System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 13 - Black Burn!

A never fluctuating tone, always an order and ever with no emotional weights roared yet again.

"Are you the Head?" asked Fiora to the eyes of piercing red that stood mighty against her sight, neither did she felt threatened but indeed she felt the intense power surging within the tanned man's calm demeanor.

"Head? No! I'm just here tooo.... herd these fools." simply replied the man in kind, with a rugged voice that reverberates with no hidden spikes of motives or spite, he was calm and lazily kind.

So calm that the other lionesses of the Sunflower Plateau felt a hint of unease towards the man, such power, such presence. Who was he? they do not know, the mystery behind his piercing eyes of dotted red played the major factor for the Sunflowers to be on guard.

"You are coming with us!" abrupt and cold Fiora ordered.

"I ain't got time, Sorry! I'm already late to a meeting as it is... This is such a pain." calmly replied the man albeit honest while gently brushing his short and spiked hair of rough and tough, cloudy whites.

His presence alone was a weight-stone that in plain sight lifted the bandits more to an equal standing against the Sunflower Plateau.

And in his presence even the berserking Ramstein and his deafening men remained obedient and eerily quiet.

All the more adding to the sense of unease for the lionesses as the rowdy bandits and their unexpectedly abnormal numbers of perks were now as they were, disciplined soldiers.

"Listen here you dick!..." the tallest of the pride with the shortest temper could not bare the easygoing man who seemingly felt no fear, breaking free from the disciplinary constraint Fiora has led -she then and there voiced her desire to char his already tanned skin.

"Samara! Halt!" rebutted Fiora, her voice was loud and clear.

Samara then reluctantly obeyed her captain still gritting her teeth at the man, she stood back and aligned with the rest, joining them in a stern poise.

"The world is changing and this freaks are only the start of it. Fighting!! is just a waste.." calm yet again he spoke-, casually shrugging off the fanged Samara's dead glare.

"So, we'll be leaving." he continued with a wave, showing his back towards the Sunflower Plateau as his hand casually waved for a retreat.

His words and every move left Ramstein and now Samara ached -for their blood was already boilt and readied for combat. But neither of the two dared or wouldn't voice a word out in the presence of Fiora and the man.

"I suggest you to not take us lightly!" vouched Fiora, still on her disciplined posture.

"That I don't, don't misunderstand lady of the l.... flames!? I'm doing this for these fools, they'll be a waste if they die too soon." even in the faces of the many rowdy bandits, the man's piercing tongue was still brutally honest.

"Suit Yourself!!"

That was the only thing they heard before the bandits could see what the religious would call hell, like the first sparks in a lighter before the flame.

Fiora's two words ignited her red hot mane to set ablaze a massive sea of flames around her. Bright and burning, that was only when the man's eyes took a hint of being on guard.

Peeking back at the burning captain of the Sunflower Plateau who halted his feet to a standstill, he thought, 'What a pain.'

"You're not making this easy." still aggravatingly calm, he faces the pride once again.

Fiora then without any warning, with no facial cues that would tell an assault was coming, "Dead or alive!" she screamed.

Her voice was followed by a high raising wave of fire, like tides it raises from her back, her three soldiers wondrously still stood straight besides her unburnt and unmoving.

A massive show of power, a tamed tsunami of fire which at any breathe was enough to dampened the bandits numbers.

Still itching the eyes of Samara however was the man, whose red eyes showed still no fear, no signs of rapid battle breaths, he stood as he firstly did before -calm and mighty and still against the Sunflower Plateau.

This was a trigger for Samara, gritting her teeth, "This motherfuc--"

A raised hand which allowed no words. Fiora again demanded patience and discipline, amazingly although hard to assume for someone as 'trigger happy!' as Samara, orders from the Lioness who not only Samara but the rest obeyed, be it their vast variant of colourful personalities the lioness was a magnificent being of order they would continuosly obey.

Fiora then directs her fangs at the man, her raised hand felling the man with a finger, "Burn!" she commanded.

The massive fire-wave as though it was one of her soldiers obeyed the 'Sun Queen' burning none of the Sunflowers but evoking hot menace at the man and his rowdy bandits. Heavy it felt like -, the wave of fire which burns any even just by standing close. Ramstein felt his flesh on his gigantified arms sting and was ridiculously tender, 'I'm burnt?' he questioned himself. Looking around as the wave neared the bandits, his men reluctant as they were backed away feet by feet, even one who has a perk of a spherical barrier of wind fekt as if his perk were being melted as he floated to distance himself along with his comrades.

Ramstein and his over disproportionate legs held their ground, painstakingly shaking, his will to fight unfading and with every courage and angry runts he could muster he bore the searing pain which in his spite and blistering skin grew more and more unbearable. Struggling as he might with massive fists shielding his tender eyes which laid it sights on a scene his eyes could not behold, 'So this is Kurt?'

Kurt -the man of tanned skin, calm and unfazed, he stood mighty even against the scorching high tide of burning wave, 'Fucks wrong with him? knew he was top shit but can't he feel anything?' thought the pain aching eyes of Ramstein.

"Man!! you're really trying to make me work here!" still yet calm, Kurt then held his palm out towards the oncoming wave of fire.

His shirtless body, vascular arms, calm demeanor all throughout but mostly his tongue and its ways yielded an immeasurable pain of excruciating anger towards Samara.


"Raise, Black burn!" Kurt commanded.

First they sensed a chilling surge, chills from the black depths.

Then there were small firecrackers -of black violent sparks which in a sudden sprouts enormous fluttering wall of eerie black fire, all in a sudden it was a war between two stupendous and gargantuan scorching tidal waves of fire, they burnt red and ghost black, each trying to swallow the other, yet with each flames as feirce as the other there was no clear winner in their battle of burning waves.

Sure it were a surprise, for a black fire was not known belonging to any power-borns and not just the colour but the power which rivaled the famed embers of the Sun queen.

"Black flames?" Fiora smiled.

A smile so rare that could perplexed her own men, who stood still and Still as they were expected by their Captain, in their eyes they begrudgingly acknowledges the strengths of the man named Kurt.

Rather excited for a fight, deep down Fiora's heart beat a fast rhythm excitedly, 'Yes! Yes! Yes! A challange!' sang her mind which skipped her heart a beat.

As the flames in the vanguard of both parties burnt, Fiora gave an order, "Move Out!" she held her arms out and wide.

Quick, disciplined and harmonious the Sunflowers leaped, quick steps in nigh a flash they took to flank the bandits from each sides of the colliding waves.

It was matter of quick pace for the pride and meeting the ladies in their attack was the quick Kurt who senses movements from the sides of their wrestling flames. He collapsed his palm into a fist commanding the haunted flames of dark black to spread wide and tall causing a stop to the fast feets of the flanking Sunflower Plateau.

Kurt -making his haunting fire further-more widespread yet still maintaining the intensity impresses Fiora even if it halted the ladies in their side of the road, she was thrilled yet still she neither grinned nor did she show her excitement, she still remained the utmost composed. While the rest of her men were now all quite spiteful, the fire in their angry eyes burnt in their spite.


Breathing in air of focus, Fiora puts what a power-born could do with masterful control of their perks in play as bright and red melting lava burnt a puddle beneath her feet and not too soon nor later -smoking rumbling stones of crooked shapes formed and grew, stacking on top another in the small volcanic swamp, which in a quick change of pace grew from slow to fast then all too quickly, like an erupting volcano of molten magma stones lifting Fiora over the massive walls of fire.

But just as she could lay her eyes on her prey, the lioness move was matched yet again by Kurt, whose piercing eyes all too well awaited Fiora and her stacks of lava rocks formed pedastel -. By commanding his black flames of the dark depths to form a protective dark dome which repels and burns all at the same time.

Smiling inside Fiora stood high in her pedastal giving time for her men as they tried their own burning attacks on the dome, however they deplorably were only being further vexed by the dome and its masterful weilder. -gnawing their teeth together and twitching their angry eyes, unwillingly they knew they were outclassed by Kurt, the tanned man of whom and where they did not yet knew.

The dome then crept slow and wide as the bandits slowly retreated when commanded by Kurt, and as those of the Fire masters knew, an expert which have a masterful grip on their fire perks would manage an implausible feat where their flames would burn nothing but what the wielder allows, and so they only left a trail of nothings but clean foot marks, largely the mark of Ramstein.

Kurt brushed his spiked hair complaining, "Well this wasn't my plan!" contemplating, for he knew as well as every men there that he had made an unplanned statement of his formidable power.

His perk which awed the bandits to a cheerful glee of noisy rumbles as his flames did not burn out when facing off with the famed magnificent flames of Fiora.

While the other side of the asphalt had an amazing duel, the far other side of the road where two bandits fell crisped and frozen-. a voice of synthetic sass announced,

<Achievement Unlocked!>




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