System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 56 - Normal Day.

"So?" large twinkling eyes leaned closer demanding answers.

"So?! What?" Rianna exclaimed, arching her back yet Mordred grew more closer and closer.

Far near to a cliff the two ladies stopped, under a tree standing in pride with its red cherry blossoms, Mordred with her many questions bugged Rianna.

"Did he talked to you? His voice was just soo romantic!! And his lips?!!?!" clasping her hands together, Mordred swayed in a slow dance around Rianna, eyes closed as she fantasizes a classy ball spent with yours truly.

"Of-ofcourse!" blurted Rianna, a mention of my lips flushed her cheeks with red blushes.

Which Mordred did not miss to see, amidst her dance she pried and cracked an eye open studying Rianna as she tweeted a song, "I'd die for a kiss!!"

And suddenly this jolted the little fire cub, remembering clearly of out sweet accidental kiss, she nervously shook her head a many.

"Ahah!!" Mordred then trumpeted with a slender finger aimed at Rianna.

"Wh-Wh-what?" stammered Rianna, reddened face staring at the ground under.

"You kissed my boo?!?!" crying out, her hair then flung out wildly; unfurling her neat long ponytail and like a wide blossoming flower they spread in the air, forceful enough she shoved some gusts which made the cherry blossoms rained.

And the tight body suit she worn changed to red so did her hair.

"It was by accident!!" Rianna then let her steam out with little angry brows.

"You SLUT!" raged Mordred.

What followed soon after was a back and forth between two young ladies in their teens under the falling red cherry blossoms.

"You're the slut!" retaliated Rianna.

"I hate you!"

"I double hate you!"

"You stole my BOO BOO!!"

"You haven't even seen him!"

"But - that don't mean you can kiss him!"

"*Hmph!* You're jealous!" scoffed the little cub, with a scornful smile.

"Wipe that smile off your face slut!"

"Heh! He kissed me fourty nine times already!" Rianna boasted and more with folded arms, her proud little chin leered over the fuming, boiling Mordred.

"L-lies!!!" stammering, her big eyes barred shut as her clenched fists shook to her sides.

Sensing victory Rianna reached for her phone, with quick fingers while Mordred was still stunned she changed a Magus's name into 'Darling♥️' in her contact list, "We even shared numbers! Look!" merciless mean eyes gloated in front of the stricken damsel; Mordred.

Mordred peeked and when she saw the phone her wild menacing reddened hair gently swooped down to the ground, like carpets they laid on top the grasses as her weak knees folded bringing a damsel down.

Proud little chin leered over her fallen rival, "Yea! We're at this level now!"

Sniffling she cried to the little cub, "You're so mean!"

Rianna then was stunned to see the pampered and proud Mordred brought down to her knees, with a powerful perk she has it was a shocking and rare sight to see, she then remembered that every moment she spent with her rival or so people claimed was of evenly fought competitions and silly bickers.

Her black mellow eyes pitied the damsel, with a hearty sigh to seethe her anger; she then confesses, "We only kissed once and it was accidental."

"LIES!" cried Mordred, "You're just saying that. Yo-You cannot beat me in a fight so you're using this mental attack on me." She pouted.

"You cannot beat me either," barked Rianna.

Her quick explosive temper was always cute.

"You're so mean." Mordred whined, near to an infant like cry.

Contemplating at the whining Mordred she shook her head, "Look! We don't even know each other well, he was sent to a scouting mission, we didn't even talked that much either.. It's like we don't even really,, know each other."

"Really?" teary eye they looked on up.

"*Haa!* Yea! Sorry I lied!"

"A-hah! You liar!" in a sudden, Mordred sprang back up to her pampered pride, "Eheheheh! I knew it! You're cute but I'm cuter!" she boasted immediately.

Her emotion dictating the lengths and colors of her hair as when she stood back up her hair morphed their colors from her red tantrum color now to blond tying themselves waist-length in a high ponytail, her suit reverted back to pink and cheery; she dressed her pale slender face with a smile.

'What just happened?' Rianna thought, blinking rapidly to the sudden change of her demeanor.

"I knew my Boo will never have another girlfriend! Tee-Hee!" hand on her waist she flicked her smooth ponytail by the other as streaks of rouge pink appeared, "See? Even our hairs are similar." Pretty eyes fluttered as she continued, "Now! Riri please gimme his number."

"NO!" barked Rianna in a blurt.


"Because…" nervous eyes shifted their gazes quickly, Rianna was tongue tied.

"It's not like you're really his girlfriend, so give me!"


"Don't be a child RIRI!"

"I can't give it!!!"


"He- he's,, on aaa mission, he's on a super secret mission so you'll only distract him!"

"Nope! He'll be glad so gimme! Gimme! GIMMMEE!"


"Okay!" said Mordred turning back, "I'll have them,, sooner or later!"walking away slowly.

"Good! Bye!"

Unbeknownst to the fire cub Mordred had her hair sneakily snaked behind Rianna and in a sudden Mordred let her hair grabbed Rianna's phone from her grasps.

"Hah! Sucker!" Mordred hollered running off with Rianna's phone tied in her hair.

"Hah! You! I locked it!"

"No it's not!"

Their silly little moment the two ended with a long chase in the vast greens of the plateau and now;

Well?! did you miss me?

I guess so, so let's go back slightly in time; out and far from the safe shades of the walls.

The morning in the oasis which Pen and Souta had founded was placid and serene, peaceful to say simply.

I woke up to Souta who huddled her little belly bulging body next to yours truly buried with the sticks I used to fry the fishes.

The smell of nature was wild yet it offered me an untouched aroma, nature in its finest best, however the peace loving, vegeterians irked my eyeballs and as my dulled eyes further saw; Pen still snored under his faceless armor.

"Wearing it even in your sleep is just overkill!" I said not that I was heard.

But as I woke, I felt a warm moist sensation creeping on my thigh, 'What the?' I pondered, tracing the dampened grasses I was led to where Souta slept, "HELL!" I shouted when I realized that Souta had went and answered nature's call likely in her dreams, bringing me along wetting my thigh.

"What dare be hell?" woke Pen with a panic, with words that mean nothing.

I couldn't bother more of the idiot, even if I did it wouldn't have mattered as he returned to his slumber just moments later with a clanking armor he continued to snore, "Were you even awake?"

My temper couldn't be more calmed however disgusted I might be; but when my eyes fell on the angelic face of Souta which harboured no wrongs, I forwent trying to wrangle her to wake her up and then she blew a nose bubble, 'So cute!' went my bigger brother's mind.

"I decided! It must only be me to protect you! Sleep! Wet my clothes however you like, big brother will take care of everything!" I proclaimed.

I took a bath in the river and as the clear running water reflects albeit poorly; I saw myself, a level 16 magus although I was living as Phillipi for days seeing myself again was never closely familiar, like a distant memory.

The two kids slept late into the day, and I now as the bigger brother to both, I find time to catch as many fishes as I could.

With a hefty ball of mud I gathered, I let Aeyai craft a pot and a pan, "Can you make like butter and stuff?"



<There are no materials or ingredients for it!>

"What about oil?"

<As per my limited knowledge making oil takes time.>

"Why'd you always have to say 'Limited knowledge' everytime!" I did my best impersonation of a robotic voice.

With a sharp stone I find in the river bed, I chop and prepared the fishes as best I could, some I fried and some I boiled, luckily there were fatty fishes with fats that acted as oils, the thought of Souta stuffing them at her little mouth brought me joy.

What of salt you ask?

Well there were white berries which have a salty taste right by the river, this place got all kinds of fruits.

The aroma jerked and played an enchanting flute to the noses of Souta and Pen, who woke with still an empty stomach.

Wiping her big little eyes, "Yummy!~~" she yawned.

"Good morning! You logs!" said I.

"Magus! what be that savoury smell?"

"It's fish with a twist!"

"Fish witha twist?!" head bent slightly to the side, she was a diamond which soothed my eyes.

In a beat they sat next to Magus, Souta demanded more yummies or as she called, so was Pen.

"Go to the bathroom first!" I told them.

"Bathroom?" they both wondered.

"You know take a shit?"

"Ehhh! Ehh!" I acted a scene we all made in our vulnerable hours.

"Sshouta can make poo-poo go dissappear!"

"I could eradicate the foul spoils of the tongue as well!"

"The go do it!" I told them.

With not a slight or the least amount of movements they both yelled, "Done!" with eager eyes gawking at my dishes.

Dumbfounded I was, well maybe more of just the Dumb than the whole word to what they said, I see no 'Spoils of the tongue' no foul smell yet they seemed rather hungry with drooling mouths they continued to gawked at my dishes.

"Oookay?!" I lilted, "But we're gonna do some little little stuff before we eat!"

To which they both nodded.

"Souta go wash your hands in the river!"

"Wassh handss?"

"Okay I'll go with you and Pen! No eating under your armor remove your armor!!,,"

"A knigh--!" he then acted but I cutted him off.

"Remove your armor! or no food! I mean it!"

I was strict yet I knew their ages would allow me authority over them I just had to be the stern bigher brother.

Pausing with not a word he then stared at the fish, "Who would stand guard whilst I dwell on this mundane delight?" he said.

"I! will!" actes yours truly, chest out and pump as I stood a mighty, trusted man of honour.

Whom with my brilliance shone in the eyes of Pen, not long after his armor then shrunk.

And shrunk and shrunk until they vanished revealing me a tiny boy with dark messy hair, scrawny to the bones and with rags for clothes like what Souta had worn.

A Magus had already expected as such.

"Well! let's all wash up, then we'll eat!!"

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