same. If he fails to achieve the goal, he will probably not tell her the result. He had no choice but to sigh helplessly, and changed his mouth according to his meaning:

"What did the father-in-law say?"

Her volume is low and small, as thin as a mosquito and fly.

This is great! I still don't know if the Mu family's elders agree with them. She fumbled secretly, calling her father-in-law and mother-in-law in turn. Fortunately, I heard that Mu Yichen is the only child in the family. Otherwise, he still can't order her to call her uncle, uncle, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, and so on, so that he will be satisfied!

Seeing that she finally used the correct address, Mu Yichen eased the expression on her face. Immediately, he gently twisted his eyebrows and asked instead:

"Wife, if one day I have nothing, will you dislike it, I am a pauper?"

"Of course not." Without even thinking about it, she replied confidently, "Hurry up and tell me what happened?"

He lowered his eyelids slightly, and said lightly:

"Actually, it's nothing. My dad agreed to cancel my marriage contract with Zhao Xia Nuan, but he refused to accept you. He said that a girl who wants to marry into Mu's wife as a wife must have a net worth of at least 100 million yuan. Our family is right. He also said that if I insist on being with you, he will sever my father-son relationship with me, freeze all the property under my name, and revoke all my positions in the Mu family."

Upon hearing this, she bowed her head and fell silent. After a long pause, he suggested: "How about we go to him and have a good talk? I will try to persuade him and let him allow us to be together."

Zhao Donghan just guessed that things are not too optimistic. However, I did not expect it to be so serious. Just because Mu Yichen wanted to marry a woman who had nothing to do with her, his father would sever the relationship between his father and son, and he planned to take back everything from his son. This relationship between father and son is too weak, right?

"It's useless." Mu Yichen shook his head, and immediately denied her suggestion, "My dad's temper, I know best. The thing he decides, nine cows can't be brought back. No need to waste your energy, it's better to get it early. Think about it, what to do is more practical."

Zhao Donghan clenched his lower lip, tangled in his heart for a while.

It's difficult now. If she were to leave Mu Yichen, she would definitely be better off living; but if she insisted on staying with him, it would cause him to lose everything, including family affection. He lost his mother's love since he was a child, how can she bear to let him lose his father's love again?

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