Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 102:The Favour (5)

Joann knew she needed to get herself back on top of this conversation if she wanted things to go her way. Unlike Xiu Ling, she was not one for the use of tact but pure brute dominance. That was how Joann dealt with most conflicts in her life, especially those with Xu Jing and for most of the time, it had worked wonderfully for her but this time, she might have come across a mountain that was too high for her to scale.

To regain the reins of the conversation, Joann said, "Mr. Lin Kang, I don't want to waste your time. I'm sure it is as important as gold, you could be off doing something else instead of sitting here listening to me grumble so I'm going to cut it short and make it easy for you.

"I need you to hold off the hostile take-over on Xu Corp." Joann announced the purpose of her visit in a straightforward way instead of allowing herself to be led down a rabbit hole by Lin Kang's conversational tactics.

Lin Kang looked up and held Joann's gaze. He then leaned back in his chair with a twinkle in his eyes like he had found a piece of undiscovered gem. He did not expect so much spunk out of Joann. He found himself getting intrigued by the woman.

"Interesting demand you have there," Lin Kang began leisurely. "But why this particular wish? What does Xu Corps' closure have to do with you, Miss Joann? How are the two connected?"

Lin Kang did not say yes but he did not say no either. If anything, it sounded like the man was bored but wanted to find someone to talk to, but Joann knew things couldn't be that simple. However, not knowing what the man was planning, there was nothing she could do but answer truthfully and be careful with every single words that she said and did not say.

"Xu Jing is my husband." Joann did not provide more information than that because she had a feeling Lin Kang already knew about all this and he was merely toying with her.

Joann's suspicion was right. Lin Kang made a show of nodding before adding, "I see… So the heir of Xu Corps sent his wife to negotiate in his place because he's too afraid to meet me in person? Such a wonderful man, wouldn't you agree?"

Joann knew Lin Kang was saying that on purpose to get under her skin but she could not help herself from rising to the bait. Joann had said many unflattering things about Xu Jing, sometimes even to her husband's face but she did not appreciate others laying insults on her husband. It was not dissimilar to how one would happily talk crap about one's country but would turn angry if others, especially those not from the same country, joined in to add to the insult. There was a certain sense of proprietary to the whole thing.

The bottom line was Joann did not like what Lin Kang was insinuating and she told him that outright, "Mr. Lin Kang, I do not appreciate what you're suggesting. My husband is as big of a man as you are."

Instead of being offended, Lin Kang smiled with amusement as he stood up from his seat. Joann did not know whether he was tired and wanted to work some blood into his legs or he was using the motion to emphasize a statement. In any case, her eyes followed the man's movement closely.

Lin Kang walked to the large window and shrugged. "Then, why are you here in his place?"

"Xu Jing doesn't know that I'm here."

"Be that as it may, your husband could still come find me for a negotiation so… why are you here but he's not?" Lin Kang delivered a verbal coup de grace.

"I…" Joann was stumped, she had no answer for that. 'Indeed, why hasn't Xu Jing come to talk to this man? Shouldn't he at least try to the man if the company is so important to him? Why is he giving up without even a fight?' Joann thought and without her realizing it, her train of thought was slowly being ushered down the trail that Lin Kang had set for her.

Lin Kang turned around from the window and flashed Joann a cryptic smile. "It is not my place to say this but perhaps it is time for Miss Joann to find a better man, one who you could really depend on. You still have your beauty intact and I'm sure you'll be able to land a man better than that husband of yours in a heartbeat."

Just as Joann started to counter, Lin Kang cut her off by saying, "Now back to the issue at hand, you want me to leave Xu Corps be… Why would I do that?"

"Because…" Joann started but she stopped herself. 'Because of Xiu Ling who is my best friend,' was what Joann wanted to say but she reminded herself that she did not want to pull Xiu Ling into this mess. Furthermore, based on what Joann had seen and heard, she did not have confidence that mentioning Xiu Ling would even help her case.

While Joann was stuck figuring out an answer, Lin Kang walked away from the window and towards Joann. The rhythm of his falling footsteps matching the rising and falling tempo of his voice. "If you want a businessperson to give up on the object that he already set his eyes on, there is only one thing you can do... offer him something better."

Lin Kang stopped behind Joann and put his hands on the armrest of the chair that Joann was sitting in. He leaned in close to her from behind.

He came a little bit too close for Joann's comfort when she could feel his breath on her skin. Joann had no idea where Lin Kang was going with this but she knew for a fact that she did not like it.

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