Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 446: Don't be impulsive

Suddenly hearing these words, Zhao Donghan only felt black. She raised her hand to support the seat handle, barely letting herself faint, and confirmed in disbelief: "You are pregnant? And, the child belongs to Mu Yichen?"

"Yes." Zhao Xia Nuan replied very confidently, "I have already called Mr. Mu to understand this matter. I hope he can persuade my mother to save his own flesh and blood. But he said nothing. It’s okay to do it, it will save you a lot of trouble in the future."

Zhao Donghan slowly raised his hands, tightly tightened his seat belt, and fell silent suddenly. In all fairness, she is more willing to believe in Mu Yichen's character and his degree of specificity towards himself. Therefore, since I heard what my sister said just now, the first reaction was that it was impossible.

If it were someone else who dared to accuse Mu Yichen in front of her like this, she would definitely scold the other person and immediately hang up. She loves him, so she is willing to trust him unconditionally. All unfavorable remarks made to him, she categorized them as slander.

Similarly, if the male protagonist in this sister's remarks was replaced by another man, Zhao Donghan would not have the slightest doubt. However, this time, the two people she cared about most were put in the same multiple choice question.

One is her sister Zhao Xia Nuan, who has vowed to guard her for life and is kind to her adoption; the other is her favorite man, Mu Yichen who decides to stay with her for life, who should he trust? In this regard, she cannot be careful.

Zhao Donghan pressed her pink lips, calmed himself down quickly, and analyzed what her sister had just said.

It is true that Mu Yichen has the problems of losing his memory after drinking, forgetting familiar people around him, or admitting the wrong person. She alone has learned more than once; he used Zhao's method to threaten others, and he used to use her often. This is indeed Mu Yichen’s style; however, Mu Yichen once said to her personally that he Got a very serious mental illness. Except for her, she couldn't bear it at all, and other girls approached.

Moreover, after drinking, Mu Yichen tends to become very gentle and less aggressive. At least, he had never used brute force to force her while drunk. She and her sister's appearance are completely different, and he should not take the initiative to violate her sister just because he admits the wrong person.

In addition, as far as she knows, Mu Yichen likes children very much. He once said that he hoped that she could give birth to eight children for him in the future. At this moment, how can you say it indifferently and take your own flesh and blood away?

After thinking for a while, Zhao Donghan finally chose to still stand on his side. So, she said firmly: "I think there must be some misunderstanding in this. I know Mu Yichen, he is definitely not that kind of person. Sister, if you think about it carefully, could you make a mistake? ? Even if you have a child, it should be Wu Yan's flesh and blood."

Zhao Xia Nuan didn't expect that her younger sister would immediately see through her lie, she couldn't help but startled for a moment, and a panic surged in her heart. In the ten years before this, Zhao Donghan obeyed and respected her words. As long as she said what she said, she had never been doubted. Could it be that this method does not work? In normal times, Zhao Xia Nuan might shrink and give up. However, now she is not alone, and a small life is conceived in her body.

As the saying goes, women are weak, but mothers are strong. In order to keep this child, she is willing to be strong. My mother only gave her three days to solve the matter. Two days have passed now. This is the end of the matter, and there must be no way back. So, Zhao Xia Nuan twisted her thigh forcefully, forcing herself to cheer up, and said in a cold voice:

"Do you mean by saying that you think I'm throwing dirty water on Mr. Mu? Don't forget, I also have a lover who loves each other. No one likes it. You firmly believe that Mr. Mu is not like this. Is it implying that I rushed to take the initiative to dedicate myself? It turns out that in your heart, your sister's behavior and morals are so humble. Hehe, I can’t believe that you actually did it for a man who had known him for less than a month. Come to doubt the sister who grew up with you and always regarded you as a relative! Xiaohan, you are so disappointing to me.

The facts are here, there is no misunderstanding at all. Do you think I might be mistaken for such a big thing? I'm not stupid, don't you even know whose child I am pregnant? Why don't I hope that this child belongs to Wu Yan? Unfortunately not. Wu Yan worried that I would be wronged if I got pregnant before we were married, so I hoped to have children after marriage. Therefore, every time he was with me, he took precautions.

do you know? Because of this incident, Wu Yan has broken up with me. I was bullied and my beloved man left me. Then, I asked a man who didn't love to be responsible for me, but was rejected. The child is almost out of control, and now even the sister who cares the most does not believe me. Can't keep my own flesh and blood, what's the point of being alive? My child, I blame my mother for being useless and unable to protect you. Simply, let's go girls together! It also saves you from being scared alone on Huangquan Road. "

Every word the sister said made Zhao Donghan's heart anguish. Yes, my sister is right. On the other end of the phone are relatives who have been with each other for many years. My sister is different from her, she is naturally kind and innocent, so she can't lie at all. If those things really haven't happened, my sister will definitely not talk nonsense. My sister must be extremely sad when encountering such a thing. How could she be so heartless to question her sister's words?

Zhao Donghan could not wait to punch himself twice, very upset in his heart. Just now, she must have been fainted before she said that. Her distrustful behavior might hurt her sister's heart. Listening to the last few words of Zhao Xia Nuan, it seems that there is a meaning to commit suicide. If my sister has three strengths and two shortcomings, wouldn't she be a sinner through the ages? Thinking of this, Zhao Donghan hurriedly stopped and said:

"Sister, don't be impulsive, and don't think about it. I swear that I will never disbelieve you, let alone question your behavior and character. What you say must be true. I promise you that I will help you Keep this child. Don’t forget, you are the baby’s mother and I am also the baby’s aunt! Don’t be discouraged, let’s find a way together."

"President Mu refuses to be held responsible, what else can be done? The method of living outside will definitely not work. I don't hope that the child will be born without a father." Zhao Xia Nuan deliberately resorted to radical methods to tell her what to do Do, "Oh, yes, he values ​​you so much. If you help me persuade him, let him take on the responsibility of being a father, and marry me home, maybe he will listen. But, that's too much. It's hard for you. I think you wouldn't want to go?"

After a long silence, Zhao Donghan closed his pink lips twice and uttered two words with difficulty: "As long as I can help you, I am willing to try. However, I am not sure whether it will succeed in the end."

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