Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 387: Can't speak

I don't know what medicine the doctor used, and Zhao Donghan soon felt that his whole body was soft, and he couldn't exert any strength. Although the brain is still awake, the limbs are completely obedient, unable to even speak.

Doctor Cao slowly pulled out the needle and said to Ouyang Tian:

"Now I need a room. Except this young lady, no one else can come in and disturb. Otherwise, I will not be responsible for any mistakes."

"Okay, it's not difficult." Ouyang Tian nodded, and saw that Zhao Donghan was no longer struggling, he waved to the bodyguard. Upon receiving the order, the bodyguards immediately released the girl and quickly stepped aside.

Ouyang Tian nodded and called the two maids and said loudly, "Help Miss Zhao up and send it to the room I told you to prepare."

"Yes." The maids agreed in unison and acted according to his orders.

At this moment, Zhao Donghan was like a puppet, completely lost the ability to resist, and could only be manipulated and manipulated at will. Fear and anxiety kept lingering and escalating in her heart. The powerlessness that fate was in the hands of others made her extremely frustrated.

Zhao Donghan couldn't speak, the only thing he could do was to stare at Ouyang Tian with a pair of beautiful eyes. However, if she did this, nothing was effective. Because at this moment Ouyang Tian is facing her back, greeting the doctor. From beginning to end, he didn't turn around, let alone stared at her for a minute and a second.

The two maids, one on the left and the other on the right, took the girl's arm and lifted her from the ground effortlessly. Two minutes later, Zhao Donghan was taken to a room at the end of the corridor.

"Doctor Cao, everything will trouble you."

"It's easy! I believe the final result will satisfy you." After all, Doctor Cao walked into the room, drove all the servants out, and closed the door with his backhand.

Ouyang Tian couldn't stand it anymore and fell onto the sofa. He held his stomach with both hands, his whole body twitched non-stop, and his mouth groaned intermittently:

"Bring me the medicine..."

The servant hurriedly brought a tray with a small white medicine bottle and a glass of warm water on it. Ouyang Tian swallowed three pills in a row, only to feel that the pain eased slightly.

Wu Gang stood by and watched. He couldn't help much, so he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

After about ten minutes, Ouyang Tian's expression gradually returned to normal. He paced up and down in the living room, anxious and nervous. The whole living room is very quiet, only the sound of leather shoes rubbing against the ground can be heard.

Wu Gang comforted him: "God, don't worry, don't worry too much. Doctor Cao's medical skills are well-known in the whole industry. I think you will get what you want."

Ouyang Tian nodded and did not speak. After a few more laps, he stopped.

The waiting time is too long and too painful. It seems that he has to find something to do. So Ouyang Tian stepped to the safe, took out the key to open the door, and took out Zhao Donghan's mobile phone.

With long fingers across the screen, he caught a glimpse of the photo on the phone wallpaper, and his eyes narrowed hard. Swiping quickly with my fingertips, I tapped call logs and text messages again. Looking at them one by one, Ouyang Tian's expression became increasingly gloomy.

After reading it all, he did not hesitate to find "Restore Factory Settings" and then press the confirm button. As a result, everything he saw just now disappeared.

Immediately, Ouyang Tian took out the phone card and memory card. Pick up the lighter from the table, light the two cards, and throw them into the ashtray. Soon, there was only a pile of ashes left in the ashtray.

Finally, he took the hammer handed by the servant and put the phone on the table. He lifted the hammer and fell, once, twice...Until the phone was smashed to pieces, Ouyang Tian finally stopped.

Looking at a pile of useless scrap copper and rotten iron, he pulled the corners of his lips contentedly and threw the hammer aside, his eyes shining with pride.

After half an hour, the door at the end of the corridor finally opened, and Dr. Cao walked out from the inside unhurriedly.

Ouyang Tian felt that he had waited for a century. He hurried forward, licked his lips nervously, and asked dumbly, "How is it?"

"Congratulations, the hypnosis of Miss Zhao has been successful."

Doctor Cao smiled and nodded, put the backpack on her shoulders again, and said leisurely, "According to Mr. Ouyang's request, I have erased all the memories from the time you left a year ago until today. I am. The amount of tranquilizers used is not much, and she will wake up in about ten minutes. At that time, as long as you give her a reasonable explanation, there will be no problems at all."

"Today, it was really hard for you." Ouyang Tian picked up the pen and took out the check folder from his arms. Brush a little bit, the brush is strong and chic. He quickly filled in a number on it, and signed his name. Then, he tore off the check and handed it to Dr. Cao, and said politely, "Thank you for your reminder. I am fully prepared for this."

Doctor Cao took the check and glanced at it, his eyes narrowed with a smile, and he was obviously very satisfied with the number above:

"Mr. Ouyang really believed in what he said, he was very generous! If there is such a business again next time, please take care of me again! Haha!"

"Definitely." Ouyang Tian nodded slightly.

Doctor Cao carefully put the check into his personal pocket, and then said goodbye to Ouyang Tian: "Then, I will leave first."

"Wu Gang, send Doctor Cao out." Ouyang Tian gave orders, and rushed to the room where Zhao Donghan was.

In the room, the girl closed her eyes tightly. The slender eyelashes hang gently on the eyelids, projecting a small half-moon-shaped shadow. The cheeks are slightly red, and they seem to be asleep.

Ouyang Tian leaned over and sat down by the bed, staring at her with good eyes, feeling extremely nervous.

It took so much thought to arrange all of this to make Zhao Donghan come back to him. After she wakes up, will everything really be what he wants? His Xiaohan, won't be cold to him anymore, right?

A few people were standing behind Ouyang Tian. At this moment, they all hung their heads silently, not even daring to let out the atmosphere.

After a long while, Zhao Donghan's eyelashes trembled lightly, and then slowly raised. Ouyang Tianqing's beautiful face and concerned eyes caught her eyes. She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and glanced at the sky outside the window. The next second, he moved his gaze back to Ouyang Tian's face, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Why did Ouyang Tian come to her house so early? Today, doesn't he need to go to the store to do business? Or is there something urgent for her?

So, she stared at a pair of **** eyes, the pupils were pure and almost transparent, staring at Ouyang Tian inexplicably.

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