Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 435: Mom, his name is Mu Yichen

When my mother decided to go out for business, she walked with her new boyfriend. After that, he never came back. Under this circumstance, it is unlikely that the mother will take the initiative to go back to the father.

However, since the father and brothers knew that their mother was not in good health and were planning to arrange their mother and daughter to meet each other, it means that the father still found the mother in the end. If parents can reconcile themselves, it would be perfect.

Qin Chuanyun's eyes deepened when his sister asked about his mother's condition again, and his tone of voice became a little low:

"It has been seven or eight years since my mother left. At the time, I seemed to have just entered junior high school. One evening, my father saw a news in the newspaper. There was a traffic accident on a steep mountain road. An agricultural vehicle. After a rear-end collision with a black car, the people in the farm vehicle died on the spot. There was a man and a woman in the car, both seriously injured. After being sent to the hospital, the man was ineffective and the woman was unconscious. Moreover, the hospital was still in the newspaper, The revelation of looking for family members is published.

According to the physical characteristics described in the article, it is very close to our mother. Father rushed to the hospital to see that it was his wife. After leaving his father, no one knows what the mother has experienced. Later, she was diagnosed as a vegetable. More than ten years have passed and I haven't woken up till now. Her father invited many famous doctors to treat her, and he also visited major hospitals all over the world with little success. All these years, my mother has been in a coma.

Therefore, you must not resent your mother. She was unable to find you because she had not regained consciousness and was totally involuntary; don’t blame her father for not fulfilling her responsibilities, because he doesn’t even know that the Qin family still has you, the little princess, in another place. Live alone. "

After listening to the second brother's statement, Zhao Donghan was silent for a long time. My heart felt like I had knocked over a five-flavored bottle, I couldn't tell what it was like, and I wanted to cry a lot to vent my inner anxiety and sadness.

I have made countless assumptions and searched for various reasons for my mother's departure. However, she never even dreamed that the truth of the matter was like this.

It turned out that my mother was in a car accident on the way back. The mother's boyfriend died, but the mother has never recovered. It turned out that she had never been abandoned, and everything was the result of mistakes.

After a long while, she took a deep breath: "Second brother, even if I don't know the cause and effect, I never blamed them."

"That's good." Qin Chuanyun nodded in relief.

Zhao Donghan raised his heavy eyelids and asked in a low tone: "By the way, I heard Zhang Lin say that his mother's condition suddenly deteriorated recently, and the doctor also issued a critical illness notice. Is this true?"

Qin Chuanyun's eyes flickered, and his face solemnly nodded: "Yes, just two days ago, my mother's heartbeat suddenly slowed down, her vital signs began to weaken, and her rejection of the nutrient solution was severe. Therefore, we were critically ill. Notice. However, you can rest assured. After the doctors rescued and changed the treatment plan, she has passed the dangerous period smoothly. But just in case, the doctor still recommends that she stay in the intensive care unit. Observe for a few more days."

"Thank God, it's great." Zhao Donghan breathed a sigh of relief, and his nerves relaxed.

After that, Qin Chuanyun asked Zhao Donghan about her experience over the years. The car drove forward for another hour or so before entering a large hospital in the city center.

Looking at his mother in the intensive care unit through the glass window, Zhao Donghan's tears couldn't stop falling. Mother closed her eyes tightly and lay there quietly, as if she was asleep. Her cheeks were sunken, almost skinny. The long black hair that was originally thick and black has also become sparser, with a few strands of white hair mixed in it. Seeing this situation, Zhao Donghan was heartbroken, and he didn't want to live in pain.

Qin Zhi stood behind her and patted her back comfortably: "If Wanqiu knew you came to see her, she would be very happy."

Zhao Donghan stood at the door of the intensive care unit for a long time. It was not until it was getting dark that everyone persuaded her to return home.

The house of Qin’s house is very large, a two-story duplex. The family had dinner together, and Zhao Donghan was also taken care of. Several older brothers took turns to prepare dishes for her, and Qin Zhi also asked in detail with concern how she had been over the years. Zhao Donghan answered all questions and answered his father's questions seriously.

It was the first time to have dinner with his family, Zhao Donghan felt very relaxed. Even Qin Chuanyang did not directly refuse the snack that Qin Chuanyang handed her, but took it.

Qin Chuanyang raised his eyebrows, he couldn't help but feel refreshed, and a smile appeared in his eyes. When leaving the airport, he invited Zhao Donghan to ride in his car, but was coldly refused, making him very angry and aggrieved. At this moment, although Zhao Donghan still refused to call his brother, his attitude finally eased a little. In any case, this is a good sign.

Such a warm family atmosphere is exactly what she has been looking forward to but can't ask for. While Zhao Donghan was extremely moved, he thought with some regret: If his mother can wake up, the family can gather together, that would be great!

After the meal, the housekeeper prepared a warm and luxurious room for her. She was so tired that she fell asleep after dinner.

The next day, Leng Wanqiu was in a stable condition and was sent to the general ward. On the same day, Zhao Donghan decided to stay in the hospital with the bed. She asked the nurses to rest, personally wipe the mother's body, comb her hair, and take care of it very carefully. She hasn't seen her for so many years, she really misses her mother.

The doctor said that more talk to the patient would be very helpful for his recovery. Therefore, except for a few hours of sleep, Zhao Donghan stayed beside his mother's bed. I kept telling her about my own experiences over the years.

She didn't want her mother to worry, so she just chose something that made her happy. For example, she and Zhao Xia Nuan went to the orphanage together to visit those lovely children; another example, which teachers praised and how many scholarships she had received in school; and some novel experiences in the work ; Of course, in the topic, there must be one person-that is her President Mu. She and the man she loves most, from acquaintance, acquaintance to love, accounted for almost half of the space.

"Mom, his name is Mu Yichen. Although he has bullied me, sometimes he is very venomous and domineering, but he is very good to me. Moreover, he is very handsome, as handsome as my dad."

As soon as he praised his own man, Zhao Donghan couldn't stop. A pair of beautiful eyes flashed with pride and pride.

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