Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 529: Sister, listen to me

So Zhao Xia Nuan had to pick up the hotel phone and dialed his sister's mobile phone number. What she didn't expect was that it was successfully connected this time.

The moment Zhao Xia Nuan got on the phone, her heart felt cold.

She used her cell phone to make calls, but she couldn't make any calls; but when she changed the hotel landline, she was immediately connected. This shows what? I am afraid there is only one explanation-her cell phone number has been hacked. It's just not clear that this incident was caused by Xiaohan, or Mu Yichen did it in secret.

Zhao Xia Nuan was in a mess, and hurriedly asked, hoping that it was not her sister who answered the phone. That would show that Xiaohan didn't ignore her deliberately, but was constantly threatened and couldn't touch her phone.

As a result, to Zhao Xia Nuan's disappointment, a familiar, cold voice rang from the other side. In other words, Xiaohan has always been able to answer the phone, and no one has threatened her at all.

The younger sister, who shares her joys and sorrows and lives with her day and night, is so cruel and can't help her mother and daughter? Thinking of this, Zhao Xia Nuan's heart sank quickly.

She was emotional and her fingers kept shaking. Even the handset of the telephone is about to be unstable. Hearing Zhao Donghan asking her about the situation, Zhao Xia Nuan couldn't help complaining a few words, and even angered and lied that the child was gone.

Zhao Donghan's breathing was stagnant, and he was terrified. Subconsciously, he glanced at Mu Yichen beside him. Didn't he go to Zhao's house to hire him in the morning?

"What's the matter? Who called?" Mu Yichen turned his head slightly while controlling the steering wheel. Seeing her staring at her with big eyes, she asked in a puzzled manner.

Zhao Donghan bit his lower lip, only caring about what happened to his sister, and ignored the man's questioning. She withdrew her gaze, and asked quickly to the phone: "How could it be like this?"

"Why not?" Zhao Xia Nuan raised her head and looked at the dirty ceiling, with a sad and desolate tone. "I waited all night and didn't hear from you. You know your mother's temper. ,and so……"

She stroked her unprotruding belly lightly, and closed her eyes tightly. Even if the child is still there, he will not be able to keep it in the future.

Zhao Donghan shook his head frequently and raised his voice to retort: ​​"No, no. Mu Yichen personally promised me that he will marry you. Could it be that he didn't go to Zhao's house this morning?"

"Are you joking? I have been at home, and Mr. Mu never showed up at all. He didn't even answer his mother's call to ask." Zhao Xia Nuan cried bitterly, choked and said, "Xiaohan, I Knowing that this matter has nothing to do with you. Your willingness to help me shows that you value our sister's affection; even if you don't want to help, it is natural and forgivable. I won't blame you for it.

But, why didn't you reject me yesterday, but let me wait for your news? If you made it clear earlier, I wouldn't expect it. It gave me hope, and now it has let me down again, it is better not to promise.

I totally believe and rely on you, but I cannot wait for your news. I have called you so many calls, but I can't reach you. Do you know how anxious I am?

In fact, even if you can't do it, it doesn't matter, I just think of another way. But at least, you should tell me, right? He didn't even give me a message, and blocked my phone. Why am I sorry to you, you... why do you treat me this way? I waited for so long in vain, thinking that your phone is dead. I can't believe it, Osamu did this thing!

In addition, there have been changes in the family in the past two days. I have lost everything now, no hope of anything. "

Wu Yan's death, father's face change, sister's loss... Now, his mother has no time to talk to her. Several consecutive major blows made Zhao Xia Nuan haggard and devastated. From a pampered daughter who lives in a luxurious house, she becomes an ordinary person who is homeless, alone in a small hotel, and no one cares. She was full of misery and despair, but she didn't even have a person to talk to.

Now, suddenly hearing my sister's voice, she couldn't help it anymore. He vented all the grievances in his heart.

In fact, Zhao Xia Nuan also knew that she might be a little unreasonable. However, when Zhao Donghan was most helpless, she took Xiaohan away from the orphanage. In addition, he personally named her and recognized her as her sister, and begged her parents to adopt her in Zhao's family.

For so many years, she has treated her like a sister, taking care and loving meticulously. In the end, this was a result.

When she was in misfortune and needed the help of others the most, the sister who was most beloved on weekdays was completely disregarded of sisterhood and cruelly left her alone. She blocked her mobile phone number and chose to stand with her boyfriend. Zhao Xia Nuan's heart inevitably felt extremely unbalanced. Full of complaints towards my sister, the whole person almost collapsed.

"Sister, let me explain..."

The more Zhao Donghan listened, the more flustered he felt. Just about to explain, the phone was stolen by someone with an empty hand.

It turned out that Mu Yichen was sitting there. Just now, when she heard her words were wrong, she parked the car on the side of the road. With a long arm, he took the phone from her hand.

Because his car stopped suddenly, Leng Kun and a few bodyguards who had been driving behind did not know what happened to the boss, so they pulled over and parked.

The man frowned and glanced coldly at the name on the screen. Sure enough, it was Zhao Xia Nuan who called again. He moved his thumb, tapped on the screen, and whispered boredly:

"Unexpectedly, when she blocked her phone, she could still jump out and behave. It's really lingering."

"Hey, return the phone to me!" Zhao Donghan snatched the phone back and found that it had been hung up.

Just now, the phone was half talked. I don't know what happened to the Zhao family. My sister has just lost her child and must be in need of company and comfort. She actually joked with her boyfriend here, and did not rush to her sister in the first time.

Damn her! She is a totally incompetent sister.

Zhao Donghan's heart was filled with self-blame, and he wished to fly to his sister's side to comfort him. From the words of sister Fang Cai, you can hear that the other party must have misunderstood her. bad! She didn't contact her sister, she didn't deliberately ignore it. It was because Mu Yichen had promised her that she would keep her promise and marry her sister.

Mu Yichen warned her that if he didn't listen to him, he would overturn all previous promises. Now, she completely believed him, did not take the initiative to call her sister, and decided to stay by his side.

Unexpectedly, he still did not keep his promise. If it weren't for her sister, she would still be kept in the dark.

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