Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 2:Secrets

The latest "meeting" of the Three-month Club could be summed in one single word, one-sided.

As how it usually was between the two, Joann dominated most if not all of the conversation, pestering Xiu Ling with endless questions like have you figured out the name for the soon-to-be-born baby boy, how are you carrying on with the in-laws, what do you think of this place's décor…

Xiu Ling answered most of them with a silent nod, a reserved smile or a knowing look. It was not in her nature to voice her thoughts and join in the conversation, but that was the perfect arrangement for the two women, one giving and one taking, not one more dominant than the other.

However, Xiu Ling seemed to be even more reticent than usual that day. Xiu Ling would catch and stop herself mid-sentence, allowing for Joann to take over. It felt like she had something on her mind but she didn't know how to say it. After this happened for multiple times, even Joann noticed something was wrong.

After a lull in their conversation, Joann reached over to pull on Xiu Ling's hands, "Xiu Ling, tell me. What's really going on in that mind of yours? We're supposed to be sharing our experiences and feelings during such meetings but you have not said anything really substantial since I've sat down," Joann paused before uttering in a serious tone, "Xiu Ling, is everything okay with you?"

Xiu Ling's lips fell open. For moment there, it felt like she was about to say something but at the last time, she smiled and said, "Joann, thank you for your concern but I'm really fine. There is simply nothing interesting worth sharing that has happened since our last meeting. But I do appreciate you asking."

For one thing, Joann did know her friend well. She knew Xiu Ling was lying but she also knew even if she pressed, she would not come up with anything. Her friend could be seriously stubborn when she needed to.

Therefore, she could only smile in respond and say, "If that is the case, then why won't you listen to what happened to me this last week…"

The meeting eventually came to an end. Perhaps finally realizing her mistake of not asking the customer what they wanted for tea, the waitress that came to serve them when Joann asked for the bill was not the young girl from before but someone else.

Joann pulled out her credit card when the bill came but she was stopped by Xiu Ling.

"Joann, you shouldn't have. You didn't even have anything, I will take the bill."

Joann stopped her and said, "Talking with a close friend is worth more than anything in the world. Plus, this is just small change, you only had a cup of coffee. Don't argue with me on this." Joann ended with a mock frown.

Xiu Ling relented and thanked her friend for the treat.

As they stood up from the seats, Joann asked, "Xiu Ling, how are you going home? My agent is just waiting for me outside, do you want me to give you a ride?"

Xiu Ling answered, "Thanks but that won't be necessary. My husband's driver is waiting outside too."

"Right, how can I forget? Of course, they will need to look after their boss' pregnant wife. Then, I will see you in three months… and Xiu Ling, take care of yourself."

"Joann, you too."

The two women hugged each other before parting at the door. As they turned to walk away, each was nursing their own thoughts.

Joann, 'I really hope nothing is wrong with Xiu Ling. She looks way too dispirited for an expectant mother. Perhaps I should look into this somehow.'

Xiu Ling, 'I really can't bring myself to tell Joann about her husband's infidelity. I cannot envision how she will react. Will she even believe me when I tell her? Perhaps I will be able to muster enough courage next time…"

"Miss, you're home? Madam is currently inside the prayer hall," The elderly maid greeted Xiu Ling at door.

Xiu Ling nodded and replied, "Thank you, Auntie Sun."

"Of course, Miss." The elderly maid responded before retreating to the other parts of the house.

In a large Chinese family, the family structure is often arranged according hierarchy, and it normally starts at the top with the matriarch and patriarch of the house, then come the sons and daughters of the bloodline, followed by the others that married into the family and finally the children. The last two hierarchy could be switched depending the situation and naturally, the males were valued more than females as per the traditional custom.

It was incumbent on those on the lower rungs of the hierarchy to show respect to those above them and this extended to daily living arrangement like greeting the elders was the first thing you should do after returning home.

This was exactly the part that Xiu Ling was going to play and why Auntie Sun had been waiting for her at the door.

After pulling to the side, the Japanese paper doors that led to the prayer hall, Xiu Ling bowed slightly at the impeccably dressed woman who seemed to be in her sixties that was kneeling before a cupboard filled with layers of ancestral tablets. The tablets represented the ancestors that had passed away and this was common for large Chinese families especially those that came from an admirable lineage. This was necessary so the future generations would not forget the sacrifice that had been made by those who came before them that laid the foundation for their family.

"Mother, I'm home," Xiu Ling called out.

The kneeling woman frowned from the interruption but the displeasure left as sudden as it had arrived. She stopped praying and turned to smile at Xiu Ling. At that moment, Xiu Ling could have sworn she saw her best friend's public celebrity face replicated perfectly on her mother-in-law's face. She was not surprised.

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