Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 234:The Challenge (9)

The official name on Xu Corps was Joann's husband, Xu Jing so the man technically would be able to give better advice to Xiu Ling on this issue than she would be able to. However, the real mastermind behind the scene was actually Xu Jing's mother, Mrs. Xu. Xu Jing was not the real shot-caller at the company and his business acumen was not as good as his late father despite his best efforts.

Xu Jing handled the daily running administrative job at the company, or in other words, the legwork but the real decision making responsibility fell on the shoulders of Joann's mother-in-law. Therefore, Joann would need to ask Mrs. Xu for advice if she wanted to help Xiu Ling and not Xu Jing. It was not that Xu Jing would not be able to give advice in terms of business but his advice would not be the best.

Even though Joann did not voice the thoughts in her mind out loud, Xiu Ling understood the difficulty that she was put under. Xiu Ling did not ask for much from her friend, the fact that she was personally there to support her, to talk to her, to let her bounce ideas off her, it was already good enough.

Joann and Xiu Ling continued their discussion for the rest of the morning but they could not come up with any good idea. Neither of them had any experience in business and to earn 10,000 in a week was a challenge that was completely unfamiliar to them.

Xiu Ling shared Lin Kang's suggestion to open a retail shop with Joann. Even though Joann had no idea whether it was a good suggestion or not, she had faith in Lin Kang's business eye. He had to be good at business or else how would he end up as one of the most powerful and richest man in the nation?

Like Lin Kang, when they talked about the type of retail shop Xiu Ling could manage, Joann suggested products geared towards female customers, like cosmetics and fashion. As a female herself, Xiu Ling would be able to know the trend that was in season and the style that was current and popular.

Unfortunately, that description was more suitable for Joann than Xiu Ling. As a celebrity, it was her role to follow up on these changing trends but Xiu Ling was not really someone who follow these trends closely. The main criteria for her clothes was comfort and Xiu Ling rarely spent on her appearance beyond the absolutely necessary. Furthermore, Lin Kang would often gift her clothes so there was no need for Xiu Ling to buy stuff for herself.

Therefore, while the idea itself was not bad, Xiu Ling did not feel connected to it. She had no confidence running a shop that she did not feel a connection to, in a field that she was unfamiliar with.

Joann understood Xiu Ling's concern and leaned back in the sofa with a sigh. They had been going around in circles, coming no closer to a final decision. It was honestly quite frustrating. Thankfully, while the two ladies did not know this, help was coming on its way.


Joann and Xiu Ling took a break in their discussion around lunch. Xiu Ling's head was too wrapped up in the challenge to really feel hungry but she was concerned about her friend. Joann said that she was not that hungry as well but she added that even so, they should have something to eat. It was not wise to skip a meal. Yes, the challenge was important but so was maintaining their health. Furthermore, a change of pace might be good for their creative outlet.

Xiu Ling knew Joann was saying that for her sake and she agreed to a compromise. Even though Lin family already hired a cook, Xiu Ling would sometimes go into the kitchen to whip up something for herself and her family. Both her mother-in-law and Lin Kang did not want her to be so tired but seeing how much Xiu Ling enjoyed working in the kitchen, they let her be.

Xiu Ling walked into the kitchen to prepare a light meal for both of them. She cooked some rice noodles and heated up some broth that she had stored in the fridge. The food was soon served.

While Xiu Ling and Joann were enjoying their light lunch in the dining room, the front door burst open and the first thing Xiu Ling heard was the boisterous voice of her son, Lin Xi. As she expected, Lin Xi soon burst through the dining room door and ran to give his mother a hug.

Lin Xi was now in his naughty twos and he was at the age where he was learning how to speak. The boy was naturally inquisitive and that meant that those in his vicinity would end up bombarded with endless series of questions.

"Where did you just come back from?" Xiu Ling had not seen her son that morning but the maid told her, he had left with Mrs. Lin so she was not worried.

"Grandma," was all Lin Xi gave Xiu Ling before he climbed onto her lap and grabbed the bowl of noodle for himself. Xiu Ling chuckled at her son's behavior and told Lin Xi to greet Joann before he dug in. The boy did what he was told.

Then, Xiu Ling turned to the door to see Mrs. Lin walk into the room. Then, her jaw fell when she saw the person that followed behind her.

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