Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 537: Don't resent them

In any case, Father Wu and Mother Wu are naturally very happy if their son survived a catastrophe. However, they have always had a grudge against Zhao Xia Nuan. Because their son gave up his stable job as a teacher and switched to investing in business. After that, he lost money all the way and was beaten and accused by Zhao Fan many times. This series of unlucky events all originated from Zhao Xia Nuan.

They persuaded their son more than once, hoping that he would change to a girlfriend. However, Wu Yan couldn't listen at all, and still insisted on being with Zhao Xia Nuan.

Recently, Wu Yan had two consecutive car accidents. This incident was also counted on Zhao Xia Nuan's head by Wu's parents. Especially Wu Mu, who was originally superstitious, believed that this woman was the reincarnation of Broom Star. The bad luck of my son is attributed to getting to know her.

Therefore, they did not tell Zhao Xia Nuan about Wu Yan being rescued later. The second elder of the Wu family discussed it and decided to take this opportunity to completely cut off the connection between his son and Broom Star. So, when Wu was seriously injured and unconscious, they simply lied to Zhao Xia Nuan that Wu Yan had passed away.

After Wu Yan regained consciousness, he was quietly sent to a nursing home by his parents. He had been hoping all day that Zhao Xia Nuan would come to see him. However, his mobile phone was taken away by his parents. Now his whole body is hurt and he can't move a single inch. It's hard to move your fingers, let alone walk out of the nursing home.

An hour ago, a few strange men suddenly broke in. They claimed to be Wu Yan's family members, went through the formalities for him, and carried the people on a stretcher.

Wu Yan is physically weak, unable to struggle at all. Without allowing him to refuse, he was forcibly carried into the car by several people, and then sent to this sparsely populated place.

After such tossing, Wu Yan's wounds all over his body were pulled and hurt, and he coughed frequently.

He was lying here alone, unable to yell or move. It's really making the earth not work every day. Those people left him here, and no longer appeared. He has a dry throat and wants to drink water, and no one cares about him, it is simply miserable.

At this moment, Wu Yan suddenly heard a noise at the door. Immediately, Zhao Xia Nuan walked in. At the moment when he saw his sweetheart, Wu Yan was a little doubtful whether he was dreaming.

"I thought I would never see you again in my life. I didn't expect that there would be such a surprise." Zhao Xia Nuan raised her white hands and shook her chest sincerely: "Thank God! A Yan, you It’s great to be alive."

Wu Yan took a breath and said in an excited voice, "I am so happy to see you."

He wanted to wipe away the tears for his girlfriend, but it was a pity that his bandaged arm couldn't help.

"Me too." Zhao Xia Nuan sat on the edge of the bed, curling her lips and said, "Ayan, I can tell you good news, you are about to become a father."

Upon hearing this, Wu Yan was startled. It took a long time to react. What she meant by this sentence: "You... are pregnant?"

"Yeah! If it weren't for this kid, I would have followed you long ago. Now think about it, thanks to this kid. Otherwise, you wouldn't see me."

By the way, didn't you tell me long ago that we hope we have a daughter in the future? Your wish will come true soon. If this child is not a daughter, I will give you another one. "Speaking, Zhao Xia Nuan's beautiful eyes were filled with happiness.

"Nuan, I really want to give you a hug." Wu Yan's chest rises and falls, obviously excited and excited, and said in a choked voice, "I'm sorry, my parents lied to you. I hope it's on my face and don't resent them."

"Well, don't worry! I am a mother now and can understand their feelings. In the future, I will try to make them like me. Now with this child, this goal is easier to achieve." Zhao Xia Nuan happily After speaking, I couldn't help but think of something, his eyes darkened suddenly, "Ayan, in order to save our child, I did something that I shouldn't do."

"What's wrong? Xiao Nuan." Seeing her little face pale, Wu Yan asked worriedly.

These long-lost couples are chatting affectionately and invariably forgot one thing-where are the strangers who brought them here? What is their purpose?

In the next room, there is a monitor. The scene of Zhao Xia Nuan and Wu Yan looking at each other affectionately is playing above.

Li Jie put his glasses aside, leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed, and watched the monitor intently. An unexplained smile appeared on Sven's delicate face.

This scene of the little lovers reuniting is quite touching!

Thinking like this, he reached out and grabbed the phone from the table next to him and dialed a series of numbers:

"Hey, Brother Leng, it's me. The things you explained have been done. According to your instructions, I didn't reveal any news to Zhao Xia Nuan in advance. After she saw her mate, she was surprised and delighted. When I was emotional, I explained everything together."

"Well, good job. Master will be very satisfied after knowing it. Next, continue to act according to the original plan." Leng Kun said to the phone while driving.

"Yes." Li Jie said seriously, then put down the phone.

After staying in the hotel, Zhao Donghan called several classmates of his sister. Everyone said that Zhao Xia Nuan had never looked for them. Zhao Donghan knows well that her sister is usually shy and introverted, and she has never worked outside, and she does not have many friends.

Where did the adoptive mother take her sister? Zhao Donghan thought for a long time, and suddenly remembered that the Zhao family still had several properties in the countryside. So she left the hotel and drove to the country by car. I ran all over those places, and all the people who watched the house said that they had not seen Zhao Xia Nuan.

Seeing the sun set to the west, the sky will soon be dark. From running around at noon to the present, Zhao Donghan, who has been dealing with a bite in the car even for lunch, sits on the side of the road wearily. With one hand on his forehead, he felt helpless.

It seems that most of the two of them went to the home of an acquaintance of the foster mother. The adoptive mother's attitude towards her has always been lukewarm. She is not familiar with the friend circle of her adoptive mother.

It seems that I can only wait for my sister before calling.

Zhao Donghan felt uneasy about Mu Yichen and decided to call him again. However, the other party's phone is still turned off.

She couldn't get in touch with Mu Yichen, and she became anxious.

What will happen to him? Although Leng Kun and Steward Zhou were beside him, Mu Yichen had a headstrong temper. In case the stubbornness comes up and do some dangerous things, no one can really persuade him.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she was, for fear of accidents. Therefore, Zhao Donghan decided to rush back to Mu Yichen's villa immediately. The most urgent task is to reassure her husband quickly and never let him get into trouble.

She stood up, ready to find a car nearby. As a result, just two steps forward, the phone rang.

The call was made by Jiang Qian, with a strange tone: "Donghan, have you seen the video on the Internet?"

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