Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 405: Do not you miss me?

Before, his car collided with other cars in front of Zhao Donghan. Xiao Han is so smart, as long as she hears this news and connects it all together, she will definitely be able to figure out what happened.

That girl is very soft-hearted, even if she doesn't love him anymore, she will definitely come over to see if his life is in danger, right?

In fact, he was not sure at this moment whether Zhao Donghan would come. Before, Mu Yichen was confident and completely believed in her. However, Zhao Donghan's subsequent performance and decision were completely unexpected. He can't be sure now, her mind at the moment.

Mu Yichen lifted his eyelids, his cold gaze slowly swept over the lobster on the bedside table and the empty beer can. The man couldn't help recalling the cute look of the girl when she ate the lobster:

Xiaohan, don’t you like lobster the most? I peeled a whole plate for you. As long as you come here now, you can eat it right away. I will not touch any of them, I will leave them all to you. Come here soon, okay?

Also, don't you hate me drinking most? Every time you see me picking up a wine glass, you will immediately run over, raise your chin and say to me loudly: No alcohol is allowed if you are injured!

Because I missed you so much, I couldn't help but drank a lot of wine, why didn't you show up? If you don't stop me quickly, my wound will definitely become infected and suppurative. Don't you really feel bad at all?

Xiaohan, don't you miss me? But, I miss you so much, what should I do?

Mu Yichen moved his gaze out of the window, and the evening sun softly shone in from the window. His shadow was stretched very long and looked lonely.

He knew that the methods he had just figured out to deal with Ouyang Tian and the methods to take Zhao Donghan back were all dying and self-comforting.

When a woman falls in love with a man, she becomes extremely stubborn. Even if the other party does something sorry for her, no matter how angry the woman is, her love for that man will not decrease. Ouyang Tian has been missing for more than a year and then suddenly appeared. Zhao Donghan forgave him immediately without saying anything. Even leaving without saying goodbye can be forgiven. What else can't be forgiven?

Therefore, even if one uses all means, what is the use of taking Zhao Donghan over? Her heart is not here at all. Even if Ouyang Tian died, she might not fall in love with him. He tried all his best to get it back, but it was just a shell.

After a while, he raised his well-knotted hand, went into the pants pocket of the hospital gown, and took out a voice recorder. The long finger tick slightly and press a button. As a result, a charming and nice voice lingered in the man's ear:

"I promise that I will not leave Mu Yichen."

The man took a deep breath and recalled the complicated expression she showed when she said this in the car on the day he pretended to be drunk—it seemed a little helpless, and at the same time mixed with a little bit of indulgence.

Mu Yichen couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips and smiled very bitterly.

At that time, Zhao Donghan was still a little bit intolerant to him. It's not as cruel and decisive as it is now. Sure enough, the twisted melon is not sweet. The promise she was forced to make at the time has never been realized.

Xiao Han's voice is really nice. This is what she personally agreed, if it could be done...

Mu Yichen held the recorder's hand and tightened it slightly. He played this sentence over and over again, as if he would never get tired of hearing it.

Although he knew that this was actually a bowl of honey-stained poison, he still refused to give it up, slurping greedily, looking for a trace of comfort in despair. He secretly hoped that for a moment, Zhao Donghan suddenly recalled her promise. In order to keep the promise, and flew back to him.

After Ouyang Tian left her, it didn't take long for him to marry another girl. After the divorce, they hug each other with the beautiful woman in their arms, and still live well; but he is different. Without Zhao Donghan, he would really die. Zhao Donghan clearly knew that he had to be her, why was he so cruel?

Even if it is out of pity for him, or whatever, can't you come back to see him, give him a hug, and comfort him?

If these are extravagant hopes, then...she just has to come and look at him and leave him with a caring look. Isn't she willing to satisfy him with such a small hope?

The autumn sunset was exceptionally gentle, but unexpectedly stabbed the man's eyes. He put the recorder next to the pillow, got out of the bed slowly, and raised his hand to close the curtains.

Standing by the window with his head down, Mu Yichen slowly lowered his eyelids, thinking in confusion:

Strange, he has blocked the sun. The strong light shouldn't come in again, let alone sting his eyes. Why, the corners of his eyes are still so sore?

The man turned around desperately, then returned to the bed and sat down. The **** and three-dimensional Adam's apple rolled up and down a few times. A hint of coolness slipped over the corner of his eyes, and his vision was blurred. After all, he couldn't hold back—he leaned down, leaned forward and lay on the pillow, choked up and cried.

When someone was there, he tried his best to maintain a sober reason, pretending to talk easily with others, so that he would not lose his temper; now, he is the only one left. Mu Yichen suddenly realized that he couldn't hold on for even a minute.

Zhao Donghan is his life, his sunshine, everything about him. Without her, there is only a haze left in his entire world.

Mu Bochao stepped out of the ward, exchanged a few words with the bosses of several big companies who had made a special trip to visit Mu Yichen, and expressed his gratitude in a sincere tone. Then, he pulled Zhao Fan aside, whispered a few words in a low voice, expressing the idea of ​​canceling the marriage. Finally, Mu Bochao added apologetically:

"Brother Zhao, I can't help myself. To be honest, I think Xia Nuan's child is very good. I really hope that she can marry into Mu's family and become my daughter-in-law. It's a pity,'I can't help my son, the daughter I can't help the mother', Achen doesn't have that blessing. He has grown up and has his own ideas. He refuses to listen to me, and I am helpless.

Speaking of which, I blamed me for this matter. Achen has been reluctant to fall in love. As a father, I am really anxious watching him by the side. Therefore, I coaxed him and said, you can try to date the Zhao family for a few days, if it is not suitable, then forget it.

I thought that Xia Nuan had a very good appearance and personality. As long as two young people come in contact with each other, they will surely be in love over time. Unexpectedly, in the end he still disagreed.

In the final analysis, this matter is all our responsibility. In order to apologize to my brother, Mu's price will be reduced by 2% for the timber business. Doing so can be regarded as a kind of compensation for your children! Brother Zhao, do you think this will work? Or, if you have other requirements, you can just ask them and we can discuss them. "

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