Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 134:The Traitor (18)

"With a problem like this, we should go to the source directly, expose the culprit and force them into submission and apology!" claimed Joann. Lin Kang agreed with her idea, both of them preferred this kind of straightforward method of dealing with things.

Others thought they were acting to rashly. There were too many details they had not mastered for an approach that direct, the most important detail being the identity of the culprit. Who was they going to force the apology out of if they did not know who the culprit was?

Zao Ming chimed in to explain the flaw in their method, "That too was the first idea that came into our mind when we received the mail. However, this is easier said than done.

"We've tried many ways but there is no way to track down the person behind this blackmail. We started with examining the envelope and its content. The envelope had no return address or anything worthwhile written on it, we suspect it was dropped into our apartment building's pigeonhole instead of being mailed through the postal service.

"This meant that the person's identity couldn't be traced through the post. You've seen the letter included in the envelope for yourself. The person was clever enough to not use their actual handwriting so that too was another dead-end. The letter cut-outs appear to be from some kind of fashion magazine but those could be found anywhere. Even if we manage to find out which copy they're form, these kind of magazine are sold at every newsstand and convenience store.

"There was no camera in our building's mail room but thankfully, there was one in the lobby. I tried approaching the security to ask to see the footage but my request was denied because I was not with the law enforcement.

"Luckily the manager there was a big fan of Lee Mu so using his signed photograph, we finally managed to convince the security manager to have him let us take a look at the security footage. The manager relented because we told him it was related to Lee Mu's personal safety, which was not completely untrue.

"Regardless, that came to nothing as well because without knowing the actual time frame the person arrived to drop the thing into our mail, there was simple too long of a footage to go through. Plus the person might have come in a disguise or chose the blind spots of the security camera.

"Of course, we thought about bringing this to the police but that meant showing them the evidence, thus exposing ourselves and that was definitely not an option, considering the negative effect that it might bring to Lee Mu's career."

Zao Ming and Lee Mu had given this much thought. No wonder they were forced to submit to the blackmailer's demand, they had tried many things but none seemed to work.

The rest of the group frowned. 'Is there really a solution to this impossible question?'

"In any case, do you mind sending me the footage, I'll have my people take a look at them. Perhaps they might be able to spot something that you've missed," Lin Kang said. It was true, he did have more resource at his disposal compared to Lee Mu and Zao Ming.

Zao Ming nodded. "Of course, I'll send the soft-copy to you after this meeting is over."

Lin Kang then turned to rest, "Well, did anyone else have anything else to suggest?"

With regret, most of them shook their heads.

Just as they thought the situation was hopeless, Xiu Ling suddenly asked, "Lin Kang, what about you? Do you have any ideas?"

Lin Kang shrugged. As much as he wanted to help his wife, he was very unfamiliar with this kind of problem, and that was what he said, "I would have been able to give some advice if you come to me with questions on business tactics, but this…? My hands are tied."

It had already drained his mind trying to come up with a plan to lure Lee Mu and Zao Ming out. Lin Kang honestly felt he had nothing more to contribute to this discussion.

However, Xiu Ling thought otherwise. "That might not be completely true."

She leaned forward and directed her attention towards her husband, "Now, envision this. A business competitor is trying to use underhanded tactic like blackmail to force you to retreat from a lucrative business deal. How would you deal with a situation like that?"

Lin Kang thought about it and he soon came up with a reply, "Well, I would not have been careless enough to let anyone gain any leverage over me but that aside, should it really happen, I would first find a way to neutralize that leverage… and then make sure to jot down every single detail of our transaction so that when it comes the opportunity to strike, I'll be able to demolish the competition with evidence of his illegal activities."

The room shivered hearing the ease with which Lin Kang laid out the plan to demolish someone else's company and life. No wonder he was touted as the most ruthless businessman their country had ever met.

Xiu Ling snapped her fingers and announced, "That's it! That is exactly what we shall do!"

The room turned to her with confusion. What Lin Kang had said was completely unrelated to their situation. He was talking about business after all. How did Xiu Ling manage to see a plan from that?

"Xiu Ling, what do you mean? Do you mind explaining it to us?" Joann asked.

And explained Xiu Ling did.

When she was done, the room was baffled. They did not such expect an ingenious plan would come out her. It was multi-faceted and dealt with the many convoluted aspects of the problem in one fell swoop. It was truly ingenious, there was nothing more to be said.

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