Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 389: She must have difficulties

Although Ouyang Tian was very proud, he said with infinite thoughtfulness:

"Little fool, there is no need to apologize, it is not your fault. If you really can't remember, don't bother to remember. In fact, as long as you can stay by my side, I already feel that it is a gift from God. "

"Ouyangtian, thank you, you are so kind to me... Since I am married to you, of course I will stay with you for the rest of my life, otherwise, where else can I go?" Zhao Donghan rarely talks about this kind of nausea. So after finishing speaking, she pressed her lips unnaturally.

"That's what I said." The smile on Ouyang Tian's face deepened a bit.

"By the way, tell me what has happened this year? Do I have a job? How is your barber shop going? What about my parents and sisters? How are they all?" Zhao Donghan always values ​​feelings the most, and what she cares most about is the current situation of Ouyang Tian and her family.

"After your accident, I had no intention of managing business. The business of the small shop plummeted and the number of customers decreased. I finally sold it to others. Later, I started my own business and established several investment companies. With support, it is now a small scale!"

Ouyang Tian gently stroked her hair and answered the questions asked by Zhao Donghan patiently. "Later, I saved some money and bought this house. After we got married, we lived here. Because Your body has not fully recovered, so after graduation, you did not go out to work and have been recuperating at home. As for Sister Nuan... she recently married someone else, and the conditions of the other party are pretty good. By the way, because she is afraid of Sister Nuan and uncle and aunt Worry, I didn't tell them the true condition of your body."

"Well, I didn't tell them, lest they miss it. Sorry, if it weren't for me, the barbershop would not close down so quickly. It's just, why did you not continue to be a hairdresser and start a company? Me? What a pity! Isn't that your ideal? Why did you give up so easily?

In addition, you said that my sister has a marriage partner. What kind of person is the other party? Does she like that person? Did you agree? "

Knowing that such a big change happened around her during her amnesia, Zhao Donghan couldn't help but widen his eyes, and couldn't help asking.

Ouyang Tian lowered his head, kissed her white ears softly, and said in an affectionate tone:

"You must have been hungry after you slept for so long? I'll accompany you to eat something first, and then let's talk, okay? You have lost a lot recently. How can you not eat more? Anyway, we are here for a long time. We will spend a lifetime together! I will find the opportunity to tell you the details in the future."

Zhao Donghan tilted his head for a moment and nodded obediently. She got off the bed and went to the restaurant with Ouyang Tian.

Not far from the entrance of the villa, a red Maybach limited edition parked. In the car, sat a man of extraordinary wealth. Long eyebrows and cold eyes, extremely handsome. Between the gestures, there was an aura of decisiveness. This impeccably perfect man was Mu Yichen. He has been sitting in the car for a long time.

The person sent out reported to him that Zhao Donghan was in this villa. So he drove here immediately.

As soon as he approached this villa, Mu Yichen discovered one thing-there were many bodyguards walking around the villa. It seems that Ouyang's background is not small.

If he wants to force in, no one can stop him. However, Mu Yichen did not want to act rashly. He had already asked all the questions that should be asked Zhao Donghan. I asked and asked, and almost all the good things were said. However, in the end she did not hesitate to leave with Ouyang Tian.

If he went in to see her directly, the result would probably be the same as before, and Zhao Donghan would relentlessly refuse. As proud as he is, I really don't want to be boring anymore, and listen to her harsh words that hurt others. If you change to another person and dare to treat him like that, Mu Yichen will never continue to follow. Only Zhao Donghan, he really couldn't let go.

Mu Yichen firmly believes that she must have difficulties. Therefore, he intends to observe here secretly in order to verify whether his guess is correct. He has already made a decision. Once Zhao Donghan's face shows that she and Ouyang Tianyi are reluctant or unhappy, he will take her away from here without hesitation.

Taking out the silver lighter from his pocket, the man lit a cigarette. Put it between your lips and take a strong breath. In the smoky smoke, he half dropped his eyes, took out all his patience, and quietly waited for Zhao Donghan to come out.

At this moment, the door of the villa slowly opened. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Mu Yichen immediately raised his eyes and projected his gaze toward the door.

I saw a man and a woman walking out from inside arm in arm. The man is Ouyangtian, and the girl is Zhao Donghan. They smiled at each other, both faces filled with happy warmth. When Mu Yichen caught a glimpse of the hands of the two clenching together, he couldn't help but stiffen, and clenched his fists.

During the meal, Ouyang Tian received a call from the bodyguard, saying that a Maybach had parked near the villa. In his mind, he immediately guessed who the person in the car was. So his expression did not change, and he ordered the bodyguard not to care.

After hanging up the phone, Ouyang Tian twisted his chopsticks and put a piece of roast beef that she loved to Zhao Donghan's plate. Then, he curled his lips unpredictably.

It seems that the man really hasn't given up. Since the guests have come to the door on their own initiative, they can't let the other party come here for nothing. He should also do his best as a landlord and show Mu Yichen a good show.

So Ouyang Tian proposed to take Zhao Donghan out for a walk after eating, and she readily agreed.

Out of the villa door, Ouyang Tianban raised his eyelids, seemingly inadvertently sweeping the high-end cars parked in the grass not far away. He took the girl's hand, couldn't help but squeezed for a few minutes, and walked quickly towards the car.

After walking a few steps, Ouyang Tian stopped, turned around and said to Zhao Donghan: "Wait here, I have a surprise for you."

After that, he waved his hand behind him and said: "Come out!"

Zhao Donghan was stunned slightly, and looked on. I saw three maids lined up and walked out of the villa neatly. Everyone is holding something in their hands.

The first maid is holding a guitar, and the other two are holding a tray. Covered with a piece of red cloth, high and low, I don't know what is inside.

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