Qin Chuanyang received Wu Gang's call, and after listening to him relaying what Zhao Donghan said, he couldn't help but nodded slightly. A pair of confusing eyes was bent, and a smile raised from the corners of his lips:

"Except for that photo, I believe that she is from the Qin family. This kind of character that must be reported is exactly the same as the old man. Well, just follow her request and change to another person!"

After the order, he hung up the phone, opened the phone album, and fixed his sight on the photo that he had just received.

Although he was younger than now, he recognized at a glance that the elegant middle-aged woman in the photo was his mother Leng Wanqiu. Was the little loli in her mother's arms when Zhao Donghan was a child?

This little girl looked like a green onion, pink and soft. Big black eyes, round and round. The little pink lips, like two petals, are so cute. It makes people want to poke out their hands and pinch her little cheek.

If Zhao Donghan at that time had participated in the current draft, he would definitely become a big hit and become a bright little star.

The Qin family has three sons, and Qin Chuanyang ranks last. Of his two brothers, one is better than the other. Although the relationship between the brothers is not bad, the older brothers have married each other and have work to be busy, so there are fewer opportunities to meet. He has been looking forward to it since he was a child that there is a girl in the family who can make him love and take care of. If Zhao Donghan is really his younger sister, then it is really something to be happy about.

On the other side, after driving Wu Gang out, Zhao Donghan waited in the room. She stepped to the window, looked at the scenery outside, and found it was very strange.

In the room, there are only luxurious furniture and beds, no TV or telephone, not even a hotel sign. Therefore, she only knew that this was a hotel. As for the specific location of the hotel, it is not known.

At this moment, a man named Zhang Lin was sent over. He drove Zhao Donghan to a nearby private clinic for a DNA test.

After Zhao Donghan was drawn a tube of blood, he was sent back to the hotel. On the way back, she eagerly wanted to see Mu Yichen, so she proposed to Zhang Lin that she wanted to leave for a while. As a result, Zhang Lin decisively refused.

Zhang Lin's manner is polite and his tone is very soft, but he refuses to be accommodating. Whether Zhao Donghan threatened him with a tough attitude, or negotiated with him in a tactful tone, this guy would not let go. From beginning to end, the same rhetoric was used to deal with her:

"Mr. Qin ordered that this inspection is of great importance. Just in case, you must go back to the hotel and wait before the results come out. You cannot walk around at will, let alone contact the outside world. The results of the test will be several hours later. Will come out.

Once proved, your status as Miss Qin's family. At that time, no matter where you want to go, you are guaranteed that no one will dare to stop you. I am just a migrant worker who works for my boss with a salary. Please don't embarrass us, please wait a while longer! "

Obviously, this Zhang Lin is more difficult to deal with than Wu Gang. No matter how hard she spoke and tried her best, the other party refused to be accommodating.

How could Qin Chuanyang's subordinates be such an unreasonable and difficult role? Zhao Donghan clenched his fists, angry and anxious, but had nothing to do. Threatening to hurt yourself is just to scare the other person. She didn't want to really commit suicide. After all, she still had to save her life and grow old with Mu Yichen!

Zhao Donghan had already planned for the worst in his heart. Even if Mu Yichen is no longer in this world, she will have a wedding with him. Even if you can't be together alive, you have to be a ghost couple in the underworld if you die.

The **** Ouyangtian forced her to return the engagement ring to Mu Yichen. The mobile phone holding the photo of them is no longer in her hand. As a result, she now doesn't even have a proof to show the relationship between the two people. If Mu Yichen was hypnotized, she could not prove that she was his fiancee.

Therefore, she plans to become Mrs. Mu, whom he is marrying by the media first. With this level of status, she took sleeping pills and died, and went to another world to find Mu Yichen, in case he didn't admit it.

Besides, what if he was lucky enough to escape and was not in the car at the time? If she loses her temper, commits suicide or self-harm, not only will she suffer a lot of pain in vain, her life will be in vain, but she will also lose the opportunity to be with Mu Yichen.

What if she died and Mu Yichen forgot about her a few years later and married someone else? Her man is so good and belongs to her from head to toe. She didn't want to hand over others, and she definitely couldn't afford other little fairies.

Yes, she must not hurt herself. Forget it, it's been so long anyway. She will show patience and wait a few more hours! After the test results came out, if these people dared to play tricks or refused to let her go, she would rather work hard than wait any longer.

What Zhao Donghan didn't know was that she was kept in a small dark room for three days. After the hypnosis was lifted, he fell asleep for two days and nights. Adding up before and after, five days have passed. During these five days, one person was already going crazy.

After leaving Ouyangtian's villa, Mu Yichen did not go to the hospital again, but went straight back home. He slept for a few hours, then opened his eyes and couldn't sleep anymore. Looking sideways at the window, the sky was just approaching noon, and there was still a long time before the sun set. He had planned to go to Ouyang Tianjia to see his sweetheart quietly after night. However, he became mad on Zhao Donghan's lovesickness. She was not around, she couldn't concentrate no matter what she did, and couldn't wait for it to get dark.

So, following his heart, Mu Yichen simply left the house. He drove to the outskirts again, preparing to stay near the villa and secretly observe her movements. Even if one is in the house and one is outside the villa, it is better than staying in the room alone and spending a day.

The man couldn't help smiling while driving. He felt that he was more and more like a voyeur. If time goes back a few months ago, even if he killed him, he would not believe that he would be so crazy and obsessed with a woman.

In fact, Mu Yichen didn't know exactly what charm Zhao Donghan had that made him pursue so paranoidly that he couldn't let it go anyway.

At first, he was worried about being discovered by the bodyguard. So, I parked my car some distance away from Ouyangtian’s villa. He looked at it from a distance for a while, and then found strangely that there was not even a bodyguard around the villa today. Not only that, he has been sitting here for so long, and he hasn't even seen anyone coming in and out.

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