Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 16:The Birth

"Mom, why… why are you here?" Xiu Ling managed to force out through the haze of pain.

When Mrs. Xiu saw her daughter who was in labor, she immediately rushed to her side and answered in a soothing tone, "I received a plane ticket in the mail from your address last week. It was a plane flying from the countryside to the city, I assume it was from you…"

Joann very understandably moved away from Xiu Ling's side to clear the space for Mrs. Xiu. The elder woman nodded her thanks wordlessly at Joann. Joann smiled in acknowledgement.

In a coincidence that was only possible in fiction, the day of Mrs. Xiu's flight coincided perfectly with the day her daughter's water broke.

"I thought the person behind it was you but when I arrived at the airport and exited flight mode, there was a voice message on my phone saying you are being rushed to this hospital because the baby is coming," Mrs. Xiu continued in a hurried voice, "After that, I used all the money I had on me to rent a taxi to get myself here."

There was one similar question on both the mother and daughter's mind, 'If the person behind the act of kindness was not Xiu Ling then who was behind it… and most importantly, why?!"

However, neither of them had the time to sit down to ponder on this question, there was something even more urgent that needed to be dealt with… something called the birth of a baby.

"Hang in there, Mrs. Lin. Just a little bit longer now," The doctor told Xiu Ling whose face was now covered with sweat, she turned to look at Mrs. Xiu and Joann who surrounded her and she said, "I am sorry but only one of you is allowed to follow into the surgical room."

Xiu Ling gripped Joann's palm before she was rushed into the surgical room. Xiu Ling squeezed on it and even though she had not said a word, Joann understand what she was trying to communicate. It was, 'thank you'.

Xiu Ling was thankful that both her best friend and her mother were there to accompany her during this meaningful moment of her life. Finally, she did not feel as lonely as she did earlier.

After that, Xiu Ling was pumped with so many type of painkillers and tranquilizers that she barely had any idea what had happened.

All she could remember was the sound of crying, a sudden rush of joy as well as a lot of PAIN.

When she came to next, she was lying on a clean hospital bed and her mother was looking down at her with a proud smile on her face.

Xiu Ling felt drained and exhausted, the bones of her body felt as if they were shattered and smashed into pieces.

In spite of that, she forced herself up and croaked through an impossibly parched throat, "Mom, where is he?"

The joy in Mrs. Xiu's eyes slowly dimmed to pools of cheerlessness.

Seeing the response in her mother, Xiu Ling's heart sunk and she was gripped by an intense anxiety and fear.

She asked cautiously as if afraid of hearing the answer, "Mom, where is my child?"

Mrs. Xiu sat down on the bed beside her and took Xiu Ling's hands into hers in attempt to soothe her. Xiu Ling remembered this as a habit her mother had whenever she had some bad news to tell her.

This created an opposite effect in Xiu Ling, it amplified the fear in her heart until it swallowed her heart whole.


Mrs. Xiu finally broke the news, "Xiu Ling, your child has been taken away by your mother-in-law. She is looking after him now but I did have a chance to see him just now. He is a healthy and energetic baby boy.

"He was screaming like the world was going to end when he came out of you," Mrs. Xiu attempted to lighten the mood with a joke but it did not land.

A mother who was not given even the chance to see her baby boy after he was born… How preposterous, how ludicrous… how sad.

Mrs. Xiu tried to find something to say to console her daughter but she too was at a loss. What could one really say under the circumstances?

In the end, Mrs. Xiu said lamely, "Xiu Ling, it could be worse…"

It could be worse… That word of consolation sounded ridiculously hollow in Xiu Ling's ears. In a moment of defiance, she really did want to know how possibly it could be worse and she wished for it to happen.

Realizing what she had unwittingly wished for, Xiu Ling quickly caught herself. Cruelty and madness was sometimes truly a thought away.

Xiu Ling thought she would cry but her body seemed like it was in shock. She would probably feel better if she let her emotions out but the tears refused to come. It was as if her mind was stuck in such a high level of disbelief that she had a hard time processing the detritus of information that entered her brain.

Looking at Xiu Ling, Mrs. Xiu wished that she could do something for her daughter but she felt particularly helpless because she did not know what she could have done to salvage this situation.

Breaking through the suspended reality inside the hospital room was a barely contained shout coming from the corridor, "Auntie Sun, what do you mean you have to resign? You have worked for Lin family so many years already, you should know better than surprising me with this news without an early notice. Tell me how am I supposed to find a replacement for you on such a short notice?"

Xiu Ling could recognize that as Mrs. Lin's voice.

This was the only thing that could heard from the corridor, Mrs. Lin was probably shushed by the hospital staff after her initial outburst.

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