Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 501: Can't show weakness in momentum

Because of fear that there were other people in the car, Zhao Donghan stopped the stubbornness in time. In any case, this is Mu Yichen's privacy.

This incident must not be spread, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the reputation of her man and her sister.

Therefore, she lowered her voice and whispered, "Your heart is too cruel?"

"Heh... did you know me the first day?" Mu Yichen sneered and said word by word, "In your impression, I am a soft-hearted person? If I want children, naturally Many women are willing to give birth, I will care about the one in her belly? If you are not afraid of the one in your sister's belly and give our children to the funeral, you can just take medicine."

At this time, he was so angry that his forehead was blue and his eyelids jumped wildly. In fact, he can rely on her whether he wants a child or when he wants it. But taking contraceptives is very harmful to women. He absolutely does not allow them to be taken by his own women.

This kind of dangerous thought shouldn't have been generated by her, and she must be extinguished as soon as possible without any means. Therefore, he simply adopted a threatening approach. In his experience, this simple and crude method is often the most direct and effective.

Zhao Donghan couldn't be mad. Just about to choke, he heard a click in the receiver, and the other side hung up the phone.

She sat there in a daze, terribly uncomfortable in her heart. The character of this man really can be said and done. With his abilities and means, it is completely effortless to create an accident and cause his sister to miscarry.

Mu Yichen is self-willed and irresponsible, self-centered, whatever he wants. Knowing that she couldn't marry other people, and couldn't do without him, she had to force her to have children out of wedlock.

In this matter, he was totally unreasonable. Before, Mu Yichen also said vowedly that he would treat her well forever! It's okay right now. After only a few days of being together, I started to lose my temper at her. Before she finished speaking, she dared to hang up her phone, which became more and more excessive. The road ahead is still so long, he always bullies her like this, what can she expect?

In fact, when a couple quarrels, it doesn't matter who puts down their posture first and makes soft words. But, why, she is the one who compromises every time? Having promised him so many unreasonable demands, isn't she enough to condone him?

If she was wronged a little bit, forbearance would pass. Now he still plans to make their children wronged, and she can't let it go. Once she is really pregnant, the child will ask in the future, who is her father, and how will she answer? Do you want to say that your biological father is your uncle?

No, absolutely not. In such an environment, children who grow up will definitely be mentally unhealthy and feel very painful. Instead of this, she would rather not let her children come into this world.

If Mu Yichen wouldn't let her take medicine, she would not eat; if he attacked his sister, she would use a hunger strike to resist him. In short, he must not be pregnant with his child.

Correct! This time, he just made trouble. She would no longer take the initiative to coax him, let alone bother him.

The more Zhao Donghan thinks, the more depressed, the more he thinks, the more wronged. She straightened up angrily and made up her mind. At this moment, the phone rang again. On the caller ID, four big characters flashed brightly-Your husband.

She was getting angry, seeing him calling again, thinking in her heart: It must be Mu Yichen who felt that what he said was too much, so he called and apologized to her.

Humph, she won't pick up, she must kill his power and aura and make him feel anxious.

However, her body was one step ahead of her brain. Just two seconds after the phone rang, she pressed the answer button faithfully in her heart.

While making this move, she immediately regretted it. The two are arguing, and they can't show weakness in their momentum. However, this move just now seemed to be too urgent for her, right?

Mu Yichen might have mistakenly thought that she had been on the phone, waiting anxiously for him to call. Secretly complaining in my heart, his thumb is really unbelievable, and he does not obey the control of the brain.

She was very upset, but the phone was already connected, and it was too late to regret. Can't she hang up again?

"Hey, what else is there?" she said angrily. It is not only angering him to be ruthless, but also angering himself.

"Yo, the call is answered so quickly. Are you looking forward to it, I will call you?" On the other side, the man's teasing words sounded.

really! She knew that Mu Yichen would definitely run on herself because of this. Of course, Zhao Donghan couldn't admit that this kind of illusory matter. So she denied angrily: "I didn't."

Mu Yichen raised her eyebrows and heard the arrogant voice in her tone. She was not eager to expose it, and asked unhurriedly:

"I'm calling this to ask you if you realize that I am wrong? Do you want to apologize to me?"

Zhao Donghan was so angry that he was so angry that he was speechless for a while. I can't believe it, Mu Yichen called again, not to take the initiative to admit her mistake, but to order her to apologize to him?

What a joke! She was right, why should she admit her mistake? She waited for the name on the phone screen, wishing to poke two holes in it. She thought about it, and after a while she hung up the phone, she changed his remarks to "unreasonable bastard".

After a while, she made a voice: "I don't want it, you dream!"

Toot...As soon as she finished speaking, the other side hung up again.

Zhao Donghan clenched his phone tightly and took two deep breaths to stabilize his emotions. At this moment, Mu Yichen's third call came again. Like just now, she picked it up again without ambition. It does not pass through the brain at all, and the movements are smooth and natural.

"Why, do you want to apologize now?" The man's tone was calm and steady, not at all crazy like her. "If you refuse, I will keep fighting."

Does he think that she will compromise after repeated tossing like this? I really underestimated her. He just made the call if he wanted to, and she would accompany him. However, even if he asked a hundred times, she would not apologize to him, let alone fulfill his wish.

Zhao Donghan calmed his mind and said coldly: "I..."

She wanted to say, I don't want it. However, before she could say the last three words, the man on the other end of the phone suddenly lowered the volume, using a **** and magnetic voice, and said:

"My wife I love you."

This sentence is like a sentence of magic. In an instant, Zhao Donghan's body was stiff. I completely forgot what I want to say next. The anger in my heart suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, sitting in the driver's seat in front of Mu Yichen, Leng Kun, who was driving, twitched his mouth twice.

Alas, he is clearly working hard. Unprepared, he was fed a bowl of dog food.

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