Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 59:The Persuasion (1)

Xiu Ling had already drafted a plan in her mind before Xu Jing even finished telling the story. When he was done, she said, "Okay, I understand. I will try to talk to Joann tomorrow."

After a brief silence, Xu Jing asked on the phone, "Thank you but how can you be sure Joann will still attend the meeting? She does not seem like she is in the mood to go anywhere."

Xu Jing's worry was not unfounded. Joann in the living room had her mood alternating between exasperation and concern. In any case, her mind was fully occupied by Sylvia. It did seem like she did not have the luxury of time to deal with anything else.

Xiu Ling replied with confidence, "Because Joann is nothing but a woman of her words," however, considering how unique the circumstances were this time, after a moment of hesitation, Xiu Ling added, "But if she does not feeling like coming, please try to convince her. The distraction will be good for her. Tell her, I am here if she needs to talk."

"Alright, thank you, Xiu Ling. I do not know what I would have done without you."

"You're welcome. Hopefully, I will be able to help," Xiu Ling said before hanging up. The issue of the infidelity was thus pushed back once more.

Xiu Ling did know her friend well because as she predicted, Joann did depart for their Three Months Club's meeting without any push or coercion from Xu Jing.

When she arrived at Spring Leaf Café, Xiu Ling was already there. It was 2 pm and the lunch crowd had already left so the place was rather deserted. Xiu Ling occupied the table that was near the kitchen and away from the open windows that lined the front wall of the café.

When Joann got near, she saw there were a copy of newspaper and a cup of half-empty tea on the table. Xiu Ling greeted her with a smile as she sat down and she replied her with a forceful twitch of her lips. Joann knew the 'smile' on her face seemed insincere but that was everything she could manage at the moment.

However, Xiu Ling did not seem to mind it. As Joann sat down, Xiu Ling asked kindly, "Joann, would you like to have anything to eat or drink?"

"I will just have what you are having." Joann said lamely. It felt like the woman was just going through the motion, there was a lack of soul behind her eyes.

Xiu Ling flagged the waiter down and when he arrived, made the order, "Another cup of green tea please. Thank you."

After the waiter left, Xiu Ling got into the gist of why they were there. "Xu Jing called me yesterday night and had told me everything. Joann, how are you holding up?"

Joann looked at her best friend's concern-filled eyes and she smiled in spite of herself, "Can be worse I suppose. I have wrecked my brain trying to figure it out but still, I fail. Why, why would she do something like this?"

The key to persuasive speech is not to challenge the ideal or stance of the person you are trying to persuade from the get-go. First, agree with them to get them to let their guard down, make them feel you are an ally. After that, you slowly work in your perspective.

Xiu Ling went along with what Joann had said, "Indeed, Sylvia is old enough to understand the impact her decision will have. She should have the faculty to consider this further and evaluate closely how it might affect her life and the lives of the people around her."

"I am glad you see it this way, now if only Sylvia will be able to see it as well."

"Then, have you talked to Sylvia about this. Can she explain to you why she had done the thing she did? Why she chose to do this behind your back? What is her motivation?"

"I…" Joann was stumped. "The child has gone completely radio silence on me. How am I supposed to know what she is or was thinking if she refuses to communicate?"

"Then, how about you hazard a guess? Joann, you are her mother, you should have a guess as to why she is doing this, right?" Xiu Ling asked.

"Is there any other reason than she is trying to anger me to my death?" Joann said without giving it a second thought.

"You are just saying that. You know how much Sylvia respects and loves you," Xiu Ling said softly. In negotiation, when the other party is in a more pliable mood, try to correct them when possible to prove that you are there as an objective party and not someone who is trying to push their own agenda. Furthermore, one can use props if it is productive to your negotiation.

"If Sylvia is as bad as you said, she would have published the story on Lee Mu already." Xiu Ling picked up the copy of newspaper, unfolded it and passed the entertainment section to Joann.

Joann read through it cursorily. There was indeed no news article written on Lee Mu. "That is only because they do not have enough evidence to construct a story."

"But when has that ever stopped a paparazzi? Posting incomplete story as the whole picture is all paparazzi does, isn't it? That was what you told me, Joann." The best way to turn an argument around is to use the other party's words back at them, this is the most effective way to undermine an argument.

Joann was silent and Xiu Ling continued, "This could be a peace offering and a sign that perhaps Sylvia is not as an unethical of a reporter as you assume she is."

Xiu Ling could see her best friend slowly being swayed. She understood Joann needed some time to think and process so she took a step back and allowed her some peace.

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