Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 248:The Challenge (23)

Xiu Ling sat on the couch next to Lin Kang inside his office at Lin Corps. Today was the day when the result of Xiu Ling's challenge was about to be announced.

Lin Kang reached over to grab Xiu Ling's hands and he massaged them while asking, "Are you nervous?"

Xiu Ling shook her head and said, "Not really."

"Is it because you know you will be successful?"

Xiu Ling thought about it before answering, "No, it is because I have already tried my best and if it fails, there is nothing else I can do anymore. Since I cannot do any more than what I have already done, then there is no reason for me to worry."

It was a very Zen answer that fitted Xiu Ling's outlook in life. She would not act unless it directly affected her or someone she cherished in her life.

Lin Kang smiled and said, "Be that as it may, I believe that you will be successful. I have the confidence in you."

Xiu Ling smiled back at her husband. It felt nice knowing that he would have her corner even though she was not feeling like it herself.

Lin Kang added, "Since I already know that you will have this in the bag, I have prepared something for a celebration."

Xiu Ling's interest was piqued. "What is it?"

Lin Kang flashed a mysterious smile. "It is a present, a present that I should have given you a long time ago."

"Huh?" Xiu Ling frowned from the confusion. She could not remember Lin Kang owing her anything. Xiu Ling asked him for clarification.

Lin Kang was about to explain when there was a knock coming from the office door. Then, it was Yi Nian's voice who said, "Mr. Lin Kang, Miss Xiu Ling, everyone has arrived."

Lin Kang turned seriously immediately and stood up to take the seat behind the office table. He announced in a powerful voice, "Let them come in then."

Then, Yi Nian pulled open the door and stood aside to allow the entourage to go through. Naturally, it was Elder Lin who led the way. Following behind him was the board of directors and then at the end was Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Xiu who came to support Xiu Ling. This also clearly designated the hierarchy at the family. The womenfolk who had nothing to do with the business, were always at the back. If Xiu Ling failed this challenge, there would be where she belonged as well.

Elder Lin walked to one of the seats and sat down. The board of directors found a comfortable spot in the room to stand. Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Xiu though wandered over to the couch where Xiu Ling was seated and sat down next to her. Mrs. Xiu grabbed her daughter's hand to give her some physical support.

Yi Nian returned to the room and placed a document on the table. Then he bowed and left the room. Lin Kang picked up the document and handed it to his father. In this environment, Elder Lin was the leader. He had the most power so naturally, he was going to be the one who would announce the result.

Elder Lin opened the document and flipped through it. The sound of rifling paper was particularly loud in the quiet room. The people studied Elder Lin's expression as he read through the report but the elder had no discernible expression on his face that suggested anything. He would occasionally nod here and there, but that was all. There was no read.

Eventually, Elder Lin paused, closed the document and put it back on the table. Everyone waited with bated breath for his announcement. Well, everyone but Xiu Ling, she tried to treat this as normal as she could.

Elder Lin began with, "Xiu Ling, congratulations." By then, everyone knew what it meant. Elder Lin continued by explaining Xiu Ling had gone over the target by a large margin. While Elder Lin was speaking, Lin Kang picked up the document and as he read, a big smile hung on his face. Mrs. Lin had not seen his son that happy before.

Lin Kang then handed the document over to the board of directors. They perused the document and reality was right before their eyes. Xiu Ling's business overshot the target by 30 percent. This was an economic miracle. Their lips fell open and they accepted that Xiu Ling was not just a gold digger like they previously thought. She was someone who could hold her own. No wonder their boss treasured her so much, there was a reason behind it.

Convinced by the result, the board of directors apologized to Xiu Ling and the latter of course forgave them even though she did not once take offense.

While the celebration was happening, Lin Kang suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. It was his father. They retreated from the celebration and Elder Lin said, "Congratulations."

However, Elder Lin did not sound that jubilant. If anything, he sounded worried. Lin Kang though knew his father well. He understood this was a preface to an upcoming advice so he only nodded silently.

As he expected, after a while, Elder Lin said, "Have you ever heard of the saying, behind every successful man is a woman?"

Lin Kang nodded with a frown. He did not quite understand where his father was going with this. How was that related to anything?

Lin Kang waited for his father to explain but instead of providing further clarification, Elder Lin turned the subject of the conversation around by asking another question, "But do you know what is behind every successful woman?"

Lin Kang could not say he had ever pondered that question before so he shook his head.

Elder Lin waited a beat before adding, "Behind every successful woman is herself."

Then Elder Lin walked away, leaving Lin Kang to ruminate over the pearl of wisdom that he had dropped.

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