System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 18 - Sky Of Lights


Two sky-tall red lights spun its vibrant hue, a loud ringing alarm welcomed the Sunflower Plateau and on before a gigantic gate of metal made our long journey to Wilhilm had ended.

The gate was thick - Nine inches in diameter, absurd? yes I know, hell it even got a couple of inches more than the Golden Rod of extreme pleasure of yours truly - and harder, more extremely dense and harder that the makers find it worth to use Ozymantium making the gate the toughest and most overpriced nine inches of metal ever recorded.

And besides the gate was a sole small screen where the marvelously large and beautifully tall of a woman - Fiora strode her lofty elegant legs to.

My! was she always a marvel to behold, easily more - many more than a foot of six, she was towering and in both mind and body she was an ever living spectacle to the sight. To my eyes of pure blue she was the oldest yet most marvelous virgin I have ever awed upon.

She brought out an assigned passing-paper from Liendry to Wilhilm signed by County Zack of Liendry, without such a paper inter-town travels were prohibited. A simple yet effective law which easily tracked people and their on and whereabouts, also a cause to prevent a power-born from acting freely as one could very well might with their practices of powerful Perks. She placed the paper for a scan and only then did the thick gate slid slowly to its left numbing my nose to catch a hint of the smell of the busy streets and noise which in a fit of rage from a gust blew it's busy bustling wind.

Tall lights with even taller buildings, each flatter and varying with their neighbour, they stood like concrete trees.

Beneath the lights of the many colours -, the streets were bustling with busy folks all with their mundane noises and pace.

Walking in amidst these mixture of blended lights and folks and vehicles, this people hardly took a notice to my beautiful eyes. Like blind ants they follow a trail of blacks and striped whites, ignoring a handsome young Magus and his followers of the fire lionesses.

Me aside the massive virgin of a woman was more worth a notice -for her tall standing, her ablazed attire and her men or at least she was a moment worthy of a captivating breath in if I said so myself but then I wondered -,

Was a sight of five fire molding ladies walking a sore but beautiful thumb under the lights of many colours a regular scenery? If it was I'd be swell to pass it off as a regular sighting but these ladies carried two wriggling thugs - chained and tied by flaming ropes and among them I walked - A handsome Magus with blonde hair and with the trend of today - long on top and short on sides, my cute baggy clothes of all black was damn worth a battalion of starry eyes drooling over me and my blue ocean eyes and the way they danced in their blink would tempt even the most lustful of whores from hell to beg for at least another moment of sin, a love-love time with Phillipi -. But these busy folks glued their eyes not to any other but to themselves, their machines and their set goals from minute to minute, like busy rats scurrying for food where mouse-traps and other mice are but soft beings who simply shared their oxygen. "Bunches of blind ugly sheeps." I came to a conclusion.

"**Notice : I am 30 years old in a boy's body so I'm right to say and assume these type of thoughts.**"

We were invisible in the busy streets of Wilhilm, Fiora led the way and we were urged to follow the Sunflower Plateau towards where my Quest was to be unfolded and if you would have forgotten it was to announce my name to the world.

Where we were suppose to be led was the prison of Wilhilm and there in among those rotten cell laid a scapegoat - whom I yearned to happily thrash as a sacrifice for my Quest's demanded my name to be heard.

Along the way Raul felt anxious with every step he took but his anxiety found every right for a pause in between those weak dragging legs, the people here did not mind his weak baggy eyes and hunched lanky spine.

He found himself ignored but that was what he was used to but then his sickly image was gladden to find his posture free of aching eyes and cursing mouths.

In this town of busy lights Raul found a safe place of invisibility without his use of his perk.

"That's one wierd ugly smile!" I smiled at Raul.

"The-y.. they don't see me!" he chortled a bit, timidly silent with beaming eyes of sighing joy which to me was rather sad to acknowledge, 'What did you suffer to feel this way.. while I'm bothered that those little giggling girls just didn't bother to bother me.. prudes!'

"Whatever floats your boat bro,"

"But what about your plans?" I leaned in for a whisper as clear as my throaty voice would allow and as expected it startled Raul but to my eyes of demanding for an answer, "We-well I was trying to start.. you know a biz-business?!" he replied, eyes downcast in a shaky whisper.

"Business? what really?"

"MmHmm!" he nodded.

"You gotta have MONEY for that!" I emphasized on money rubbing two fingers as a sign and I deemed that a lesson to my new friend as my eyes judged a penniless runaway.

Raul as weak and cowering 'were be' his eyes he whispered, now even more soft like a dead husk of a sound, "I-borrowed a little." while showing a shy unsightly smile.

My! was I proud, I knew he was not one to rob. Although he looked the part he was a kindred soul. I was proud as I deduced he was abused and the smile he shed was a sense of revenge against those who has had him abused.

Maybe my smile was wicked then, that Raul felt a sprinkle of unease as he glanced at my wide grin, like what he felt back when my, 'what these characters on the Novel and the author called temperamental coin was flipped'.

"Well fucking done!" I patted his back showing him how daddy was proud, "But don't go poof just yet, wait till we reach the prison, okay?" I showed him a bully of a smirk highly emphasized at the side, to tailor him for my beautiful plan.

A solid plan from your amazing Magus, for if Raul done did went poof on his perk. My plan to be renowned might meet a bottleneck and I was not one to hinder any flow my mind had already made plans for.

Raul agreed, he was thankful of me and trusted me deeply which begs me a reason for why should he but I guess I'll never know but a part of me had in an instant knew he was a trustable soul from the moment I baited him out of his hiding spot and on we walked underneath the sky of lights, among the busy mice who smelt cheese and still none had yet to bat an eye at us.

Not long after our whispers of plans we arrived to a left curve into a corner where shiny shops and fragrances that enamored the belly to growl berserk were the perfume of the place.

The smell reigned wild and tempting but on walked the Virgin of Flames and the littler flames followed without even a slight blink towards the many clothes and bags and shoes - designs enchanted for the eyes of ladies of all ages, only the littlest of the flames fell to the spell as she took a slight foaming second of yearning for a pause and stare on the many beauties inside.

I'd imagined it to be a part of hard training for the little cub, the will to walk past what you desire and that desire could only waste a small share of time so it was an innocent detour for joy but she denied it and steadfast she walked past - a disciplined soldier through and through.

That Will Rianna showed, although a kid she was due a slight respect from yours truly.

Respect is one that I do not hand out freely, be you strong or stand more righteous than a holy being or rich or influential like a priest with his best sermon or be mad powerful like those fuckers whose tantrum brought me great throbbing rage -, This Magus absolutely refuses to give my legendary honour which is my respect easily safe for one sly fox.

Of dark reddish hair, short with white shirt for a collar to bring the eyes to an understandment that: that man who stood with a cigarette in between his fingers and with a textbook smug written on his face was a con-man through and through.

His smug little smile of confidence, his eyes of deep forest green which refused to acknowledge, 'No' as a word unless it was his goal.

Out of all the gifted men I would come across, who would foretell that a smug nasally fox would stole my respect.

There in the corner with his back up against the tall pole besides the road, he spied the Sunflowers and his name was Lyle Kennedy Lyeire.

"Two big bad criminals? I'm guessing... since the Lioness herself is taking them in." the fox said, with the most mannered of appeals and of course I wasn't sold even then.

Back then beneath the sky of lights was our first meeting, Me and the sly fox.

Oh If only then I knew that this man would grind me a life O'so interesting.

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