Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 400: Turn Zhao Donghan into a widow

"Hey, Achen, you're too much!" Shen Shan walked up to Mu Yichen, pointed to a plate of lobsters and four cans of beer on the bedside table, and said in disbelief: "As soon as I heard the news, You were in a car accident, so I called Tang Xuan and the others to come to see you. Because we are so worried about you, you are hiding here to eat, drink, and be happy?"

Just a few minutes ago, they hurried to the hospital. As soon as I opened the door of the ward, I saw Mu Yichen sitting on the side of the bed without incident, drinking beer and eating seafood, not knowing how leisurely it was.

They stared at Mu Yichen for a long time and found that there was not even a small wound on his handsome face. How does this look like a car accident? This young master is simply opening a small PARTY for one person here!

Mu Yichen lifted his head gracefully and drank the beer in his hand. He threw the beer can aside and teased indifferently: "Why are you worried about me? This young master Jiren has his own vision. How many do you need to worry about?"

"You heartless guy, your mouth is still so cold! How can we not worry about such a big thing?"

Xu Wenxuan also walked over quickly, raised his eyebrows very dissatisfied, and asked several questions in a row: "Hurry up and tell us what is going on? How could an accident happen? Also, your car was hit. It was so miserable, how did you escape safely?"

Mu Yichen teased the corners of his lips lightly, with a slightly inattentive tone: "It's a long story. Actually, I ran into that car deliberately to save people. It can be said that this is a sad and ridiculous thing. The story, there is an unexpected turn at the end. If you are interested, I can tell you about it.

In short, there is a self-defeating idiot who sees a woman he likes in danger and tries to save the beauty by a hero. Although the beauty was rescued, the other party did not feel grateful and agreed, but left with another man. How, is this the biggest joke you have heard this year? "

Immediately afterwards, he told three people about what happened between himself and Zhao Donghan today.

Recalling the scene at that time, Mu Yichen's heart was still aching. After seeing Ouyang Tian propose to his favorite person and get the answer, he is desperate. When the taxi crashed into Zhao Donghan, Mu Yichen made up his mind to die with Xu Jie and let Zhao Donghan remember him forever.

But just as the two cars were getting closer and closer, the moment they were about to collide, Mu Yichen's mind suddenly flashed Zhao Donghan's eyelashes, his cheeks were red, and he was shy when he whispered to his husband. It was this scene that made him temporarily change his mind.

No, he can't just give up like that! She is so beautiful and the angel in his heart. If he survives, there is at least hope to change the status quo; if he dies at this moment, he can only lie alone in the cold cemetery. Never touch her soft face anymore, nor hear her soft and sweet voice calling his husband. In another world, there won't be another Zhao Donghan.

He doesn't want to be separated from her forever, he hasn't accompany her to grow old together, and she hasn't given birth to him yet? Zhao Donghan and his pledge of each other have not yet come true. Those vows were made by two people together. Even if she wants to repent unilaterally, it depends on whether he agrees or not.

After all, I was still not reconciled and left Zhao Donghan like this; after all, I was still worried and gave her to other men; after all, I still reluctant to leave her in the world, and still want to personally take care of her, protect her, and bring her the honor of life Prosperous life.

Mu Yichen gritted his teeth and thought: Even if Zhao Donghan had never loved himself, he would not allow Ouyang Tian to embrace the beauty so smoothly. Otherwise, it would be too cheap that bastard.

At this time, it was too early to fail. But Ouyang Tian proposed to her, what if Zhao Donghan agreed? Does he still have a marriage contract with Zhao Xia Nuan? Isn't it possible to cancel at any time? As long as Zhao Donghan hasn't gotten married one day, there is still room for change.

If the soft one doesn't work, he will get a bit hard. If clear controversy can't work, he doesn't mind making some tricks to provoke their relationship.

Even if his obstruction failed, one day they entered the wedding hall, so what? Really forced to the end, he turned Zhao Donghan into a widow on the day of their wedding. Then, think of a way to get people to yourself.

How Ouyang Tian took away his sweetheart, how he would take it back.

Yes, there is hope for everything. Now, he can't die yet.

Thinking of this, Mu Yichen immediately made a choice. When a person is in a crisis of life and death, he will often have a great understanding and understand his true thoughts.

Between the flashing lights, he opened the door of the car at an astonishing speed and jumped out of the car. The palm of his hand was cut by a sharp pebble on the ground, and he refused to look at it. The action swiftly rolled on the ground twice, hiding in the grass near the villa, while protecting his head.

During the whole process, his movements were done in one go, without any muddle. Just two seconds after he left the car, the two cars smashed into each other violently, and there was a loud noise.

Mu Yichen's ears were buzzing, and his body was a little numb. He lay there, breathing heavily with his chest ups and downs, and did not make the next move for a long time.

Later, he heard Zhao Donghan whispering. Then, Ouyang Tian's voice sounded again. When Mu Yichen sat up from the ground, he found that the person at the door had disappeared.

Mu Yichen couldn't help being startled, his chest throbbed. He lowered his eyelids in silence, and thought to himself with sourness:

Even if Zhao Donghan didn't know, Xu Jie planned to deal with her. But she never knew his car, right? At any rate, after getting along for so long, seeing his car had an accident, is she really so ruthless, not even willing to take a look?

No, Zhao Donghan would not be so cruel. She must be... she left in a hurry when she encountered something urgent.

Moreover, as long as she is safe and sound, it is more important than anything else. Anyway, he has survived now, and she doesn't need her to lead his love. It doesn't matter if Zhao Donghan knows what he has done.

He closed his eyes lightly, trying to comfort himself.

At this time, several police cars drove up. Leng Kun also hurried over from a distance, calling him anxiously:

"Master, master!"

As the police wanted to survey the scene, Leng Kun couldn't get close to the Maybach. He stretched his neck and looked into the car, sweat covering his temples.

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