Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 467: Seduce him vigorously

I have to say that Zhao Donghan knows him very well. Unfortunately, the understanding is not thorough enough. He is arrogant and clean. If it was something that someone else had touched, he really didn't bother to look at it again.

However, Osamu is the only exception. She is like a rare treasure. Even if she accidentally falls on the ground and is contaminated with dust and dirt, it will be his treasure.

He was madly jealous of Ouyang Tian, ​​and he was very concerned about their reunion. As long as he thought of his Xiao Han, lying under other men and letting him take what he wanted, Mu Yichen was so crazy that he wanted to kill Ouyang Tian.

However, as long as Xiaohan is willing to come back, she will still be his treasure. If someone else dared to betray him in this way, Mu Yichen would definitely not give up easily. But if the subject is replaced by Zhao Donghan, the situation is completely different.

No matter what Zhao Donghan did to him excessively, as long as she was willing to look back, he would stand still and wait for her. He even finds reasons to excuse and justify her, and even push the fault on other people.

For example, this time, she obviously abandoned him. However, Mu Yichen always felt that it must be that he was not good enough to her, or that he hadn't done everything well, that could not keep Zhao Donghan. Otherwise, it was the fellow Ouyang Tian who had killed Xiaohan with Witch Gu, confusing her mind. Otherwise, she would definitely not break her promise, let alone abandon him.

Mu Yichen also didn't want to be so unpromising. But he just can't do without her, let alone hate her. Even a heavy rebuke was reluctant to say to her.

Who made him confused for a while, as if he had lost his heart, and had to fall in love with such a woman who would torture him?

However, in the end? In exchange for her sneer. She showed her affection time and time again, and wanted to take care of him again and again. It was like telling him that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep her.

Mu Yichen felt that if one day in the future, if he becomes a lunatic, then he must be driven mad by the woman Zhao Donghan.

Therefore, he decided to go all out. No matter what method he uses, he will let her stay. Even if her heart is not on him, the body cannot leave here.

Zhao Donghan curled up on the sofa, watching the man's expression nervously. Seeing his gloomy complexion, I knew something was wrong.

Oops, Mu Yichen must have misunderstood. Originally, the purpose of her remarks was to use a trick to force him to let go of himself.

At the beginning, Ouyang Tian threatened her with her sister and drugged her. Unable to resist, Zhao Donghan had no choice but to let him hug himself. If it weren't for this, she would never touch a man other than Mu Yichen.

What about ex-boyfriend? If you divide it, you divide it. Even a couple who used to sleep in the same bed every day, once divorced, they can't bother each other. What's more, Ouyang Tian had given up on her a long time ago and was not qualified to touch her again.

She gave it to Mu Yichen for the first time, and the one she loved was also him. Apart from him, she could not accept other men at all. It is not that she has a strong sense of chastity, but that she instinctively rejects her from body to mind.

It can also be said that if there is no emotion, she will not have skin-to-kin relationship with her. Zhao Donghan has always believed that he has a long-standing affection for Mu Yichen. But think about it now. If she was forced to change to another man, she would definitely bite her tongue and kill herself.

Although she fought desperately because of fear, but in the end she did not seek death, and he succeeded. This is enough to show that she treats Mu Yichen differently.

There are other reasons for indulging him in such a way, apart from being guilty of him for drugging and calculating. Perhaps, at the first sight of him, she was already moved.

If time could be turned back, she would still choose to meet Mu Yichen. Of course, she will not calculate him again, let alone drug him, but change to a better way to walk into his life.

She will go to Mu's for an interview and find a way to stay with him. Dressed up all day, she tried to seduce him, making Mu Yichen unwilling to work, thinking about her all the time, and finally had to cancel the marriage contract.

After that, she must be firmly by Mu Yichen's side and stay at her feet. She would persuade him to stop drinking so as not to do something wrong again. She would obey him and stop quarreling with him. Extend and extend their happy time.

If time could go back a week ago, she would definitely not go to that orphanage and would not meet Ouyang Tian. In that case, would they be fine now, where would they encounter this series of disasters?

However, these are all her fantasies, and they will never become reality. What she must do now is to push her favorite man away.

Zhao Donghan lowered his head sadly, recalling that day, under Ouyang Tian's deliberate design, the scene of her and her predecessor "Lang Qing Concubine" happened to be seen by Mu Yichen. She guessed that men generally care about this. If she said that, Mu Yichen might not touch her.

But as soon as the words were spoken, she immediately noticed something was wrong. Under the current circumstances, would Mu Yichen understand that she had the kind of relationship with Ouyang Tian? If this is the case, the misunderstanding would be serious.

Before, when she was hypnotized, Ouyang Tian did have behaviors between lovers, such as holding hands and hugging. But at that time, she only remembered that she was in love with Ouyang Tian. Therefore, no objection was raised. Looking back now, she felt very sick. However, even if she was forced to forget Mu Yichen, she still remained loyal to him in the subconscious.

When Ouyang Tian wanted to violate her, her body instinctively resisted. So she pushed him away hard. From beginning to end, she only slept with Mu Yichen alone. Regardless of the future results of her and Mu Yichen, she does not want to have a relationship with Ouyang Tian again.

Zhao Donghan opened his pink lips and closed them twice. She wanted to explain to him that she didn't mean that. But the deep fear made her unable to control herself, and could not even pronounce a syllable.

After a while, Mu Yichen calmed down. He narrowed his eyes, glanced at her disdainfully, and said indifferently, "Don't you think I want to **** you? Ha... I'm sorry, you think too much. If that's the case, it won't be punished. For you, being able to sleep by this young master is definitely a reward."

The man's surprisingly calm tone not only didn't let Zhao Donghan relax, but instead made her more upset. When Mu Yichen got angry, it was very scary; his current state made her even more daunting. It's like the brief silence before the storm, which makes people feel dull.

"Looking at your expression, it seems a bit disappointed." He pursed his lips and said sarcastically, "What? Did my behavior just cause you misunderstanding? It's ridiculous, you look down on Mu. Do you think , I can’t find my bed partner? Going to sleep with a woman who has been tainted by others?"

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