Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 421: He is my possession

Zhao Donghan had secretly guessed that Ouyang Tian's previous lover might be Qin Chuanyang's sister. But it never expected that it would be Qin Chuanyang himself.

Qin Chuanyang told her that Ouyang Tian likes men. Moreover, Ouyang Tian associates with her because their eyebrows are similar. This series of heavy news, like being thrown into a large rock in a calm lake, is really shocking. Even now, she has not completely digested it. At the same time, I didn't want to understand how he and Qin Chuanyang were not even the same gender, how they became love rivals inexplicably.

Zhao Donghan remembered that later he fainted suddenly. Didn't Qin Chuanyang say that he planned to kill her? Why didn't he do it later and brought her here? Now that her memory can be restored, it must be his help.

At this time, Zhao Donghan did not have the energy to study Qin Chuanyang's motives for doing this, and the authenticity of his words. What she was worried about was the current situation of Mu Yichen. If she can't immediately confirm that he is safe, she feels that she might collapse at any time.

Zhao Donghan couldn't bear to recall, after he said those duplicity, Mu Yichen's expression was extremely lost. The moment she remembered it, she felt distressed and almost crying. Mu Yichen cared about her so much. After witnessing the illusion of her "changing heart", she must be extremely sad. If he had a choice, Zhao Donghan would rather be hurt by himself than to see him sad.

If there is no time to explain, Mu Yichen would bring that misunderstanding and be killed by Ouyang Tian, ​​it would be too pitiful. Even if she slashed Ouyang Tian with a thousand swords in the future, she could not save Mu Yichen's life.

Zhao Donghan, who has always considered himself a materialist, could not help but pray secretly at this moment:

May all the gods in heaven and earth bless Mu Yichen safe and sound. As long as he is alive, she is willing to pay any price.

That guy Qin Chuanyang not only locked her up, but also planned to strangle her to death with a rope. Obviously, it is extremely difficult to deal with. To get out of here, she really had to use her brain. Thinking of this, Zhao Donghan said to the two bodyguards: "Could you please, Mr. Qin, please come over? I want to talk to him about something."

One of the bodyguards shook his head when he heard the words: "Mr. Qin left here two days ago. At present, he is busy with things abroad, and it is estimated that he will not come back temporarily.

Two days ago? So, she has been asleep for at least two days? No wonder she feels top-heavy and unable to use her whole body. In addition, the days before she was kept in the wooden house, she was separated from Mu Yichen for almost a week.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donghan became more anxious. She bit her lower lip, and continued to discuss with the bodyguards: "Then...Can you call him? I have something very urgent, and I must tell him immediately."

As a result, the other party immediately rejected her: "I'm afraid this won't work. When Mr. Qin does things, he doesn't like being disturbed."

Zhao Donghan twisted his eyebrows and pondered to himself. Since that pervert, she suddenly changed her mind and didn't kill her right away, presumably she still has use value. So, he threatened in a cold tone:

"Perhaps, I think it’s not easy to escape. However, if you want to commit suicide, self-harm, etc., it is not difficult to do. At that time, you will inevitably still have to alarm him. Moreover, what I want to say is the best thing with Mr. The person who cares is related. If it is delayed, are you not afraid of being blamed?"

The two bodyguards looked at each other and seemed to be exchanging opinions. After a long while, she agreed to her request.

A bodyguard took out his cell phone and dialed a number. He ducked aside and reported the situation in a low voice. Afterwards, he handed the phone to Zhao Donghan. As soon as she answered the phone, she heard the person inside asking:

"you're awake?"

In Qin Chuanyang's magnetic voice, there was a trace of hoarseness and fatigue that was not easily detectable. At this time, he was standing in the corridor of the hospital, talking on the phone with Zhao Donghan.

"Well, thank you Mr. Qin for not killing me. Moreover, I also bothered to help me restore my memory."

Zhao Donghan thanked him in his mouth, but she was thinking hard in her mind as to what method could be used to convince him to let him go.

Qin Chuanyang took a half step back and leaned his body against the hard wall. While rubbing his temples, he said coldly:

"You don't have to thank me, I never said not to kill you. During my absence, you had a relationship with Ouyang Tian. I cannot accept this. I asked the doctor to retrieve your memory, and the purpose is not to Help you. I just can't see you, your stupidity to Ouyang Tian.

I hope you see the truth clearly and then die with resentment towards Ouyang Tian. Before dying, I will let you see him one last time and let him know your hatred for him. Only in this way can it be guaranteed that he will give up on you in the future. "

At this time, the man's mood was a little irritable, and he was too lazy to pretend and be polite. Therefore, in addition to ridicule, his tone was obviously more cold and cruel. It is totally different from the previous image of elegance and moderation.

"Do I really have to die? Because I have been with Ouyang Tian, ​​I have to be involved by him; because of his obsession, do I have to be hated by you?"

Zhao Donghan was really unwilling, so he hung up unexplainably. She hasn't seen Mu Yichen, married him, had children, and grow old together. Therefore, she must find a way to survive.

Qin Chuanyang took out a cigarette from his pocket, and suddenly remembered that he was in the hospital, so he had to put it back irritably, and said in a somewhat impatient tone:

"Yes. He is my possession and no one can get involved. In fact, if he is just playing with you, I don't mind. At first, when I pressed Ouyang Tian, ​​he told me in person that it was just In order to pass the lonely time, I casually find someone to associate.

However, he does not hesitate to use hypnotic methods to keep you by his side, which is very telling. I doubt very much that he frequently changed his female partner before, and spent a lot of time to confuse his eyes, just to cover you. Therefore, only if you die, will it not affect the relationship between us, and Ouyang Tian will be stubborn to me. "

"Hey, are you reasonable? Didn't you say that you dumped him before? Now that you broke up, you should get married and have nothing to do with each other. What qualifications do you have to be angry because of his subsequent relationship? In other words, if you don't let go, will I have a chance to be with him?"

Hearing the unreasonable remarks made by the other party, Zhao Donghan's anger couldn't hold back. She squeezed her phone tightly and said emotionally, "In addition, the grievances between you have something to do with me? What kind of attitude is he towards me, can I control it? Don’t you think that in this matter? Come on, am I very innocent?"

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