Systematic Director’s Tender Love

Chapter 555: Rent a temporary boyfriend

Seeing this situation, Lu Jiaqi was instantly dumbfounded. My mother has always had such a temperament. What should I do now?

Alas, she really didn't want to go on a blind date. But, where can I find a boyfriend to bring it back tomorrow? Anyway, on Leng Kun's side, she absolutely can't speak anymore.

So Lu Jiaqi took out the phone and looked through the address book.

She is usually outgoing and helpful. In the circle of classmates and friends, the popularity is pretty good. There are several colleagues around who have expressed their favor to her. If you ask for help, someone should agree. However, Lu Jiaqi is not willing to do this.

After all, she didn't have a feeling for those people, and if she made this request, she would use their suspicion a bit. Once the parents feel that the other party is good and the falsification becomes true, then it will be difficult to end.

How about renting a temporary boyfriend online? It's just... She doesn't know the market in this regard, and doesn't know whether the price is expensive.

She took a long vacation this month and will definitely get some salary deductions. And during the trip, I spent a lot of savings, and I can't spend a lot of money. In addition, she also felt that this method was a bit unsafe.

After thinking about it, Lu Jiaqi did not consider a complete solution. She messed up her hair in anguish, got up and walked to the refrigerator, took out a large box of ice cream from it, and ate it with no distraction.

Every time she is unhappy, she likes to eat some sweets. As long as you do this, your mood will get better, and today is no exception.

No, this time Lu Mu seemed extra stubborn. Even during dinner, I stayed in the room and didn't come out. It was made clear that if Lu Jiaqi was not obedient, she would not ignore her daughter. Lu Jiaqi sighed, feeling helpless.

Her father comforted her and said, "My child, don't get angry first. After a while, I'll try to persuade your mother, hoping she can worry less about her. Alas, you know her temper. As long as she is sure She won’t change her mind easily. However, from the starting point, she is also for your own good. Just understand it and try to accommodate her as much as possible!"

"Well, I know." She didn't want her father to worry, and reluctantly nodded. Lu Jiaqi knows well that in this family, everything is up to her mother. Father is honest and honest, and most of them can't persuade mother.

"That's good. Go, let's go eat first!"

After the father and daughter had dinner together, Lu Jiaqi returned to the room in a low mood, and collapsed on her bed.

After a while, Lu Jiaqi suddenly remembered the agreement with Leng Kun. So she turned over and sat up on the bed. Take out the phone from the bag and edit a long text message. The content at the beginning was the address of the hotel where Xue Hao held the wedding, the start time, and the place where the two people gathered.

Later, Lu Jiaqi told Leng Kun that the protagonist of the day was not her, and it was estimated that she would not be eye-catching, so there was no need to prepare. At that time, as long as he speaks less, he can stay with her all the time.

In fact, if it weren't for the protection, the person in her heart was Xue Hao's secret, and Lu Jiaqi would not want to attend his wedding. After all, she had met him who was happy, and he who was sad, but she had never met Xue Hao, who stood in front of relatives, friends, and other guests, and vowed to other girls to be together forever.

If possible, Lu Jiaqi really hopes that she will never witness that scene. However, she had to go again. Well, just go! Take it as farewell to Xue Hao, and draw an end to your long-standing crush!

In fact, Lu Jiaqi has already planned. At that time, as long as you show your face, let Xue Hao see that she and Leng Kun have appeared, and have an explanation to them. That only belonged to Xue Hao and his bride, the sweetest and happiest place for the two, she didn't want to stay longer.

At the end of this message, Lu Jiaqi once again thanked Leng Kun for his willingness to help.

After clicking send, Lu Jiaqi squeezed the phone and sent it for a while. A minute later, she heard the SMS alert tone, and Leng Kun responded.

Leng Kun's message is very simple, only two words-received.

Lu Jiaqi hesitated, but in the end she was still embarrassed, and continued to send messages to Leng Kun to ask him to come to her home for dinner.

In all fairness, if the other party doesn't mind, actually Leng Kun is the person she most hopes to take home and introduce to her parents.

As a result, she was really moved by Leng Kun, and it would be great if the falsification could be made true. Secondly, Leng Kun's character, appearance, and behavior are sure to satisfy her parents. Thirdly, Leng Kun is a decent gentleman, and it is safe and reliable to ask him for help.

However, she owed Leng Kun too much, and she couldn't open her mouth, and didn't want to cause trouble to the other party anymore.

Forget it, it can still be a day off! Wait for tomorrow, and talk to your mother. So she threw the phone next to the pillow, ready to turn off the lights in advance to go to bed.

It was late at night and the lights in the city were dim.

An eye-catching black Maserati stopped in front of a magnificent and tasteful bar.

The two doormen hurried forward and bowed respectfully, with a very warm attitude. Obviously, this person is a VIP in this bar. Moreover, this is not the first time.

One of the doormen hurried to the side of the limousine. Protect the top of the car with one hand, and open the door with the other.

A tall and slender figure stepped down from the car with grace.

"Mr. Mu, you are here." Another doorman greeted him, his voice full of awe and caution.

"Yeah." Mu Yichen nodded slightly, making a nasal sound.

After getting off the car, the man stood there calmly, his back straight, his legs were long and stylish. The whole person exudes a natural bullying momentum.

The dark eyes, like a deep pool, lifted slightly. He glanced at the entrance of the bar, his eyes filled with calmness and arrogance. Two thin lips are pressed lightly, the bridge of the nose is pretty, the long eyebrows are raised, and the expression is aloof and indifferent.

The whole body reveals a mysterious and restrained temperament. The nobleness and self-confidence of that high-ranking person is completely beyond the ordinary people to imitate. If someone with a discerning eye sees it, he can tell at a glance that this is a king standing at the top of the food chain.

Such a handsome man, as soon as he appeared, he successfully blurred the surrounding pedestrians into a background board. In this situation, people can't help but produce a strong feeling-as if all the glory and brilliance of the heavens and the earth are concentrated on him.

After getting off the car, Mu Yichen stood still for a few seconds. Immediately, he opened his two long legs and entered the bar at a steady pace.

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