Table for Two [Completed]

Chapter 81:The Problem of Education (5)

"You mean, the kid? He suffers from a sudden stomach virus and has to use the toilet," Lin Kang lied without even batting an eye.

"Huh?!" The reason was hard to believe. However, it sounded so preposterous that it had a truthful ring to it, because if not, the creator of such a lie had to be specially gifted in the mind. "Then, what are we supposed to do? Find another coach?" Xiu Ling said with a frown.

"There's no need I can be the coach," volunteered Lin Kang. Xiu Ling rewarded her husband with another inquisitive gaze but she soon came to terms with it. As Mrs. Lin had said, Lin Kang attended these classes since he was very young so he was a proficient swimmer. Furthermore, if it was Lin Kang who taught Lin Xi how to swim, it would work to improve their relationship. Xiu Ling could see nothing wrong with this arrangement. "Okay then."

"First, you have to stop babying the child. Here, let me." Lin Kang proceeded to take the responsibility away from Xiu Ling.

Lin Kang first began with lesson on how to paddle in the water. He took Lin Xi to the edge of the pool, sat the boy down and asked him to kick his legs repeatedly. This was to train the strength of his legs. After all, movement in water was mostly dependent on powerful thigh and calf muscles.

Xiu Ling swam to the side as she observed Lin Kang with his son. The man was strict but fair, stern but not stingy with his words of encouragement.

Looking back Xiu Ling had to admit, when she agreed to this contractual marriage, she was afraid that the man might not be a good father. There were understandably some ups and downs along the way but now she could objectively say that the man was an acceptable, if not wonderful, father for Lin Xi. If this was a test, Lin Kang definitely scored.

Xiu Ling smiled as she saw the joy that light up Lin Xi's face as he learned how to swim from his father.

The focus of a mother's life is often her child and knowing how much Lin Kang sincerely care about and love Lin Xi, Xiu Ling thought, 'Perhaps this is not such a bad life, raising Lin Xi with him. After all, he is the boy's father.'

Xiu Ling was busy evaluating her life but her train of thought was interrupted when Lin Kang called for her.

"Xiu Ling!" The man waved for her to come close. Xiu Ling obeyed.

When she got close enough, she could hear the man tell Lin Xi, "Now, Lin Xi, I want you to kick the water out from behind you. Your mommy and daddy are going to pull you gently forward as aid, okay?" The directions were directed at Lin Xi but they were for Xiu Ling's benefit as well so that she would know what to do.

Lin Xi nodded uncertainly and Lin Kang added, "Don't worry, we'll not let go of you."

Xiu Ling also nodded in encouragement as she reached out to grab her son's hand. Lin Kang grabbed the other and they slowly guided Lin Xi forward. Lin Xi's feet splashed water behind him as he moved forward. The boy seemed to enjoy this very much.

Everything was going smoothly until Xiu Ling tripped. The floor of the pool was more slippery than she thought and she was way too focused on Lin Xi to pay attention to her steps. One of her feet landed unevenly in the water and she toppled backwards. Before she fell, she remembered to release her grasp on Lin Xi's hand in case she pulled him down with her.

She expected to choke on the water as she submerged under the surface but that did not happen. Xiu Ling regained her senses and she realized Lin Kang was holding her.

It appeared like the man had released his grasp on Lin Xi as well at the last minute and quickly rushed over to save his wife. He had his powerful arms snaked around Xiu Ling's waist and the momentum carried him forward until his face was inches away from Xiu Ling's.

Since the distance between them was so short, Xiu Ling found herself looking into Lin Kang's eyes. They were strong and powerful, and they spoke of the man's indomitable spirit. Xiu Ling looked up and she saw water droplets that stuck to the tip of the man's hairs fell downward pulled by gravity. They landed on her hair and face before sliding back into the pool.

This was a face that she had seen every day and once she feared as well as hated but at that moment, with the sun shining down on them, Xiu Ling had to admit the man had an Adonis-like look. The man had a sharp nose, strong jawline and fierce gaze. In a way, the man's face was all lines and edges which Xiu Ling once thought was heartless and unfeeling but that day, she found it to be handsome and manly.

They say water is a better conductor of sound compared to air and that might be true because with her ears half-submerged into the water, Xiu Ling managed to hear something that sounded like someone's rapid heartbeat. However, she had a hard time ascertaining whose it belong to. Could it be hers? Or might it be his?

Time seemed to have stood still in that moment until a squirt of water splashed both Lin Kang and Xiu Ling on their faces. Then, the magic of the moment was halted.

Lin Kang hastily removed his arms from around Xiu Ling and Xiu Ling retreated a safe distance from the man with her head lowered to hide the colour that rose to her face. It was difficult to tell whether it was due to shyness or being caught in an awkward pose at a public place.

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