Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 22:Seating Arrangement

Elder Lin, even though he had half-retired from Lin Corps and handed most of the management over to his son, Lin Kang, was the real shot caller at both Lin Corps and Lin family. The patriarch of Lin family commanded an air of severity and demanded respect. He had built Lin Corps from the ground up into the empire it was that day and while he was glad that he had a capable son to continue his legacy, he was concerned that Lin Kang had it too easy, everything was practically handed on a silver tray to the young man.

However, what could he do about it? Purposely disown Lin Kang and force his son to work from a humble beginning? Elder Lin might be ruthless to his business competitor but his only weakness was his family… which explained his sudden appearance at this point of the story.

Elder Lin had been travelling overseas to expand the business of Lin Corps and would have stayed away much longer if not for the happenstance of a crucial event back home, yes, it was the birth of his first grandson. Of course, he would not miss that for the world.

His return also had a unique importance to it because Elder Lin was expected to host the naming ceremony for the baby boy.

It was the reason why the boy had remained unnamed throughout the plot until this point. It was to prepare for the introduction of Elder Lin's character. Although, a more serious explanation would be that observation of the boy for a few days after his birth would provide a clearer and more relevant inspiration to the name that would follow him for life.

After all, names are very important in Chinese culture, they are believed to dictate one's luck and fortune in life. In fact, there is a whole branch of Chinese fortune-telling or Feng Shui that is dedicated to appraising one's name.

Every member of the Lin family was gathered at the large drawing room. At the front of the table, Lin Kang sat to the left while Mrs. Lin sat to the right. Xiu Ling quivered in a chair beside Mrs. Lin while the newest addition to the Lin family, Xiu Ling's son wiggled happily in a high chair opposite from her and next to her husband.

The other chairs were left purposely empty. Mrs. Xiu stood at a respectful distance behind the table alongside the other household helpers.

Naturally, the chair at the head of the large wooden table was left empty for Elder Lin who had not arrived yet.

Soon, a man with salt and pepper hair that was cut short entered the room. He looked young for his age and his gait contained the buoyancy and spirit of a young man.

Elder Lin took the seat that was reserved for him and his severe gaze swept the room. No one said anything because they too had reserved the first word for Elder Lin.

When Elder Lin's gaze fell on Mrs. Xiu who stood at ready next to the row of maids, he frowned. "Madame Xiu, why are you standing there and not taking your seat at the table?" he asked.

Mrs. Xiu was startled. She did not even envision she would be a cause of concern for the patriarch of Lin family. She stammered, "Old… Old Master, I would not dare to impose… on such an important ceremony…"

Elder Lin cut her off, "Madame Xiu, you are the maternal grandmother of my grandson, and that puts us on the same social standing as far as I am concerned. You hold the same amount of importance to this ceremony as much as I do.

"On top of that, please refrain from referring to me as Old Master because that is for the helpers but Madame Xiu, you are family. Use Elder Lin instead like everyone else in the family does."

Elder Lin signaled at the row of empty chairs and added, "So please, take a seat."

Mrs. Xiu hesitated while her eyes wandered involuntarily to Mrs. Lin. The latter glared back at her with a warning look. Mrs. Xiu took one step further back and replied, "Elder Lin, thank you but I am more than comfortable just standing right here."

Mrs. Lin flashed a small satisfied smile before chiming in, "Husband, in that case, just let Auntie Xiu be. I am sure she feels more in her elements being among the help." The barely hidden insult in Mrs. Lin's comment was not lost among the room.

"Nonsense!" barked Elder Lin and everyone jumped. "Madame Xiu, you deserve a place at that table so sit. I insist!"

As mentioned before, the husband's voice is louder than the wife's in Chinese culture both literally and figuratively. With conflicting orders coming from both Elder Lin and Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Xiu knew it would behoove her to follow the order of the former.

With a disgruntled tut from Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Xiu pulled out the chair next to her daughter, Xiu Ling and slid into it. Xiu Ling's hand reached out for hers underneath the table and she squeezed it to show solidarity and support.

With Mrs. Xiu seated, Elder Lin turned to his first grandson and for the first time that day, he smiled. The boy saw the kindly old man who smiled at him and he giggled in return. This caused Elder Lin to laugh heartily. "Good, good. Such a cheerful little fella, this one."

As if knowing that he was being complimented, the child giggled even harder. With his charm, the tension in the room slowly diffused and the atmosphere soon turned harmonious.

"Alright, we cannot let the boy remained unnamed any longer," began Elder Lin, "Does anyone have any idea or suggestion for the boy's name?"

Mrs. Lin was the first to contribute to the discussion even though it sounded like she had already settled on her choice for the boy's name, "I have been sitting on this name for quite some time already. Husband, what do you think about the name, Lin Yin [1]?"

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