Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 478: Don't you love me anymore?

"Xiaohan, don't go." Mu Yichen hugged her and whispered to stay.

"Didn't Mu Shao just say, let me go further?" Zhao Donghan paused, desperately restraining the urge to turn around.

At this moment, her heart was dripping blood, and her entire soul had nowhere to go. I originally thought that she would be very happy and gratified if she helped her sister keep the child and found the rest of her life. However, now there is not even a bit of joy, and I even start to regret the lie that I just said. Her whole emotion was swallowed and covered up by the sadness of losing Mu Yichen.

"I let you go and you go, are you so obedient? When I asked you to marry me, why didn't you do it right away?" The man gritted his teeth bitterly, his voice low and dull. In every syllable, deep exhaustion is revealed, "Forget what you said just now! I regret it, so I can't bear you to go. Stay, OK?"

What made Zhao Donghan a mistress, what he said were all angry words. Originally, Mu Yichen wanted to stimulate her and avenge her ruthlessness. Unexpectedly, she unexpectedly said those heartless words again. He said to complete her, she really left! This woman is really cruel and cold-blooded.

"I'm sorry." She choked for a long time, exhausted all her strength, and pulled his arm away. Immediately, tremblingly opened the door, took a step forward, and said quietly, "Take care of my sister and forget me!"

"Don't mention others." He groaned, and took a step forward. Raising the uninjured hand, gently holding her catkin, softly whispering in her voice, "Let me forget you, it is impossible. Are you...really willing to leave me? Could it be that you can't Stay with me and spend the rest of my life with me?"

Zhao Donghan turned his eyes back, looking at his expectant and earnest gaze, bit his lip in a dilemma, and the corner of his eyes felt sore.

Of course she was reluctant, of course she wanted to stay with him. In fact, after leaving from here, she didn't know where she should go. However, now Mu Yichen's side no longer has her place, and she has to leave.

It seems that the desire to take Mu Yichen back to see his mother is impossible in this life. Next, I can only find a hotel and stay for one night. Buy a plane ticket tomorrow and fly to your family.

After hesitating again and again, Zhao Donghan finally took his hand out of his big warm hand, and refused with difficulty, "Sorry, I can't stay."

"Don't you love me?" Mu Yichen stared at her with a hoarse voice. This sentence is very difficult to ask.

She just looked back at him, her pink lips trembled twice, layers of bitterness surged in her heart, and she couldn't say a word. How can you not love? It is precisely because I love him so much that I can't stay. Let her stay by his side, be a mistress, and watch him loving others, it would be better to take a knife and stab her to death.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a while, Mu Yichen bowed her head and said in a low voice: "Okay! Since you are determined to leave, I won't be too troubled. However, before leaving, I want to give you a gift."

"No need." Zhao Donghan shook his head and faintly refused. What he will give away must be some precious jewelry or rare things. She didn't want anything at this moment.

Now, the most important man in her life is about to be lost. What is the use of those vulgar things she wants? Seeing it later will only be even more sad.

"Why? Xiaohan hates me so much and refuses to accept the last gift?" Mu Yichen stared at her, his eyes like a deep pool, completely dark. The eyes are full of tenderness, all of her nostalgia for her.

"No." Her heart trembled, adjusting her breathing as much as possible, pulling out a smile with effort, pretending to be relaxed, "Well, what does Mu Shao want to give me?"

Mu Yichen raised his hand and took out an object from the cabinet. Zhao Donghan took a closer look. It was a folding Swiss army knife. Because he just wiped the wound with a napkin just a few times, bright red blood was still dripping out of the entire palm of his hand, dyed on the golden handle of the knife.

Zhao Donghan turned his head and stared at him blankly. For a while, he couldn't understand his intentions. I only felt that the bright color on the handle of the knife stung her eyes.

Mu Yichen is... planning to give her a knife so that she can carry it with her in the future, so that it can be used for self-defense when walking at night?

However, the man's next move was not to hand the knife into her hand. Instead, he raised his arms and pulled the shirt that had been opened and became very loose, and pulled hard to the sides, revealing tight and **** chest muscles.

The exquisite and three-dimensional collarbone, wheat-colored skin, and lines full of masculine power exude endless charm.

After seeing this action, Zhao Donghan's back felt a chill. The speed of the heartbeat also doubled in an instant. She couldn't tell why, suddenly she was a little out of breath. It seems... something bad will happen.

Sure enough, the other party's next actions confirmed her unpredictable feeling. I saw Mu Yichen raised his thumb and pressed it lightly on the handle of the knife. In the next second, a cold-glowing blade popped out.

Upon seeing this, the man's mouth raised a bloodthirsty smile. Like a poppy in full bloom, how gorgeous and noble it is, it is just as vicious and ruthless. Even when he was dealing with himself, he was equally merciless.

His eyes were low and he said softly:

"Since I am a person, you are not willing to take it. Then, I will give you this heart. I hope that my heart can be with Xiaohan forever and never be separated again."

After that, Mu Yichen's eyes drenched. Raised the Swiss Army Knife high, and stabbed it to the center of his heart.

"No!" Zhao Donghan couldn't help but let out an exclamation, his heart stopped for a beat. He rushed over as fast as he could, squeezing the man's wrist with both hands.

Fortunately, she stopped quickly and in time. The tip of the knife was a few millimeters away from the man's skin. The tiger's mouth on her hand was shaking, showing how much effort the other party had used.

This is enough to show the determination of men when they make this behavior. Obviously, he didn't leave any room for it. He was completely trying to solve the problem once, and he didn't plan to do it again. If she hadn't stopped it in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

I just cut the artery with a vase fragment, maybe there is still time to rescue; but if this knife is pierced, Mu Yichen will definitely die.

After confirming that he was safe, Zhao Donghan's tight nerves relaxed, and his heart resumed beating.

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