Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 428: The test result came out

This time, the man finally had a reaction. He raised his heavy eyelids, glanced at his father, and nodded slowly, his voice low and dull:

"Yes, I really can't live without her. Her position in my heart is just like Mom's in your heart. No one can replace her."

The implication is that - even you can't let go of your feelings, so what position do you have to criticize me?

After hearing what his son said, Mu Baichao's face turned pale for a while, and he was choked into speechlessness. Yes, I would persuade others to persuade, but it is really difficult to do it on my own.

He held his forehead with one hand, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, there was nothing he could do with his wayward only son. Finally, I had to compromise:

"Son, don't be sad. If you really like her, Dad will help you find someone back."

Mu Yichen pulled the corner of his lips and said in a self-deprecating tone:

"No, as the saying goes,'The twisted melon is not sweet.' Even if she finds it, she won't want to see me. Why should I make it difficult for me? You don't have to bother about this matter."

Every word he uttered was entwined with deep despair.

Mu Bochao sat for a while, and said a few words of relief. He coaxed Mu Yichen and drank a bowl of porridge.

After leaving the door, Mu Bochao frowned with worry. He has also experienced the feeling of dear love, so he can fully understand his son's mood.

He paced irritably in the corridor, knowing that this is not the way to go. So, he ordered Leng Kun to send more people to look for Zhao Donghan. After finding the person, if Zhao Donghan refused to come to see Mu Yichen, he would forcibly tie the person back.

He could see it, and now all of Achen's emotions are tied to the girl. To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be tied. If Zhao Donghan is not brought back, his relentless son will be unable to save his life.

In fact, Mu Baichao knew in his heart that emotional matters could barely come. Like it is like it, and there is nothing to do if you don't like it. Therefore, he also knew that he was not qualified to blame Zhao Donghan. However, he couldn't help but watch, his son who had been alive and kicking was so decadent.

Thinking of Mu Yichen's haggard appearance, Mu Baichao couldn't help sighing. Achen, this child, can be regarded as having a lot of love. In the past, I have never seen him affect any woman. Nowadays, it's hard to find one. Both were successful in marrying, and finally ended up with a tragic result of being abandoned.

Originally, Mu Baichao watched, the two people get along well. He thought he would be able to hold his grandson soon, but he didn't expect this change to happen halfway.

At the same time, Zhang Lin drove Zhao Donghan back to the hotel. As soon as she stepped into the room, she heard someone knock on the door. After opening the door, it turned out that the waiter was pushing the dining car and bringing her some food.

After sleeping for so long, Zhao Donghan had already felt hungry. When I saw something I was eating, I felt my stomach growl. She was not polite, and immediately rolled up her sleeves.

The bodyguard forbids her to leave the room, and there are no entertainment facilities to pass the time. Apart from being brighter and more spacious, it was basically similar to a cabin, and she was still under house arrest. All she can do now is daze and cranky thinking.

Zhao Donghan took out her wallet and looked at the photo of her with her mother when she was a child. He couldn't help thinking: If the DNA result proves that she and Qin Chuanyang are brothers and sisters, then can she see her mother right away? I don’t know if my mother would like to see her.

After all, there has been no contact for so many years. If my mother wanted to see her, she would have come to see her. She had always speculated that her mother and her boyfriend had formed a new family and had other children, so it was inconvenient to see her. However, now she was not sure again.

Obviously, Qin Chuanyang looks a few years older than her and is definitely not the child of her mother's boyfriend. If the mother really remarries and does not want to contact her anymore, then it is reasonable to say that she would not go to Qin Chuanyang.

Qin Chuanyang also said that it is not convenient for her to see her mother. what on earth is this kind of happenings? What is it that prevents them from seeing their mother and daughter? Zhao Donghan was puzzled.

In short, she will definitely not let go of this opportunity. Even if her mother doesn't want to see her, she has to find a way to meet her mother. As long as she can be sure that her mother is doing well now, she will feel relieved.

About six hours later, she waited from morning until noon. It was not until after lunch that Zhang Lin took a folder and hurriedly walked into the room:

"Miss Zhao, the test results are out."

"How is it?" Zhao Donghan raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Lin. Although I have some certainty in my heart, I still feel a little nervous.

"After testing your blood and comparing it with the blood sample of Mr. Qin who was transported by air, the chance that you are blood relatives is 98%. Congratulations, you are indeed Mr. Qin's sister."

After all, Zhang Lin took out a laboratory test form from the folder and handed it to Zhao Donghan with both hands.

She took the test sheet, read it carefully, and finally relieved her heart, and asked quickly: "Then, now you can let me see my mother, right?"

"Of course you can. You can see Madam soon." Zhang Lin nodded, raised his wrist and glanced at the time, and respectfully reported to her, "Miss Zhao, no, Miss, Mr. Qin is learning about the test. After the result, I was asked to buy a plane ticket. Since Madam is not in the country at present, I have to ask you to go there.

I bought the earliest flight today, and the plane departs at two o'clock. Please make some preparations. We will leave in half an hour and I will drive you to the airport. "

"Half an hour?" Zhao Donghan shook his head immediately and opposed the other party's proposal. "There is someone who is very important to me, and I must go to see him immediately. Within half an hour, I will definitely not have time to go back and forth. Excuse me. The ticket will be pushed back one more time!"

Although she wanted to see her mother soon, in comparison, Mu Yichen's life and death were more important to her. After all, since I have been separated from my mother for so long, I am not in a hurry, and it doesn't matter a few hours later. As for the safety of her sweetheart, she is always concerned and worried. Therefore, after Zhao Donghan was free, the first thing he planned to do was rush to Mu Yichen's villa to meet his man.

I really miss him, whether he is alive or dead, she has to take a good look at him.

Zhang Lin was silent for a while before speaking slowly:

"Miss, let's not tell the truth. Madam's health has not been very good. Recently, her condition has worsened. I heard that the doctor has already issued a critical illness notice. That's why Mr. Qin put down his work and rushed to the hospital to see Madam.

If the flight is postponed, it might be unlucky, I can't guarantee if I can see her in time. "

Zhao Donghan was very worried about his mother's body. However, on Mu Yichen's side, she absolutely couldn't let go. After hesitating again and again, she gritted her teeth:

"Yes, there is no need to change the ticket. We will leave in half an hour. However, I have to make a call first."

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