Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 371: Irreplaceable

But the adult man in front of him clearly carried a low pressure. His eyes were cold and dangerous.

Probably because after so many years of business training, Mu Yichen made this change. Obviously, he is no longer the silent and harmless boy.

Therefore, when she stood in front of him the last few times, Liu Mei felt terrified and did not dare to look directly into his eyes.

"Didn’t I tell you? She’s Liu Mei! Don’t you know her?" Mrs. Mu opened her eyes wide, and said in a little surprise, "When you were a child, when you lived in my house, Liu Mei lived there. Next door, she is your Uncle Liu’s daughter! Your Aunt Liu, don’t you often bring her to our house to play? Now, your Uncle Liu is in the coal mine business. If the two families get married, we will also have the Mu family. Many opportunities for cooperation."

"Time has passed so long, it's not surprising that Mu always forgets."

Liu Mei said lightly, as if he wanted to help Mu Yichen make a round.

"Speaking of it, the days I lived in grandma's house didn't seem to be long. I remember that because of a discord between you and your father, three months later, I was sent back to my father's residence."

Mu Yichen chuckled and responded directly to her grandmother. He ruthlessly ignored Liu Mei's words, "However, after you mentioned this, I am somewhat impressed. Even as you said, I and this Ms. Liu has seen her several times in the past. At best, she can only be regarded as a neighbor from many years ago. There is no childhood sweetheart. In short, I will not accept her.

Feel free to find a woman to come over, and say that she had something to do with him in the past. Until now, he has met countless people. If this is considered a childhood sweetheart, wouldn't it be his idiots all over the street? This is simply joking.

Hearing this, Liu Mei's face was instantly red like pig liver, and he was embarrassed.

Snapped! Old Madam Mu slapped the table with anger: "Okay! You have grown up now, and your wings are hard. You don't even need to listen to Grandma's words, right? Tell me, what's wrong with Liu Mei? Is there anything worthwhile? On you?"

"No, grandma, you misunderstood. It's not that I didn't listen to you when I grew up. This kind of stubborn character is all born. Have you forgotten? I've been like this since I was a child, and I only do things according to my own ideas. I No one can interfere with things you don't want to do."

Mu Yichen slowly raised his eyelids, looked directly at his grandmother, and said seriously: "I will not be engaged to the marriage partner arranged by my father, and I do not intend to have a relationship with this unimpressed Miss Liu who took the initiative to send it to the door. What to do.

As for whether she is good or not, it has nothing to do with me, and I am not interested in knowing. Because, I now have someone I like, she is the only love in my heart, and I will be with her. Grandma, you are an elderly person, so take care of your body. You don’t have to worry about your grandson’s own business. "

After being severely refuted, Mrs. Mu's face was also a little bit awkward: "Can I not worry about it? When your father wanted to marry that woman, I was firmly opposed to it. Obviously there was another virtuous person at the time. Shude's ladies are very fond of your father. I always think that she is your father's good match. But your grandfather and your father are like being fascinated by ghosts, so you have to let that woman in.

What happened? Sure enough, I verified what I said, that woman was violent and morally corrupt, and eventually followed others, right? Your father's business is a lesson for the past. Look, if you are as stubborn as him and don't listen to me, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later. Also, you just said... already have someone you like? So tell me, who do you like? "

Mu Yichen raised his eyebrows, feeling very unhappy. Grandma's way of speaking is too unscrupulous. In front of outsiders, he called his mother "that woman" and blamed her with ugly words. Presumably over the years, grandma has complained about these things in front of people and behind them, so she has no scruples. Although he has a lot of dissatisfaction with his mother in his heart, he will not allow others to despise her like this, even his grandmother.

Since his grandma is so rude, then he doesn't have to constrain. Therefore, Mu Yichen suddenly lowered his voice and unceremoniously contradicted the opponent a few words:

"My father's marriage failed, not because he didn't follow your arrangements, but because of his wishful thinking. I really listened to your arrangements with my father, and I married Zhao Xia Nuan or this Miss Liu. Tragedy. One-sided love, or both parties have a marriage that they belong to. It’s strange to come to the end. As for who am I fancy? Allow me to leave a suspense and surprise. You will naturally know on the day of marriage."

Mu Yichen knew her grandma's behavior very well. Although he was young, he still had some impressions of his grandmother fighting with his mother's mother-in-law. Since she went to investigate Zhao Xia Nuan secretly, it is difficult to guarantee that she would not investigate other people.

If he says Zhao Donghan's name, maybe his grandmother will trouble her, or use any means to provoke their relationship. It took him so much effort to catch up with Zhao Donghan, and he would definitely do his best to protect her. In order to prevent any changes before they got married, he had to deal with it carefully. When the wedding ceremony is over and all the dust settles, he doesn't have to worry about anything.

"Presumptuous! Is this your attitude to grandma?"

Mrs. Mu suddenly stood up and stared angrily at her grandson. Liu Mei quickly followed her to stand up, and whispered a few words. After a long while, the old man sat down again and said coldly:

"Listen to Yanyan, there is a different woman living in your villa? You have a marriage partner, and you have a sense of belonging, and now you provoke other women. My grandson is really more capable. So, why bother to push away the people I arranged for you? Isn't it okay to collect them all together?"

The implication was that he was accusing Mu Yichen of being grand-sounding, but in fact he acted profligately. There were many women around him, and he was indiscriminate.

Mu Yichen furrowed his brows deeply, and his lips were almost in a straight line. Grandma's words were really too much. Back and forth, I have talked about the two most important women in his life, and now he is still labelled indiscriminately.

"It seems that grandma is getting older and her memory is not good. Then, I might as well say it again. The marriage is not my opinion. Therefore, you don't need to count this account on my head.

There is indeed a woman living in my villa. However, she is not a stubborn person. It just so happens that she is the beloved love I just said, and she is also the real girlfriend of my Mu Yichen. In my heart, she is the best woman in the world, irreplaceable.

In addition, she has lived in my house for many days, and now she is pregnant with my flesh and blood. That girl, I am married. If you want to introduce others to me, you will die of your heart! "

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