With apparent surprise on his face, the director asked, "Today's clip? Why would you want them? What are you going to do with them?" There was even caution in his tone.

She pulled out a pout and uttered in a pleading voice, "I have always been in awe of Sister Joann's professionalism. She is my idol and I aspire to be like her one day. The courage that she has shown today is impressive and I wish to study from her. The video will be the perfect learning material."

The director's attitude softened and he was greatly impressed by this young actor's willingness to learn. There wasn't that many young actors these days who would focus on honing the craft anymore.

He relented and said, "Of course. This is a good thing you are doing. I will have the editor copy and send a footage to you later to your email address. However, I do not think they will have time to edit the footage yet. Will that be okay?"

"Of course. Thank you, Mr. Director," The young woman clasped her hands together and thanked the director.

Xiu Ling had been having trouble sleeping as her due date grew closer. Her belly had grown too big for her to be able to sleep peacefully.

Today was one such night. She tossed and turned in the empty king-sized bed to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in.

Lin Kang had been absent for most of the nights since the previous incident where Xiu Ling told him that performing husband and wife duty was off the table to ensure the safety of their future son.

Since there was nothing for Lin Kang to gain at home, he was off finding his satisfaction elsewhere. That was an arrangement that was perfect for Xiu Ling as well. At least now she had a few short months of breathing period.

After several more rounds of tossing and turning, Xiu Ling gave up on trying to fall asleep. She crawled out from bed and intended to go downstairs to grab herself a glass of warm milk, perhaps that might help induce drowsiness.

She slipped into the fuzzy slippers and went out the door.

Still feeling like an alien at the Lin family mansion, it was Xiu Ling's penchant to make as little sound as she could, to be as invisible as she could as she moved around the spacious house.

As she padded down the stairs, a stern voice could be heard coming from the living room saying, "Have you been keeping a close watch on her?"

Xiu Ling could recognize the owner of that voice at Mrs. Lin's voice albeit one without its usual forced friendliness which Xiu Ling already knew was a façade.

Mrs. Lin disproved of her son's marriage to Xiu Ling and she only went along with the contract for the sake of continuing the line of Lin family. Mrs. Lin put up a friendly front for now since she was still carrying the baby but Xiu Ling knew the woman must have hated her to her core.

After all, she was not exactly a good catch that could match the Lin family's stature. She was instead an accident, an inconvenient design that tarnished the Lin family's good name.

All that aside, Xiu Ling was curious who Mrs. Lin was talking to.

"Yes, Madam. I have been watching the young miss as close as I possibly can," Answered a female voice that was raw from age.

Xiu Ling's heart quivered because she recognized this voice. It was the voice of the only ally she thought she had in this household, the elderly maid, Auntie Sun!

'Has the kindness shown by Auntie Sun merely a method to get my guard down so she can spy on me for Mrs. Lin?!' Thought Xiu Ling.

Xiu Ling leaned against the wall for support. She told herself it was unwise to eavesdrop but she could not seem to turn away, especially considering she was the subject of their conversation.

Mrs. Lin tutted with disapproval, "It still pains me to this day that she has somehow obtained the Lin name. She is nothing but a lowly farmer girl, what has she done to deserve the prestigious Lin family name?!"

Auntie Sun either did not respond or her response was said in such a soft voice that Xiu Ling could not hear her.

"So tell me, what has the girl been up to lately?" Said Mrs. Lin.

"Not much, Madam. Miss has stayed pretty much indoors for the past two months as per Madam's request to stay put at least until the birth," Replied Auntie Sun.

Mrs. Lin acknowledged that with a subdued "Hmm", before adding, "Then how about her food intake? Has she been skipping on food or the medicine? I do not care how lousy her appetite is, she has to finish everything you serve.

"Her discomfort is no reason not to take care of my precious grandson. Force her to eat them if you need to, Auntie Sun."

"There is no need for that, Madam. In spite of her condition, the young miss' appetite does not seem to be affected. She always finishes the food that she was served," Answered Auntie Sun faithfully.

Hearing her answer, Xiu Ling frowned.

Mrs. Lin was right, her appetite had been flagging due to her pregnancy. So why would Auntie Sun lie on her behalf, to cover up for her?

Auntie Sun's shifting loyalty confused Xiu Ling.

Before she could come to a conclusion, the conversation in the living room seemed to have ended.

Xiu Ling heard someone get up from the sofa, probably Mrs. Lin.

Then Mrs. Lin's voice said, "Continue to keep a close eye on her, Auntie Sun. Do not let her out of your sight. Come to me should she act in any way out of line, I will teach her a lesson she will never forget."

"Of course, Madam."

Xiu Ling shuffled up the stairs before she was discovered.

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