Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 56:The New System?

Even though Joann had her eyes closed, she could not fall asleep because Xu Jing kept her awake with constant live updates like, "He is moving in… Damn the man! But wait… He is leaning back again?!", "Sylvia is asking him for something and the man has handed it to her, I wonder what could it be? An item to mark their love?", "They are just sitting there… doing nothing? What exactly are they up to? Is it because they know we are watching them?"

Joann eventually opened her eyes and sighed, "If you want to know so bad, why don't you just go ahead and ask them?"

Xu Jing sat in his seat, visibly agonizing over the option. He was seriously considering his wife's suggestion, to just burst out and demand an explanation from the questionable young man in person.

However, as someone who once had a, shall we say, colorful period of youth, he knew how slippery these young'uns could be. After all, he was once one himself. He felt like he needed an ironclad evidence before he could get any real and truthful answer from the young man.

Joann sighed once more as she turned her head towards the car before them. To be fair, a part of her was indeed curious and she too had the same confusion that crowded her husband's mind. She repeated her husband's question in her mind, 'They are just sitting there, doing nothing? What exactly are they up to? Is it because they know we are watching them?'

Like Xu Jing, Joann was once young as well. There were many things a couple could do inside a car, while on a late night joy ride. Hell, she and Xu Jing did quite a number of those things when they were young and about.

Joann blushed out of Xu Jing's sight as the memories flushed back. However, she soon snapped out of it and focused attention on her daughter and the man whom she began to suspect really was not her boyfriend at all.

In the other car, Sylvia took the passenger seat and the man was the driver. They were not physically touching like most young couples would do, normally, a young couple could not get their hands off each other.

Due to the distance, it was impossible for Joann to tell whether the two were talking or not but she believed they were not because Sylvia and the man's heads were both turned down a specific direction, focusing on the entrance of one of the apartment buildings instead of at each other.

If anything, it felt like they were doing exactly the same thing what Xu Jing and Joann were doing, on a stake-out. Then the question remained, 'Xu Jing and Joann were following their daughter so who are they staking out for?'

Joann was yanked out of her contemplation when Xu Jing placed his hand on her arm, saying, "Look, they are doing something! What are they up to?!"

Joann saw Sylvia and the man lean down lower into their seats and Sylvia pulled up something square and boxy to place before her chest. The object caught the glint of the light from the lamppost and Joann was almost sure it was a camera. Sylvia pointed the object at the building they had been watching all this while.

Seeing this, things started to click for Joann. She could feel a fire burning through her. This was a betrayal of the utmost degree, even worse than finding out her daughter was out late at night with a boyfriend.

Joann turned her gaze towards the apartment in question and her suspicion was confirmed. This was because she spotted someone familiar exiting the entrance. It was Zao Ming, Lee Mu's personal assistant and agent.

Now she understood why this place felt so familiar. This was the address for her friend and co-star, Lee Mu. She had recollection of this place because she was invited over once for a housewarming party when Lee Mu first bought the place. She had not been back ever since.

There was a flurry of motions in the car in front of them as Zao Ming pulled out his key, got into his car and drove away. They were probably busy finding angle and snapping photos.

After Zao Ming's car turned the corner and disappeared into the city, Xu Jing still had no idea what had happened. He asked Joann blurrily, "What was that all about? And now they are leaving? What is the meaning of all this?"

A trace of befuddlement entered his voice and he had a sneaking feeling the man was not actually Sylvia's secret boyfriend but he could not tell who he was and what they were up to.

If this was not Sylvia's secret boyfriend then why did she come out to meet him so late at night and on top of that decided to keep this whole affair a secret? If it was not a romantic relationship, Sylvia could have told the family about it openly.

Little did Xu Jing know the key to answering all these questions was sitting right beside him.

Before Xu Jing could get further clarification from his wife, Joann shoved the car door open and jumped out. Xu Jing was at a loss. 'What has taken over her?'

Joann marched angrily towards Sylvia's car. Sylvia probably did not notice her approach or else she would have asked the man to drive them away directly.

Like an apparition, Joann materialized in the window next to Sylvia and when she saw the camera equipment and writing supplies in the car, her fury was lit up like oil to the fire.

She knocked on the window with a grim face and Sylvia rolled it down after some hesitation. Sylvia looked at her mother with an awkward smile and a barely concealable terror on her face.

"Good evening, moth…" Sylvia began but she was cut off by Joann who demanded in a stern voice, "What are you doing here?"

Sylvia stuttered, "I... I just acquired a reporter system and this is my first mission?"

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