Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 391: The most poisonous woman's heart

Mu Yichen stared at the girl intently, the blood in his whole body began to flow back, and his breathing became rapid.

Full of unwillingness and resentment, unbearable, but nowhere to vent. With a bang, he couldn't help raising his fist and slamming it against the steering wheel.

After 25 years of life, he had feelings for a woman for the first time. But I didn't want to end up with such a result.

From the day he first saw Zhao Donghan, his heart was no longer on himself. I tried my best and tried my best to keep her by my side. During the time spent together day and night, he took care of her attentively and carefully all day, fearing that she would be a little wronged.

At first, he didn't dare to let her know what he thought of her. I can only wait by her side silently and do my best to treat her well. Secretly looking forward to one day, she can also fall in love with him.

He stayed for so long and finally got what he wanted. She was willing to accept him. And also promised to be with him forever. However, her ex came back and immediately became strangers with him. In less than a day, everything Zhao Donghan had promised was overturned. His love was taken away for life.

Didn't she vowed to say that she would give birth to eight children for him, so that they would be happy? She also promised herself that she would never leave him again. She also promised that no matter where she went, she would return eventually. Because her heart is on him, isn't it?

Those promises seem to be still in my ears. Does this irresponsible woman understand what it means to keep promises and do what she says? How could she say that she repented and repented, turned her face and refused to admit someone? How could she, after agreeing to his marriage proposal, now allow another person?

If you change to someone else, dare to be so distrustful with him, and play him like a monkey, he will make him regret coming to this world!

Zhao Donghan must have known that he was reluctant to deal with her, so he dared to be so arrogant and confident.

He used to hear people say that "women in the world are all affectionate" and "the most poisonous woman's heart", but he still didn't believe it. Unexpectedly, the women around him are really like this. It is widely rumored that he is cruel, but he does not know that the real cruel person is actually not him.

In this world, he values ​​the two women most. One is his mother, and the other is Zhao Donghan. They all made the same choice.

Zhao Donghan, like his mother, had been kind to him before, showing infinite tenderness and love. When he trusted and relied on her most, he abandoned him without hesitation. Just because, for her, a more important man appeared. Both of them are the same, they just leave without any muddle, and completely ignore his feelings.

How unbearable is he that makes them hate this?

The funny thing is that he still stubbornly thought that Zhao Donghan must have some difficulties in breaking up with him. Constantly excuse her in my heart and trust her unconditionally.

However, the cruel reality in front of him had already clearly told him-what he was struggling with did not exist at all, it was all the product of his imagination.

She was in trouble and worried that she might have affected him; she might have some disease, so she deliberately drove him away for fear that she was worried; and what else she was threatened by someone before she broke up with her intentions... now it seems, The excuses he made for Zhao Donghan were all too wishful thinking and were all illogical self-comfort.

If she is really afraid of injuring him, afraid that he is worried, why is she not afraid of injuring other men, or Ouyang Tian?

Look at the way she was so touched by her beautiful eyes, where did she seem to be forced? It is completely willing. It can even be clearly seen that she has been looking forward to Ouyang Tian's marriage proposal for a long time.

The fact is right in front of him, Zhao Donghan has reunited with his predecessor, and he is no longer needed. Perhaps as she said, he was a substitute that happened to appear when her true love temporarily left. In her eyes, he is dispensable, but just a passer-by in her life. Now that the Lord has returned, he naturally fell out of favor immediately.

The more Mu Yichen thought about it, the more angry, the more desperate he thought about it. This cold, selfish and ruthless girl is really damnable! Who does she think she is? Empress? Do whatever you want, the fiance can change if you want to change it! She only cared about her own happiness, turned back, and didn't care about his life or death at all.

No matter how proud and powerful he is, after all, he is nothing but a mortal, not a **** who transcends everything. He also wants to have happiness and longs to start a family with Zhao Donghan. I hope to have the company of her life on the long journey of life. Could it be that he is really so bad, not as good as her predecessor, and not qualified to be her husband?

Doesn't she know how much he values ​​her? Once he loses her, his life will turn into a stagnant pool, alone. Eat alone during the day and sleep alone at night.

Meeting her again became a luxury. He was already disqualified to kiss her, and could no longer hold her like he used to. She can't even feel her breathing, and can only live in memories every day.

The man stared fiercely at the "loving couple" in front of him, his lips pressed into a straight line, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart:

Zhao Donghan, leaving Lao Tzu alone, and walking through this life lonely, how the **** do you bear?

I remembered the scene when Zhao Donghan stood on tiptoe and kissed him shyly; also when she raised her delicate lips and called him "husband" in a soft voice; and concentrated on dressing his wounds Serious expression...

The man licked his thin lips with infinite affection, and there was a burst of bitterness in his throat. Immediately, Mu Yichen thought bitterly: If time could go back, he would definitely take her far and high in advance, so that Ouyang Tian would never find her.

However, time cannot go backwards. Now, even the memories of quarreling with her have become beautiful. Thinking of this, Mu Yichen couldn't help but narrowed a pair of cold eyes.

No, he doesn't want this. The happiness that he has finally grasped, he absolutely does not allow it, it is so easy to lose!

Mu Yichen almost split his eyes, the blue veins on his forehead violently. The gloomy eyes, dark clouds, cold and frightening. A paranoid and willful thought quickly formed in the man's mind.

Just don't do two things. Directly rushed over, knocked Zhao Donghan stunned and took away. Then, she was locked on an uninhabited island.

There are only two of them there, no one can be found, no one can bother. In this way, she could no longer escape from him.

Well, just do it! Mu Yichen made up his mind and reached for the cart door.

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